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Shutts English II
Fallout Shelter Activity

SITUATION: Your group must reach a unanimous agreement as to who will go into the
Fallout Shelter. Bombs are dropping all over and time is short. There are 15 people waiting to
go into the shelter, but there is room and supplies for only 6 people to survive. Because these
people are in such a remote location, chances are they will be the only ones alive to
repopulate the earth. If left to decide for themselves, they will begin fighting and all will die,
but they will agree to abide by your decision.

Remember, it is important to make wise decisions and defend your reasoning, but it is also
important to work with the members of your group to find common ground. Lives depend
upon your ability to work as a team.

1. A 65-year-old Baptist minister, very kind and friendly. Knows how to
comfort people and put them at ease.
2. An aged farmer who is an expert in soil conservation, natural means of
producing growth in vegetation and various farming methods.
3. A 14-year-old boy, musical prodigy, plays 5 instruments with perfection.
4. A young girl, high school dropout, is 5 months pregnant, questionable IQ.
5. Mathematician, 28-year-old female, attractive, a wizard at solving
seemingly impossible problems of all sorts.
6. An architect, male, specializes in foundations for homes, highly creative.
7. Physician, 35, male, specializes in natural cures, holistic healing, is gay.
8. A Jewish rabbi, 41, carpenter, teacher, scholar, very friendly and helpful.
9. A poet, 55 years old, extremely high IQ, internationally famous, has
published several books of poetry and has read at inaugurations and for
heads of state around the world.
10. A librarian, 29, male, extremely well-read, excellent photographic memory,
organizer, good decision maker.
11. A policewoman with a gun. The two cannot be separated. She is intelligent,
quick to take the right action, plans well and thinks clearly.
12. 2nd-year law student, currently 4th in a class of 230, perceptive,
13. Engineering student, young, female, former model, pleasant personality.
14. and 15. Girl, 16, with young brother. The two are very close and will not be

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