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Renar 1

Wyatt Renar

Ms. Lukins

Language Arts Period 1

9 October 2017

Sacrifices for Entertainment

I had just woke up from my cozy bed.

Today is the big day. I sighed to myself. Today was the day that I had to

risk my life for the peoples entertainment. I headed down to the barracks to get

ready. When I got there I saw my golden colored helmet and chestplate, my spear

and shield lay on the ground in front of it. I was the current gladiator champion for

a couple of months now so it wasnt my first time wearing this armor. As I was

putting the armor on, I thought to myself, This may be the last time I ever wear this

armor. But of course, I say that to myself every time. In about a minute it would be

my time to get out there. I gathered my final thoughts and stepped on to the hot


The crowd went wild. I could see my friend across the stadium Well he

was my friend until now. The men on their horses charged out from their

barracks. As soon as the men on the horses were out of the barracks I ran out onto

the stadium right behind them. One of the men on the horses had already killed my

friend within a matter of seconds after the battle started. Adrenaline was pumping
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through my veins, I looked behind me and saw one of the men on the horses

charging behind me, luckily I was close to the wall. I waited for the horse to get

only a few feet away from me when I jumped to the side. The horse got knocked

out as soon as its long face smacked into the wall. The jockey was barely injured.

He leaped off of his horse and started swung his sword at me. I barely avoided

getting struck by his sharp sword, and suddenly I started to hear thumping behind

me It was another jockey, this time the jockey had his sword out this time, ready

to get me, but I was able to swing my sword at the current gladiator I was fighting,

I didnt swing it that hard so it only went about halfway through his left leg. The

thumping became very loud. I jumped to my right, and ducked. The jockey

impaled the current gladiator I was fighting, killing him instantly, The horse the

jockey was riding ran right into the gladiator's sword, killing the jockeys horse.

The horse came to a stop so quickly, it flung the jockey at the wall, knocking him


Everyone else had been killed in one way or another, except for me and

someone else. It was a ground to ground battle, I ran at him, screaming at the top

of my lungs. I had my sword out, ready to get him right in the heart. Ive been a

gladiator for long enough to know all of the dips, bumps, and holes in the ground.

In front of him was a well known dip, once I realized that it was there, I started

walking, then I slowly came to a stop. The other gladiator looked confused, but he
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kept sprinting. Only a matter of seconds later, his foot, stomped into the large dip,

he flung forward, still screaming. His face impacted the ground so hard I could

hear the cartilage in his nose snap as he fell to the ground. I ran over to him, and

impaled his heart, I had won the battle.

I was still the champion. The crowd cheered for me. My body felt like it was

about to shut down because I was so exhausted. My grip loosened and I dropped

my sword.

Man! I am completely unharmed! I exclaimed. But I felt a liquid, dripping

on my leg. I glanced at my leg and saw a small puddle of blood on and next to my

leg. I looked at my hand and saw that I only had 4 fingers on my left hand. My

index finger was on the floor with a puddle of blood underneath it. I reached down

and picked up the severed finger.

Who wants it? I yelled at the crowd. The spectators came down into the

arena and fought over the severed finger. I got up and walked back the barracks.

Right before I would leave the arena, I glanced behind me and saw a swarm of

starving people still fighting over the finger.

Animals I said to myself and left the arena, holding my spot as the

gladiator champion.

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