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Dirty water is the world's biggest health risk, and continues to threaten both quality of life

and public health. To protect our water from pollution we should improve protections to reduce
pollutants like bacteria and viruses, which threaten humans' health and well being.

To monitor pollutants that cause respiratory disease like Asthma and cardiac-vascular
problems governments should invest in green energy such as wind energy and solar energy, and
get rid of the classic power plants to minimize burning of fossil fuels, which cause heavy air
pollution. Also car manufacturing companies should start introducing only energy based

High temperatures encourage the spread of infectious diseases. To reduce the temperature
requires a very long period of time but if we start making changes now, in a few decades the
changes would for sure be radical. Solutions for global warming would be boosting energy
efficiency, reducing the transportation sector's emissions by switching to low-carbon fuels and
by developing and deploying new low-carbon and zero-carbon technologies, also managing
forests and agriculture because taken together, tropical deforestation and emissions from
agriculture represent nearly 30 percent of the world's heat-trapping emissions. We can fight
global warming by reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and by making
our food production practices more sustainable.

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