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Welcome 2


Name and surname _______________________________________ Date _________________

Class _______________ Mark _________________

Test B

I. Make plural of the nouns-

1. a coconut ______________ 4. a bus _______________ 7. a box __________________

2. a woman ______________ 5. a mouse _____________ 8. a notebook ______________
3. a lorry ________________ 6. a pencil _______________ 9. a boy ___________________

II. Complete with a/an/some-

1. _____ bottle of lemonade 4. ______ oranges 7. ______ coconut

2. _____ lemons 5. ______ apple 8. ______ egg
3. ______ juice 6. ______melons 9. ______ carton of milk /18p

III. Match-

pineapple melon lemon coconut mango lime watermelon


IV. Complete-

1. j __ r 3. m __lo__ 5. l__ me 7. c__co_u_ 9. l__mo__

2 c__ r__ on 4. p __c__e__ 6. w__te__me__on 8. b_ t_l _ 10. ma __ g__ /10p

V. Look and complete-

Welcome 2

1. (basket) There is one basket. 1. (basket) There are two baskets.

2. (knife) __________________________ 2. (knife) ___________________________
3. (fork) ___________________________ 3. (fork) ___________________________
4. (glass) __________________________ 4. (glass) __________________________
5. (child) ____________________________ 6. (child) __________________________
6. (man) ____________________________ 8. (man) ________________________ /10p

VI. Circle the correct answer-

1. There is a bottle/jar of jam on the table. 4. Id like a can/ packet of cola.

2. I need a packet/carton of milk. 5. Would you like a kilo/ slice of cake.
3. Can you buy a kilo/bottle of lemonade. 6. There is a kilo/packet of biscuits. /6p

VII. Complete with: can, jar, kilo, packet, carton-

VIII. Translate the sentences-

1. There are three men and five women in the restaurant.


2. Can I have a glass of water, please? Of course, here you are. Thank you.


3. Heres the shopping list for the school bazaar. We need lemons, coconuts and melons

______________________________________________________________________________ /21p

: / 100p

0 19 = 1 20 39 = 2 40 59 = 3 60 79 = 4 80- 100 = 5

Good Luck!

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