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skimmed milk powder suspension (2%)

standard protease (trypsin) solution (1%) IRRITANT
6 test tubes and holder
stop clock
2 pipettes
eye protection
access to colorimeter
2 cuvettes
distilled water


1. Dilute 1% of trypsin stock solution and 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8%, with total of
2. 2cm3of trypsin solution+ 2cm3 of distilled water in cuvette. Set
colorimeter absorbance to 0
3. 2cm3 of milk solution + 2cm3 of trypsin solution in new cuvette
4. Mix, Place in colorimeter, start stopwatch
5. Measure absorbance immediately and then at 15 second intervals (or
more frequently if recording electronically) for 5 minutes, or until there
is little change in absorbance.
6. Rinse the cuvette with distilled water and repeat for each concentration.

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