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Describe a couple
2. Describe a piece of clothing
3. A TV drama series/ movie/book => can have same content
4. English lesion that you enjoy ( vo 2017)
5. Describe a person solved problems in a clever way
Describe an interesting neighbor
Describe a helpful neighbor
Describe a police
Describe a famous person ( vo 2017)
You could describe your neighbor who is a famous police in your area because he can
solve problems cleverly
6. Describe an interesting experience during your childhood
Describe an occasion when everyone smiled
A time when talk with a stranger
A wedding you have been to
An occasion you got good service from a company/shop
Experience you had in the countryside
You could describe a wedding in the countryside which you attended when was a child, all
people there were happy, you met a stranger and talk with him/her about the company
which held the welding, its quality of the service and food.
7. Describe a favorite sport you like to watch/play
8. A bicycle tour
A future plan not related to work/study
A trip plan to take
A plan that you havent done yet
A leisure activity near sea
A trip by bicycle to place near sea and have some our door activities.
9. A city/ town you have been to
A crowd place
A place you can swim
You can describe Hanoi, and West lake (where to swim)
10. A kind of weather/season you like
11. An organization/company which employs a lot of ppl
A shop/coffee shop just open in hometown
Well-paid job you like to do in future
Quite place you can go
You can talk about a chain of convenience shops where employ a lot of young people, just
open one brand in your hometown. Its a quite place to go, if you work there, may get high
salary for high position
12. A statue/painting you see before
-Person in history impresses you
=> painting/statue/history of a person => describe about a persons appearance and her/his
13. An important change in your life
A time when you moved to a new house/ school
A decision that you disagree with
Change house => disagree => change life
14. An occasion you have a cake
Free gift
A foreign food you try
Occasion you have free gift => cake made in foreign style
15. Important invention change life
Useful website you often visit
Mobile phone
Invention of mobile phone = > access internet easily (no need computer)
16. A kind of vegetable/plant
17. Occasion waiting for something
An appointment
Interesting speed/talk
Wait for meeting with important speaker who talked about technology development
(invention as mobile, internet..)
18. Interesting house/apartment

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