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Llegada. Con reserva.

Saludo. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night.

How can I help you?

Pedir datos, documentos. (Do you have a reservation?)

(Your name, please?)
Could I see your passport please?
We need some copies
Could you please fill in this registration form?

Pago. Bono.
o Could I see your credit card please?
o Could I verify your credit card nomber please?
o card payment or cash?
Explicar funcionamiento. 804 - eight oh four.
Would you like breakfast?
Breakfast's from 7am till 10am

Entregar llaves. Here's your room key.

Bienvenida. Welcome.
Pueden llamar If you need anything, dial 0 for reception.
Enjoy your stay!
your room's on the floor

Imprevistos en la llegada.
would you like any help with your luggage?
The Weather.

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