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_ SQL Statement Categories: DDL Lesson 4: Data Definition gpennoge (001) Pat ‘Statements for querying Statements for gsfning Statements for assigning andmodiying daa database objects: securty permissions, sseuecT CREATE GRANT INSERT + ALTER, REVOKE Sukanya Suranauwarat 2 teoate que Graduate School of Applied Statistics, NIDA + DELETE Focus of this lesson 16101 Date Design and Mamogemen!: Practical Agroch * Databases _ Databases (2) = Adatabase Is effectively a container for tables and = Example: related metadata, = Alayer of access security, AENTE DATABASE university = In MySQL, a database is implemented as a file system directory or folder that contains the files that represent the tables in the database. = Syntax create database statement, i Tables ae Tables (2) + Each table has heading or defniton part and a body or + Besides column defintions, table definition can contains content part ‘overal able options, index specifications, constraint coun defons declaration and othor toms. _— Syntax CREATE TABLE (IF NO? SXISTS) ( s"type> {ceolund eptiona>] {ae = a Seed alee eats cotimn mettle 3) metitles (4) Example + In MySOL, table definition i keptin «fxm fle in talabese dreciory ( CREATE TABLE course ( = In MySQL 5.6.6 and higher, each InnoDB table and its Zoorsehe Sanco), indexos are stored ina separlo ba daa fle by Ceanitis — vancaanassy, eee al sawane = Each such . ihc data fle represents an individual tablespace + In MySQL 57.6, InnoDB invoduced genera ano> or Descars= tablespaces, which ae shared tablespaces created pate? fused io vow ie table definition eee eee eon ayia 980" CREATE. TABLE is used fo view the MySQL They canbe created outside of the MySQL data creat able statement directory, aro capable of holding multiple tables, and se ‘support tables of all row formats, sides paecormon SQL Data Types CHARIL) \VARCHAR(L) INTEGER FLOATIP) = DECIMAL(W, R) = Date/Time: DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP = BOOLEAN Data Type Options (2) ‘= ZEROPILL + Pads the displayed value with zeros up to the display width invoice INTEGER(6) Z8ROPILL NOT NULL ‘Can the data type options be placed after the column options? det! = Data Type Options ‘= UNSIGNED «= Prevents the negative part of a range from being Used. + Additionally for integers the positive side of the range is effectively doubled. age TINYINT UNSIGNED No? NULL price DECTMAL(S,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DECIAL(2) can store any wt fr ot and tdci, as Constraints = Aconstraint isa rule that a relational database must, satisfy in order to be valid = Types: «= Primary Key (PK) «= Foreign Key (FK) = Unique = Required (NOT NULL) = Check = Placement: «= Inline (as part ofa column definition) «= External (after column definitions) ie Constraint Placement Examples: Oracle + Inine: constraint keyword and constraint namo are optional isso, CUAR/C) GOWSYRAIIT PRCouree PRIMARY MOY (Coureeto) SEES VRIGIAK 2S8) CONSTHAIDT Dntquatratieie ‘Durgue (crenssie), + Extomat: constraint keyword and constant name aro optional Eestitle VARCHAR (255), EONSTHAINY Uniqueceatitie UNIQUE (CeeTatie) Constraint Syntax Examples = Inline / Extemal: sie) + cousreaiu ex0fSe=N0 KEY (0fFe=No) (-Staclase 1m (°#R', "80", "IR, 188") ) coustaarie offvearvalid cus ( offYoar > 1970) sles Constraint Placement Examples: = MySQL + nine: constant keyword and constant namo are ot alowed + Extornat: constant keyword and consraint name are optional | SOMBAAIOT Gniguecratieke IgEN(Geenitaa) ae constrint Syntax Examples (2) Inline Only: = External Only: PRIMARY KEY OEferto, StdNoy ie s Sample Tables Student Offering Enrollment = Constraint Examples: student (Gesciaee Gm CMR, $0" sam, 8m 9 9, Gick(sedcen serwe! om '6) slide 19 pefesreotical Depiction ae constrint Examples: enrollment (CREATE TASLE Enzoliaent ( stave CHARAaL) Barcrade DECIMAL (3,2), (c#fenio, stato), (CONSTRAINT FKOEterio FOREIGN KEY (OfferHo) [REFERENCES Offering (OfferNo), (CONSTRAINT FKStANo FOREIGN KEY (Sto) REFERENCES Student (StaNo) ie 20 i Constraint Examples: offering caenne, nasi offering Goureeio GARE)" now won, ‘CONSTRAINT TRCourueWo FOREIGN XEY (CourseNo} SGEPERINGES Couese (Coueeeno). Sinrenunces racaley” (Fecho} * Foreign Key Constraints = AFK is a column or combination of columns that is used to establish and enforce a link between the data in two tables. = AF constraint does not have to be linked only to a PK constraint in another table (i. parent table); can also be defined to reference the columns of a UNIQUE constraint in another table. = AFK constraint can contain null values ‘= however, if any column of a composite FK constraint contains nul values, verification of all values that ‘make up the FK constraint is skipped. = We can create a foreign key by defining a FK constraint when we create or modify a table, slide 28 ae Primary Key Constraints = APKis a column or combination of columns that contain values that uniquely identify each row in the table = A table can have only one PK constraint = Accolumn that participates in the PK constraint cannot ‘accept null values (Entity integrity constrain’). = If PK constraint is defined on more than one column, values may be duplicated within one column, but each combination of values from all the columns in the PK constraint definition must be unique. = We can create a primary key by defining a PK constraint when we create or modify a table. + Unique Constraints = We can use UNIQUE constraints to make sure that no duplicate values are entered in specific columns that do ‘not participate in a primary key. = Although both a UNIQUE constraint and a PK constraint ‘enforce uniqueness, use a UNIQUE constraint instead of a PK constraint when you want to enforce the Uniqueness of a column, or combination of columns, that is not the PK. ‘= Multiple UNIQUE constraints can be defined on a table, ‘whereas only one PK constraint can be defined on a table i Unique Constraints (2) = A’so, unlike PK constraints, UNIQUE constraints allow for the value NULL. = AUNIQUE constraint can be referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint a Check Constraints = CHECK constrains limits the values that are accepted by one or more columns. 1 We can create a CHECK constraint with any Boolean expression = We can apply multiple CHECK constraints to a single column. = We can also apply a single CHECK constraint to ‘multiple columns by creating it atthe table level = All columns must be from the table defined in the CREATE TABLE statement i NOT NULL Constraints ‘= NULL means that no entry has been made, «= implies thatthe value Is either unknown or undefined. = We can disallow nul values for a column by using the NOT NULL constraints. Notes on INSERT STATEMENT: ‘owe NULL a Check Constraints (2) ‘+ SQL compilers wll not permit check constraints that involve columns from a tebe diferent than table + MySOL does not support check consrant. * We can define them in our DDL statement for compaiiy reasons but they ae just ignored _ Referential Integrity Constraint 1 Referential integrity constraint: ‘The value ofa foreign key ‘must either: + match one of the values ofthe primary key in the referred table, or + be nul = Referentialintogrity constraint places an ordering on: + insertion of rows from diferent tables, and + dropping related tables. = Delete Cascade = Delete Set-to-Null = Update: 1 Update Restrict = Update Cascade = Update Setto-Nul slide 31 Referential Integrity Constraint (2) ‘= Operations on child table (Le. table with a FK) Insert = update that violate the constraint, then an error is generated, and that modification is not allowed, = Operations on parent table (i, table with a PK) = delete = update that violates the constraint and ifthe referential integrity ‘was defined initially with some special options then itis. possible for tho DBMS to automatically modify the child table so that the constraint isnot violated, “des as Delete / Update Restrict Option 1» The delete restrict option (default option) does not allow ‘a record to be deleted if its PK value is referred to by FK value, '= The update restrict option (default option) does not allow the PK value of a record to be changed ifits PK value is referred by a FK value. a sides Delete Cascade Option ARE emoioyee SS Update Cascade Option he: Set-to-Null Option uaa 20) Ser ae. mtan FEY (pels) aaranencrs gpersnee ies _s epee Set-to-Null Option Fonston SEY (Gupela} RECERENCES daparenen= Ve sie ie = Index. ‘= An indexis used to improve the speed of retrieval for ‘queries that take advantage of it «= tis the difference between full table scans and immediate location of tuples += Orders of magnitude performance difference = Undertying data structures += Balanced trees (B trees, B+ trees) = Hash tables Index: Conceptual View (CREATE TWOEK eustaane index OM eustoner (custnanel + ———— ie 9 Full Table Scan maetnden: B-Tree sie 8 se deo maetncex Issues ets of Indexes ‘= Slows data manipulation operations because itis ‘= Single-Column Indexes ‘dynamically maintained «= Index on a single column of a table + Index creation can be a faily time consuming operation Unique inden, = Also requires additional storage space = Perform the same way as regular index 1» Too many indexes are a bad thing += Disallow duplicate values += Composite Indexes «= Index on two or more columns of a table. ‘Implicit Indexes = Are automaticaly created = Ex: PK and unique constraints = Why are indexes automatically created for thes site constraints? sheet Index Syntax as Autoincrement ‘CREATE INDEX ON + Example! («column_name>) ; = CREATE INDEX ON name YARGHAR(ZSS) ~ (, ) 2 gee ee state CHARIZ), sip CHAR(20} = CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON vs ) (): ~ ~ 1» Only one column can be given AU20_INCREMENT and that column must be: + an integer of some types, and slide a3 + an index dese = DROP INDEX ON y vate” Table: Add / Drop a Column ‘9D [COUN] {eoluan_option] [eaner | APTER Zeolname> Dade" (COLUMN) matter Table: Add / Drop a Constraint ALTER TABLE. s straint name>] slide 7 vette” Table: Alter a Column Caer feos) Zola colame_cane> complete nov colusn definitions (E28Gt T AMIEN-cevinene>) X J as View 1 Aview is a saved query, ‘= A view looks like a table and acts like a table as far as a user is concemed. It contain no data, = Aviowis stored as a . Frm fle just lke any table in the database directory. = Definition and properties stored as plain text. «= Its check sum must be correct for view to be useable. 1 Syntax: eas + Why Use Views = To reuse SQL statements. = To simplify complex SQL operations. After the query is written, it can be reused easily, without having to know the details of the underlying query itself. = To expose parts ofa table instead of complete tables. 1 To secure data. Users can be given access to specific sub-sets of tables instead of to entire tables, = To change data formatting and representation, Views can retum data formatted and presented differently from their underlying tables.

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