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9/28/2017 Ohm's Law

Ohm's Law
Using the relationship between current and drift velocity, I = nqvdA, we can write a relationship for current
density J, defined as the current I per cross-sectional area A, i.e., J = I/A = nqvd. Actually since J and vd can
both easily be associated with a direction, we can write a vector equation:
J = nqvd.
In many materials J is proportional to the electric field strength E. For these materials we can write
J = E,
which is known as Ohm's Law. is known as the conductivity of the material and its value depends upon the
material through which the current flows. A substance which obeys Ohm's law is said to be "Ohmic." Other
materials are known as "nonohmic.) The units of conductivity are AV-1m-1.

Suppose we have a length l of conducting wire or cross section A through which a current I is flowing in
response to an applied potential difference V. If the material is ohmic we can write I/A = J = E = V/l or V
= (l/A) I. The quantity l/A is called the resistance of the wire and is often symbolized by R. Thus for an
ohmic material we can also write
V = IR.
This expression is also sometimes referred to as Ohm's law since it is an equivalent form of expressing it.

The SI unit of resistance is called the ohm () and is defined by 1 = (1 V)/(1 A). Since R = l/A it is also
useful to define a quantity known as the resistivity by
= 1/.
Then R = (l/A). The units of resistivity are m. The resistivity of a substance normally increases with
temperature T. Over a limited temperature range that increase is approximately linear and we can write
= 0 [1 + (T - T0)],
where T0 is the temperature at which = 0. [C-1] is known as the temperature coefficient of resistivity.'s%20law.htm 1/1

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