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This novel teaches us many lessons about life

Based on the novel you have studied, discuss the lessons you have learnt based on one main event.
Support your answer with close reference to the text.


-The novel I read was Dear Mr. Kilmer by Anne Schraff.

-The novel is about Richard Knight, who likes to write poem and send letters to Mr. Kilmer
-Event: Three days after the picnic, Gus told Pa that he had enlisted in the Army and was shipping out for
basic training the next day.

1. Lesson 1 : We must have courage to do the right thing

-Gus is eager to join the Army
-He join the war even though his father disagreed.
-Gus promised he wouldnt get killed as he was too smart and tough for that
Opinion :
-In my opinion, if our country need us, we want be ready to serve.

2. Lesson 2 : We must love and value our family members

-When Gus tells Pa that he has enlisted in the Army, Pa was very angry
-He was worried for his eldest sons safety
-He is afraid of losing Gus like his brother, Roland, in the war
-He loves Gus so much that he could not bear to lose his eldest son in the war
Opinion :
-In my opinion, family relationship is stronger than any other relationship

3. Lesson 3 : We must be patriotic and sacrifice for our country

-Gus enlists because he wanted to do his patriotic duty
-He shipping out for basic training although Pa disagreed
Opinion :
-In my opinion, It is good to be loyal to ones country and fight for the nation when the time


- This novel teaches us many lessons about life

- We should always remember the lessons

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