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Test case 2 for change ELZG Mindestgarantie ab 1.1.2018 (EL.2017.


Application couple with entitlement of Mindestgarantie on KRP over KEL

(EL = Income surplus / KEL or IPV_KEL > 0)

Test case:

User creates EL application:

User enters check entitlement.

User creates new period from 01.2018

User enters rent of 18'000.-.
User checks the health insurance lumpsum of 4'512.- on expenses tab
User enters following pension:

User checks the calculation tab and that the KRP (*2) is shown: 8'064.-
It is not the value of RDP, that is shown on the expenses tab.
User opens calculation sheet.
1. In the top part under expenses the value from expenses is shown "Prmienpauschale
Krankenversicherung (IPV)
2. User checks the additional text between the calculation part and the benefit part.
3. User checks the values in the benefit part, that it is the KRP and not the RDP of the expenses

Sie haben Anspruch auf die volle Vergtung der individuellen Prmienverbilligung fr die obligatorische
Krankenpflegeversicherung. Der Pauschalbetrag die massgebende Richtprmie (vgl. 5 und 7 Abs. 2
des Gesetzes ber die individuelle Prmienverbilligung in der Krankenpflegeversicherung, IPVG) wird
direkt an die Krankenversicherung ausbezahlt. Diese wird Ihnen eine Abrechnung zustellen.
User creates another period 05.2017 12.2017 and copies the data of existing period from 01.2018

User checks, that on the calculation tab there is shown the value of RDP, which is the same as on the
expenses tab 9'024.- (because the period is for 2017)
User opens calculation sheet and checks, that all values related to health insurance lumpsum are of the
RDP (9'024.-)
User checks, that no test is shown in between the calculation part and the benefit part.
User saves the benefit, accounting and decree tab and does an preview on the decree.
1. User checks, that the decreed values for 2017 are from RDP (752).
2. User checks, that the decreed values for 2018 are from the KRP (672)

User gibt im Tab "Abschluss" die Mutation frei.

After finalizing and activating the alteration, the batch ELJ025 has to be run for main payment run.
ELJ025 is necessary for IPV-notifications.
The created postbasket entry IG_EL_0801 has to provide the information for every person and period like
shown below.

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