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Why study the Bible?

As we all know, anyone can read the Bible in the same manner that one
would read any book. However, in order to discern Gods voice in the Bible, time
and patience are necessary components for a deep relationship and a two-way
conversation to develop. Therefore, both prayer (speaking to God) and reading the
Bible (listening to God) on a regular basis must occur. Additionally, it is necessary
to filter the words of Scripture through the lens of the original author, God
Himself. We are able to do this because God has disclosed His Essence and His
Attributes through the words of the prophets and in the words of Christ Jesus,
who is God incarnate. What then becomes apparent in reading the Bible when you
filter the words of the Bible through the lens of Gods essences and attributes is
that you will be able to discern mans voice from Gods voice in the Bible. This is
because both Satan and Mans voice can at times attempt to contradict Gods
essences and attributes. Therefore, you can always trust God because He will
never contradict Himself. God changeth not, because He is immutable. Also
remember that God is both capable and willing to reveal Himself to each individual
if we truly desire a relationship, God has provided all the necessary tools (Matthew
7:7,8). Finally, it is important that we do not rely on a third party to interpret Gods
Holy Word for us. Rather we should allow the Holy Spirit to guide our study by
examining Scripture through the perfect lens of Christ Jesus himself.
Learning how to study the Bible takes both time and patience. However, as
the old adage goes, if you give a man a fish (sermon) he will eat for one day
(Sunday), but if you teach a man to fish (study the Bible) he will be able to eat for a
lifetime. Additionally, as St. Augustine wrote, our heart is restless until it rests
in You (GOD). Therefore, until you allow God into your life by opening the door of
your heart, and listening to His voice through His holy Word, your heart will
remain shivering in the in cold darkness, and forever restless, anxious and easily

Which Bible should one use, and does it make a difference?

When you attempt to select a Bible you will discover differences within the
wording of the various translations, and there is a reason for this difficulty. Some
translations will focus on a thought for thought philosophy, while others will
attempt to translate on a word for word basis. While a case can be made for each
style, I believe that one should select the most accurate and precisely worded Bible
in order to be able to stay true to the actual text. Regarding which translation one
should select, the MEV, or Modern English Version, is a literal translation that is
newly available, and it is a great option. However, the New King James version is
usually readily available and is rated high on the accuracy chart.
In your first year of this cover to cover study I believe that the most
important take-away is to learn how to identify both Gods voice and mans voice
in the Bible so that you will not be deceived. This essential aspect of Bible study is
possible through the usage of the Attributes and Essence lists. Together the two
lists work as a lens from which you can begin to know and understand who God is
and what His will is for your life. Commentaries and additional instructions can
come after the foundation has been laid. To get you started there is a Reading
Schedule available on this site, as well as a place to address questions or concerns
regarding Scripture verses that you will be reading.
For individuals who are already involved in a daily cover-to-cover Bible
study, and who are already accustomed to using Strongs Concordance on a daily
basis, then I recommend the Interlinear which is an actual word-for-word
translation from the original Hebrew or Greek language from which the Bible was
written. While the wording in the Interlinear can be difficult or awkward at times,
due to a word-for-word translation from different languages, the Interlinear Bible
provides a Strongs number for each word taken from the Hebrew or Greek to
enable you to read the possible definitions for each word in the English language.
Surprisingly, you will find that some seemingly inconsequential word, such as the
word it, can have a profound meaning which can alter the meaning of the entire
sentence! Additionally, the Interlinear provides a closer wording format taken from
how the Bible was originally written.
If you chose a paraphrased Bible, such as the Living Bible or the NIV, which
are thought-to-though translations, you will allow the translators to decide for
you, not only the meaning, but also the phraseology. Another problem with a
paraphrased translation is that they often add or subtract from the actual words of
Scripture to follow their train of thought or their denominational or social biases.
Although, like all Bibles, the Interlinear does have some problems, such as
an occasional wrong number for a particular word, those problems are usually
easy to recognize and corrected with a little research. For my daily personal Bible
study, I prefer to use the Interlinear Bible alongside my new MEV.

What principles do you use to study the Bible?

The first and foremost principle I use to study the Bible is to funnel all the
words of Scripture through Gods self-proclaimed Essence and Attributes. God
speaks to us and corrects misinterpretations through the voice of the prophets and
through His only son Christ Jesus. Additionally, it is also important to allow
Scripture to interpret Scripture. One must not take a word, paragraph, or book
apart from the context of who God declares Himself to be. Also, it is essential to
allow the Bible to speak freely without imposing your personal bias or beliefs,
especially when your bias or beliefs conflict with Gods essence or attributes. Too
often we limit our understanding of Scriptures meaning because of personal bias,
denominational differences and various teachings.
The methodology I teach and endorse is essential because there are two
voices in Scripture, mans voice and Gods voice, and they often appear alongside
each other, and (at times) both claim to be God speaking. The way to recognize the
difference between mans voice and Gods voice in Scripture is to remember that
God never changes or contradicts His self-proclaimed attributes and essence, even
when it is written that God said . .

What resources are necessary for serious Bible study?

First and foremost I believe that everyone needs to keep a copy of the
Attributes and Essence lists of God present alongside any serious Bible study in an
effort to check ones interpretation of Scripture. While having a literal Bible
translation is all that is necessary for Bible study, for the truly serious student an
online or hard copy of the Interlinear Bible as a rubric is helpful to decipher the
actual words of Scripture. Also helpful is a primary literal translation such as the
NKJV or a MEV translation of the Bible for your daily reading. While having either
a hard copy of Strongs Concordance, or access to it online is helpful to both look
up and read the definition of each word in the Bible, it is not essential in the early
stage of reading through the Bible. Finally, while commentaries are helpful to give
a historical context as well as additional scholarly information, one must always be
cautious of denomination or personal biases in Commentaries.

Finally, what methodology is necessary for such an intense study?

To begin any Bible study always start with prayer, confess your sins and ask
for the presence of the Holy Spirit. Initially, I suggest that you begin your daily
Bible reading using the one-year Bible reading schedule available on this site. The
usage of this method will help you to establish a habit of daily Bible reading at a
scheduled time. After a Bible reading habit has been established, the Holy Spirit
may lead you to continue at a slower pace, which is necessary for a more in-depth
While studying the Bible I have also found it useful to highlight or underline
verses that I feel need additional study, or you can keep a notebook nearby to jot
down notes or questions. Our site has a location available for those who wish to
ask questions. After year-one and year-two of a daily Bible study habit, I have
found medical, geological, biological, anthropological, and other resource books, as
well as scholarly articles, helpful to compliment my understanding of issues that I
encounter in the Bible. However, a word of warning is necessary. I strongly
recommend that you use scholarly resources rather than untrustworthy sites
pulled up off the internet.
I have also found it very beneficial to have a study partner who will often
challenge and help me when life distractions threaten to break my Bible study
habit. A partner is also helpful to keep you centered in Scripture so that opinions
are Bible based on the Attributes and Essence of God. Finally, in your personal
study, with or without a study partner, always prayerfully consult God, return to
the Bible as a whole work, and remember Gods essence and attributes before you
come to any frivolous conclusions.

Options available for your Cover to Cover Bible study!

The ultimate goal of this website is to help you study the Bible on a daily
basis and in a cover to cover method in order to help you to know God in His
fullness. However, in the process of Bible study you will have questions that only
God can answer through an in-depth study of His word. God has already provided
answers to difficult Bible questions, and you can discover the answers without
relying on anothers interpretation. I will provide periodic examples of how one can
search out answers to questions such as; why God would allow Satan access to
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden by utilizing a word-study format which
reflects Gods essence and attributes. This web-site will provide additional
opportunities to discover how to find answers to questions that you will encounter
in your daily Bible study. Additionally, as you study Gods word we have an onsite
contact page whereby your questions, comments, and concerns can be addressed.
Moreover, on the contact page there are also opportunities for setting up a Bible
study workshop at your church or facility.
Getting to know God fully requires listening to His voice which is found in all
the books of the Bible, and meeting with God on regular basis when you read His
word and pray. This is especially important since reading only certain books of the
Bible will limit our knowledge of Gods totality. In the same way that you may have
only limited knowledge of people that you know in various contexts, such as work,
the church, the gym, or in a social setting, so too, to truly know God as our Father
we must listen to the totality of His voice in various settings and contexts disclosed
in all the books of the Bible. Therefore, to get to know God most completely one
needs to have a relationship with God, and relationship entails both speaking to
God in prayer and listening to His voice in Scripture. Finally, as I mentioned
earlier, I believe that this Bible study method, which encompasses the entire Bible,
will help you discover the most complete source of Gods self-revelation.

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