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ANCIENT SECRET OF PERSONAL POWER: TETRAGRAMMATON Professor Hilton Hotema ANCIENT SECRET OF PERSONAL POWER by Prof. Hilton Hotema 1960 CONTENTS (Chapter Heaaings) Illustrated Prologue Kingdom Within 8. Endocrinology Perfection Is Within 9. Higher Conscfousness Secrets of the Body 10. Teteology hysterious Glands 11. Seership. Seven Astral Centers 12. Astral Light Tetragranmation 13. Living Fire Science of Sensology 14. Macrocosm & Microcosm 15. Time - Eternity In Connection with this work, the student should study Wan's Higher Consciousness by Prof. Hotema, which covers in detail the vital subjects of 1. Breathing 2. Drinking 3. Eating NOTICE TO ALL CONCERYED The author of this work is not open to any engagenents, does not receive visi- tors, nor grant interviews. He tells no fortunes, does not teach divinaticn, makes no predictions, composes no philters and lends hitself to no sorcery and no eveca- then. He is alhunble student of science and not a mn of superstiticn. The publisher of this work has no authority to comment on the postulates and cpiniens presented, not to give anyone the address of the author, His engagenent is simply to publish and sell this work, ad there his obligation ends. Bocks are sold ‘to be accepted or rejected, and the purpose of Prof. Hotems writings is to dissi~ pate darkness and to make people think, "All destiny begins with thinking," said Percival, and thinking is @ process most dangerous for the institutins of civiliza- ‘tim which control the masses by means of skillful brain-washing and mind-oondition— ing methods. Many who rejected certain titles sore years ago, have now discovered their error since they began to think and have become Hotema’é strongest supporters. The statesents in this work are the recitals of scientific findings, known facts relating to man and Creatim, and references to ancient writings a they are discovered and interpreted. No claim is make as to what any of the methods pre- sented may do for any me in my given case, and the author and the publisher assume no Gbligations for the opinions expressed. Health Research PO Box 850) Pomeroy, WA. 99347 ‘www PROLOGUS For whet 1s a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose bis ovn Health (The Bible). Tho Ruler of the mightiost Kington on carth, in bed witb broken health, vould gladly give his kingdom for the Good Health of his lowest slave. Good Health is the vory Foundation of Success, And wo have heard thst Goed Health is men's birthright. het is another grievous error. Good Health is the Reward received by him who earn it. Tt 4s in order to infom the reader thet this author knows something ebout the Rules of Health, He ves born February 7, 1878, and now in his 83rd year feols as fit es be did at forty. He had ono slight illness of influenza vhen he was @ boy of 10, wes never vaccinated nor inoculated, and i oxtrenely fortunate that his body wes never poisoned vith the vile substances called "nedicim." Who could be more competent then he to teach the groct subject of Health to ‘those who appreciate the value of Health? And the pressing need of relisble Hoalth Keovledgs ecnstrained bim to bogin fifty years ago to write on thet subject, relat— ing such knowledge as he gained by experience in his quest for that Light which lesds rone astray. This suthor is 2 graduate of all the drugless schools, and velked avay vith his @iplones in bis hand, wiser in whet the doctors know, but diseppointed in vhat he wanted to know, He was fortunate to bo 2 ctudent undor or, Willard Carver, uno 4n 1906 founded ielehona Gity the first chartered Chiropractic College in the world, and who ves rla's Creetest Chiropractor. He died in 1943 at the ago of 80. We discovered that doctors are not taught rules of Health, They ara taught certain methods to troat those who have lost their Health, This means that the doctora know as little stout How To Live for Health ea do their pationta who have lost theira. The subject-natter of this vork has beon the consideration of every eminent pen, from the days of Moses to the present. To say enything strictly new would be in posible; but it is possible to shed more Light on what bas been said end written by others, by stressing certain vital points vbich have boon passed over lightly,al~ most unnoticed, because of their comonlity ent simplicity. Here is the first big misteke. What would be more comon end simple than to plent a tiny seed and watch it grow and produce « beautiful flower? Yet, the great- est scientist cannot duplicate the process, nor logically anslyze the details of it. A cortein man lived 120 yoars, and when he vas 108 he wrote a book about it. He Imew so little as to the reesons of his longevity that bo passed lightly over, with little notice, the vital points responsible for his 120 years in the flesh. This man, Goddard Dimond, vas born in Plyzouth, Mass. Mey 1, 1796, and died in Sen Frensisco in 1916. All of the Presidents of this country, from George Washington doun to Woodrow Wilson, Lived and labored during the days of Maman’. an His book bas been Jong out of print, Wo read it fifty years ago. Tho montion of bis case in our writings crested a demand for the bock. Health Research found a copy after © long search, end hes now republished it with a Prologuo end an Epilogue by this author. In the Epilegve we stressed the vital points in Diamond's life vhich were lergo- ly responsible for his longevity, explaining how end vhy they contributed to his long life. She libraries of the world are filled with great tomes by losding doctors on the subject of Health and the "cure of disesse." The doctors who wrote then knew 80 Little about the besic principles of their subject, that not ons of them Lived long enough to draw special attention for bis state of iongevity. Most of then died compsratively young. We can destroy with five simple worde the velus of thea books on the subject of "disease end its cure.” These words ere, KEMOVE THE CAUSE OF TLINESS. ‘The sad experience of five thousand years proves there is no "disease." Con- sequently there is no "cure." The world's great docters have made the sane atete— ment in different vords, In 1835 Dr, Semuel Dickson, of Edinburgh, published e work in Which ke asserted that all diseases "are one eni the sone” (Wilder's Hist. of Med. 1901, p. 357). That sinple, truthful, factual statement ewert inte oblivion as frivolous and absurd, the whole compliceted ani inconsistent classification of diseases, with their multifarious neues and stupid distinctions, exposing the horrific eyetom of medical murder ond plunder which is supported by centuries of freuiulent teaching, by wich @ profession of supposedly honorable men has created « felse end dangerous psychology of “Hisoaso," that sends thousands to early greves each yeer, while yielding fat profits for its exponents. There are just two comiitions of the body, and thoy ere Good Hoalth ont Bed Health. he eymptons of Bad Health are vhat doctors are trained to stuly, group together, and give then empty naxoa (diagnosis) vbich een nothing, and tara then Naisenseo" that may Kill the patient unless treated ont "cures" according to the teachings of nedica) art. Wo write fron experience snd knowledge, not from theory and apeeulation. For fifteen yoers ve treated in cur sanitariun pationts from all ever the country, the majority of then given up by other doctors as hopeless and incurable. We saved then 21, loting not one, In the treatment of them we observed the Lay of Lire as oldows 1, Man con live for veeks without esting, tut he stops living when he steps bresthing. To preserve health, tho air mst be in motion and free of pollution. Stagnant air in homes, hospitals, bed-roons, stores, shors, etc., is foul like stag~ nant pools of weter. ‘So he put his patients in frech air, kept in circulation with electric fans, 2. Water is next. The greater part of blood end body consist of fluid. To pronote heelth «11 vater entering the body must be pure and free of all pollutants, ond "purifiers" used by health boards. So hia petients got pure rein water that ned not touched the ground. = 3, Greetest fresdon of function is next. This is saeurea by facting, taking no food but air and wster, the two foremost foods for man. a “asi20q eWu 9 ekeus “yove; an omy ayn or 2DyE *FoageD 0B poumo an 0m, goiq eoz1of af] “wou eutanod gnyq MDT ouve oa fig Pent ate fog go pun ‘ountoe ou ‘eaursada ou ‘ebrap ou ‘ezoroop ou *ezpardacy ou oc, "122 tonot aw foys -eparg pe Bong oy, woas peuioey on af77 fo cmT e1ys s23bom fq J 9 poaonooar equazand ay ‘ourBar Buzp]2nq-491P0y STOMRIDK anya LEP anBoy0%q Path To Succoss Chapter 1. Kington Within Tho BAbIe says thet the Kinglon is within you (Luke 17421). Te Kingiop includes AL1, and £11 means All, Science confiram vhat the Bible seys. It asterte thot Men really contains within hinself all the miverses, systema, Planste end globes, and that wes the offimation of the Ancient Masters, who said:— "I adnonish thee thet desirest to dive into the inmost parts of Nature, 4f thet which thou seskest: thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without. So, with @ loud voice I proclain: 0, Man, Know Thyself and thou wilt know the Uni— verse.” Seience eaya, "The bunen frane, asa machine, is perfect. Tt contains within itself no marks by which ve can possibly predict its decay, It 39 apparently in— tended to go on forever,"=Dr. Monro. "there is no physiological reson known at present why man should ever dio". Dr. Wn, A, Harmond, late Surgeon Generel, 0,3, Amy. "It is more difficult to explein vay a man dies then it is to show thet he should live forevor".—-Dr. A. E, Crews, Edinburgh. Under the Law of Creation, nothing thot is less then Perfect can cone into existence. Modern scienco finds thet to be the ease. ‘The fret Living creatures of every kind corresponiied to this Lew Of Perfection when they first appeared on esrth. But the power of the lay does not extend beyond the point of the origin, and after Living creatures cone into existence, perfection may be lost by a degenerative process that results fron many causes or from a com- bination of causes. This accounts for the venishuent of the carly animals of gigantic size in the primitive days of living creatures. We know of this by the discovery of their re~ mains in various parts of the world, as explained by Prof. Hotena in his work Cos- mic Creation. Duo to bis more perfect povers of vitel adjustment, Man, the climax of Greation, lives on and on, to see the less fortunste forms of animal 1ife cone and go with ‘the egos. ‘The Law of Creation denands correspondence between living creatures and their enviroment. Scientists who heve investigated these matters with clear underetand— Ang, assert that 2s soon as an organism becomes standardized and unable to adjust to ‘the changing conditions of the earth, it perishes and vanishes. Horbort Spencer mate an enlightening ststenent concerning this subject vhen he wrote: “Perfect correspomiense would be perfect life, Were there no changes in the euviroment but such es the organim hed adopted changes to meot, end were It never to foil in the efficiency with ubich it mot then, that would be sternal existence ani eternal Inovledge" (First Principles). tf Kingdom within Chapter 1. Spencor realized that to exist, to grow, to develop, to progress, to continue to live, there must be constant change, continuous adjustment of the crgenioa to its enviroment, for stenderdization is stagnation ani leads to desth. Tho Universe and a1 living things are constantly undergoing « series of changes, of adjustnonts, of metanorpbosis, and those living things which possess a linited capacity of edjustmont, slowly degenerate, dio out and disappear. On the other hand, the experience of millions of years has shown, thot vhen tho earth bocane the hone of Men, it become a pertner of e being thst’ se not only the King of Life ani the Clinex 6f Creation, but is as eternal as the very elenents of vbich the suns, sters, ami osrth are conposod. Prof. Hotena declares in bis re= narkable vork, The Glorigus Resurrection, thet Himen Life is more eternal than the Sun. There is overwhelming evidenes to show thet Man not only goes on while other races of aninals perish end vanish, but thet he will still continue after the earth itself shall have exploded snd disintegrated into the huge dust-cloud of which it wes originally fored. Prof, Hotema says in his Coenic Creation that for eountless ages the Hunan Ego flosted in the Aeriferous Substance over the dark waters of the primitive sea, searching for a suiteble spot to meterialize and step out into visibility upon the new-born earth (Gon.1:2). Tt is logicel to assume that Men had done that before in the distent past, and so will he do it egein and again in the distant future, vben now plonste shell have been born from the vast clouds of incandescent particles whirling in endless spuco. Man is still on the earth ubile the eninels of the carly days have perished; and he will still be on the earth when all the other snimals of this era shall have died end disappeared. Man will live to seo a new uorld of living creatures eons into existence, just as he has lived to see many previous worlds of living creatures appear on the earth, ‘then pass out ani becone extinct. AL] this is due to the fect that Nan has practically unlimited povers of adaptation, snd to bis superior intellect end his greater ability to migrete to a new environsent as, if, and when the old one is no longer a suitable place for him. Yo other eninsl ean naich men in those precious properties. Path to Success Chepter 2 Forfection Is Within ‘he Kingdom of All wae eai@ vy tho Ancient Masters to be Within, and the ex- perience of thousands of years has proven they were right. And so, we should know Vetter then to search without for the fulfilment of our desires. But the schools ani colleges go the other way, Not one teaches us to search within for that proporty which would promote health and prolong life. Thet naturel, logical course is rejected because it would not neke great end rich the institutions of the land which shape Men's destiny and rule bis life, They were not founded for the betterment of humanity os they falsely claim, but for their own profit and gain, According to the doctrine of tho Ancient Nastors, Perfection was the prinal, state of Men, Under the law, nothing less eould come into existence. Perfection is that rare atate ubich puts Men beyond desire, use and neod, It is whole and conplete in iteclf—totality. Ferfection desires nothing, ond needa nothing beyond the reguler replenishnent of its constantly chenging cloxents, and the suptly is produced by the same Power that produced Man, A thing, object, or body is imperfect in proportion to ite nocd thet are not autonaticelly supplied by the Creative Power, Departure from Perfection begina tho moment anything occurs to burden the living organism with any substance which is not positively essential to its existence. Aside fron changes in enviroment, herein lies the prinery ceuse of decline and eration. & (1) false desire appears, which eroctos (2) need, which creates use, ubich creates (4) hobit, which ctestes (5) vital adjustment, which creates denami, which creates (7) endlavenont, which creates (8) degeneration, which (9) creates death. And the schools and colleges, for profit and gain, falsely teach thet this course is progress, and stupid man believes it. Ho is going to progress beyond Ferfection, and thinks improvement. hot is ubat he is taught by the sordid institutions thet live on darkness and thrive on ignorance. He has heard of ‘the Kingdon Within, tut thinks that is just poctry for childish minds, hat dia Men need, when he was crested, that was not Within the Kinglon? Woth~ ing but Air. "Every living thing aust breathe the air in order to live. ‘he tree breathes the air thru ite leaves. ‘The leaves are in this sense tho lungs of the tree. In- sects breathe the air thru the openings in their bodies. Frogs breathe the air portly thru their skin, Fishes breathe the air by tekihg oxygen from the water es At passes over their gills. Man broathes the sir thru the air celle of hia Jungs". Frederick M. Rossiter, B.S., M.D., L.C,R.P., London, "Living 4s actusliy © struggle for sir. Keop the vast ung surface of the body supplied vith froch eit, and observe ail other health rales, aml there 4s, scientifically speaking, no knowr reason why man should ever die" (Prof, JS. Haldane of England, in Boopdretion)« e Perfection Within Chap. 2 ‘Hardly sny one understands this science (of breathing), which all should know ond practice. It is the air that renews our blood ani carries vitality to ell ow orgens, It ie the air thst holps to give us balance ani to keop our physical and psychic functions in proper order. . . Most mon use only a thini, a quarter, or even fa fifth part of tho lungs! totel surface" (Prof. Ednond Sackely). Various theories bave been advanced by science to explain the cause of aging and dying. One of the latest is thet of Dr. Ross A. McFerland, Professor of En- viromentel Hoaith ani Safety at the Harverd School of Pulbic Health. He opines that aging results from a docreasing supply of Oxygen in the body. He found that subjects, when deprived of Oxygen, lost cepacity for sensation, perception and juig- nent, “These symptons," said he, "porallel those in aging persons." The respiretory eapartty increases fron about the 15th to the 35th yeor, ent then it diminishos st the rete of about one and a hslf cubic inches per year. This neans the eapneity of respiration of a nen of 60 vould be about 30 cuble inches lose ‘thon that of a nen of 40, of the sane height end woight. (Hutchinson. ) Why the decrease? Lung-cells ruined by polluted air, end respiratory capacity lost by lack of exercise to make one breathe deeply. Szekely stated thot "most men use only e third, a querter, or even e fifth pert of the lungs! totel surface." Breathing fron birth is not only an essential function, but @ 1ife-long process. Living is Breathing, and the desth of tho bedy comes with tho last feoble oxhalstion, Eating and drinking are voluntary, controlled functions, Respiration is an sutonatic, involuntary process, so far beyond man's conscious control that he breath— 6 when unconscious in sleep, or from injury, even better and deeper, nore rogular~ ly end rhythmieally, than when conscious ani awake. Respiration is the primal function of the organism. All other functions ere secondary, and designed to keep the body fit to perform respiration, Tho lungs are definitely designed for and adapted to their work. The stenach is simply an enlargement of tho alimentary canal and nothing more. The lungs ere specific organs, largest by far in the body, filling the thorax from collar bone to Jower-nost ribs, and from sturmm in front to spine in back. They are strictly the Organs of Life,’ When wo stop breathing vo stop living; and when man dies, ho goes gesping for sir, Man cannot die as long as he ean breathe, In the beginning of Man on the earth plane, air was bis only ned that vas external to the Kingion Within, and ol] bis other needs rose from unnatural desires thet created vitel adjustment. And the air man needed was free end ebuniant, re- quiring for its possession mo other labor than that of breathing. This means thet Broutherianion 1s Thysical Perfection, The Bible shows thet Man cane into earthly existence a Broathericn. Tho Breath of Life supplicd all the requirements of his organism. Nothing else vas lacking, and nothing cleo wes needed. Tho air he breathed, and nothing nore, cuateinod bia orgenian ant he lived for centuries, That was the Golden Ago of Man. Modern soienes has discovered that there is sufficient ELECTRICITY in one broth of air te pover a largs airplane for a month, Why do vo montion Electricity? Perfection within Chapter 2 ‘That question gota a surpricing answer fron Prof. Hotemu in bis vork titled The Flme Divine, ‘That answer will startle the reader. Tha less Man needs the nore he becomes Like gods, who use nothing and are in~ nortel—said the Anciont Mestore. Want, poverty, sickness, degeneration, sll rice fron the faulty work of Man. Ho reaps as he sows, Those aro the natural products of his sowing, his habits which correspond with bis desires. He increases his burdens as he increases his wants. And the sordid institutions which live and thrive on hunen wants, are constantly working to inerease those wants. Advanesd scholars point out that there would heve been in Man's physical be- ginning no unfilled wants; otherwice physical existence bad been impossible. They show by logical reasoning that the only way to improve physicel man, ie to reduce his wants and decreaso his economic burden. But the schools are not interested in any course that (1) raises Men to a higher Plane end (2) elininates bie vants, For nothing must be allowed to be done thet will disturb the nicely planned oni fixed order of civilization. Every branch and depertrent of goverment that rules the people, lesds avay fron Ferfection, The novenent avey begins with the child in school and continues throughout life without » stop. School life 4s largely a process of mind-condi- ‘tioning. ‘This statement was voll attested on January 12, 1951, whon Frank W, Abrens, Chairman of the Board, Standard 011 Co, of New Jersey, made an address before the National Citizens Comission for Public Schools, which was published and widely circulated at the time, Anong other things, he said: "There can be no doubt that ve ere talking stout something very funtenentsl to business uhen we talk about, education. . . If only to maintsin and expand its markets, the business world bas at least aa big a stake es anyone in the achiave- nent of an educated, productive and tolerant society. . There is a definite cor- relation between education and the consumption of commodities. Edueation bas done nore to create markets for business then any other force in Anerica," There it is direct fron the business world. We see thot one big purpose of education is to maintain end expand the markots of business, ond to create « demand for commodities, while not a word is said about promoting Health and prolonging Life. Ara while billions of dollars are exponied annually in the eduction of the ehildren of America, the purpose is not for the betterzent of humanity but for the pronotion of business, The act end science of natural, heelthful living are so lightly regarded, that ‘they receive little attention. He who 1s co far choad of the multitutde eg to op- ose the social pattern by teaching the Law of Croation, is promptly silenced, dis~ graced and liquidated, And the press carrics lerge headlines, proclaiming that another eneny of social progress has been founi ard jailed for the protection of ‘the People. And the mini-conditioned masses believe it. One's teaching may be in perfect accord with the Law of Creation, but such aes teaching foila to hemonize vith oivilization's artificiel world, or to support its social pettern, hence 1t cannot be accepted or tolerated by any institution ar any form of goverment, It must be end it is crushed "for the good of the people. Tell us how long Men's created wants end unnaturel desires will mean profit for Comerciclisn, and vo'l1 toll you how long Man vill remain in bis present atate of doponeracy and economic slavery. It will surprise the orthodox and the mind-conditioned masses to be told thet 5 mon moves back fron bis vaunted "progress" tovard Trine) Perfection, his health improves, bis life lengthens, bis vanta decline, and his economic burden decreesca. Wo thus leam what these burdens, ere, vhen they came, end whet they de to humenity. Wo sce then as the produet of Man's oreated wants end unnatural desires which Perfect Man had not, and that's vby he was Perfect. Man has produced thon, and he cen destroy them. They have produced bis misery, end he wants to keep then and find remedies end cures for the misery they produce. Not until Man bogen to form habits end adopt practices which eroated vents and unnatural desires, aid be begin to decline and degenerate. He was deeoived then, as he ia now, by the Llusion of process as he developed hew hebits and increased bis wants. fle believed then, ax he doos now, that each new invention was 8 sig of progress, while he end his doctore were sorely puzzled by the fact that bis health continued to decline end bis life-span to decrease. We can renedy ell this, shouts Medicel Art, if more money is supplied for *medicel research." Economic freedom is the first step back toverd Man's bigh estate of Prinal per— fection, Every animal, in its native state, bes economic freedom. Man is the only economic sleve end sickly creeture on the earth. He hes mede hinself vbat he is by his unnatural wants and acquired desires, and only he can correct the distressing situation. In complete freedom fron every vant, to be dependent upon nothing but what the Law of Crection supplies, then Man's mini and senses ere umer control. He is re~ leased fron the consequences of action, which aro the bonds and cheins that bind down those who ere the slaves of want and desire, It is well at this point to introduce to the student the greet work on trestherianiea vith cons’ vijah-atgtenents exeorpted tereffon on =~ Basath ‘ Polivted Air an Dame ges ‘tN Heawing, Eyes Perfection within Living is Breathing. When you stop breathing you stop living, no matter how good your heart may be. Most casos of Geath from so-called hoart failure ara due to the paralyzation of the breathing center in the brain by polluted sir. ho notwork of blood capillaries in the lungs are distributed everywhere in the ‘tiny spaces between the billions of air vesicles, end envelope their valls within a yescular screen. The blood flous thru the lungs in billions of small streana, almost in direct contact with the air in the Junge. It 4s se tho the River of Living Woter wero sprayed thru the Breeth of Life in very fine shower of Red Mist, so that every Grop of Blood end avery particle of air in the lunga ere brought together ‘in tho closest possible proxinsty. 1. The blood, from ell parts of the bedy, goes to the heart ani thon directly to the lungs. This blood is 2 dark blue in color, eppreaching to bleck, snd ta saturated thru and thru with ell the waste, filth, end pollution eollected from all the cells, tissues, organs, glends ond blood vessels. 2. This blood is 2 deadly strean of poison in the broadest sense of the word. Unless the process of purification occurs quickly, without undue delay, death soon ensues, and the doctor would sey, “hosrt attack.” 2. As the purifying process occurs intthe lungs, a surprising change tekes place in the eolor of the blood, At the moment vhon the poisoned blood pesses into the air-cells of the Jungs, « lightning exchenge occurs between the blood end the eir, in which the color of the blood becomes scarlet, due to the pesaage of the poison in the blood into the alr-cells of the lungs, zni eliminated fron the body as invisible vapor in the process of exhalation, 4, This 4s the only procesa of Blood Purification in tho vorld, and results fron the blood exchanging ite poisonous gasea for the air cases in the lunge. This eccurs approxinately 2,880 tines every 24 hours, in which tine approximately 125 darrols of blood are purified in tho lunge. ‘This date toll us vby it 4 so highly important to know thet the air we breathe is mot polluted. But where do ve find alr thet is not polluted? If you live in the city you live in end breathe polluted eir, When you drivo on the highways, you are ina nase of polluted air, The fimes of your cockery in your hone, and the smokers in your fanily, fi11 your hose vith polluted air. A great physioien in Peris declared in the 19th century thet of all the causes of hunan ailnents, vitiated sir is the leader. In the polluted sir of this civilisetion, where a breath of reclly pure air cannot be found, when the poisoned blood streaa in your tody flows to the lungs for purification, no purification can take place. There is simply an exchange of poisonous gases. Prof. Hotena covered this subjoct in pertioular in bie work in 1923, titled Unity & Simplicity of Disease, now sold out and out of print. That is another reason why he devoted special attention to the cubject in his great work titled Man's Higher Consciousness, which should te studied by every person. -10- Perfection within Otber related works the student should study are The Facts of Nutrition ani Fasting Story #11 by Prof. Hotene, Ho will be amezed to losrn that even now, there are people in the world who live without eating. Personal Power Chapter 3 Secrets OF The Body It is in order to notice a state so vitel in Man's life, thet it is responsible for his continuity upon the earth while other living creetures perish and vanish. And yot this important, mysterious condition is so lightly regarded by medical ert, thet ny systenatic rescarch has ever been made to determine how it operates or what effects it has upon the orgens and glands of the bedy. One of the greatest enthropologists of this contury, Dr. Alexis Carrel, in bis remarkable book, Man The Unknown, gave to the world tho best data on this subject ‘that have ever cone to out attention, and we can do no better than to notice some of the things he said. Carrel pointed to the important fact thet the cause of evolution is the inher- ent quality of all living organisms toward a higher level of development. This naturel, persistent urge, in order to preserve tho tody and prolong its existence, results in the adjustuent of the organisa to its environnent and to the evil habits of man, Seid Carrol: "There is a striking contrast betveon the durability of a bady ond the transitory cheracter of its elevents. Man ia composed of a soft, alterable material, susceptible of disintegrating in e few hours; but he lasts longer (on that account) than if made of steel. lot only does ho last, but he constently over= cones the difficulties and dangors of the outside vorld (enviroment). He aceon— nodates hinsolf, much better than (all) other animals do, to the changing conditions of his enviromént. He persists in living, despite physical, economic ond sociel. upheavals. "Such endurance is due te @ particular mode (and change) of activity in his tissues ond hunors. The body soens to nold iteclf on events. Tastend of veering out (disintegrating) 1t changes, Our organs elways improvise means of nesting every Rew situations and those means are such thet they tend to give us a maximm (pro~ longed) duration (1ife). "Me physiological proccases, which are the oubstretum of inner tine (aging process), always incLine in the direction leading to the longest survival of the a= Socrote of tho body Apdividuel. This strange function, this watchful automation, with its epecifie characters, uskes possible bumen existences. Tt is called edeptetion" (pp, 191-2). This extraordinary, autonstic ability of the organism is responsible for Man's being on the arth today, aftor having lived to aes pass into oblivion of the eninals, including the giant Dinosaur, which were on the earth vhon he first emerged as 2 visible boing fron the Invisible Reela, as Prof. Hotena releted in his Commie Creation. This amazing condition of Vitel Adjustment is erroneously and stupidly called Vitel Resistance by medical ert, the purrose of hich falsity is to deceive both doctors and layuon with its tricky terminology, invented to provide « place for the doctor, bie vaccines ond serms. The Law ef Vital Adjustuent may properly be extended to include the Lew of Cure, 23 Carrel stated in his book. For it 1s this inberont power vhich sustains the body in health when ite course te UNOBSTRUCTED, ond which RESTORES the cick body to hoslth, if restoration occurs at all, And, as'a rule, this restoretion must take Blace by overeoming the blundering, bindoring, denaging work of tho doctor and bis Gangerous mothods and poisoncue renedios, Scientifically speaking, the proper term of the Lav of Adjustment is the Law of Correspondence, concorning which the groat evolutionist, Hervert Spencer, vrote: "Perfect Correspondones would be Forfect Life, Were there no changes in the exvironmont but such as the orgenion hed adapted changos to meot, and wore it never to fail in the efficioney with wich it mot then, there would be eternal existence oni eternal Imovledpo" (First Principles). Of Spencer's cbservetions, Henry Drummond said: "le is enelysing with minute care the relations between Environment ond Life (Wot Life but the body), He unfolds the principles according to which Life is bigh er low, long or short, showing uby orgeniana live and why they die. And finalay he defines a (perfect) condition of things iin which un orgenisn (not Life) would never dic—in ubich 1 would enjoy @ perpetuel and perfect Life” (in the flesh) (Weturel Lav Sn the Spiritual Vorla), In his vork, Celestiel Correspondence (1926), Coulson Turnbull refors to this condition, eslling it the Science of Corresronience, and, in tractng back to funde— neatals, he finds that this is actually the Science of Astrology, the only Science of Man the world has ever had, ubich "reveals the meaning and tine arrangorent of electrons, atons, molecules, cells, their creation, motion ani related position to one another, whether in nebulae, star, sun, archangel, or atom. ‘The Law of the Univerae 1s Ono, constantly repeated by the aneiont Seers, Masters ant Aderto” [pel2)« Roturning to Carrel, be said: "All physiological activities are endowed with the property of being adaptive. Adaptation, therefore, ncsimes inmmerable expects. But these aspects may be grouped into two-ostegories, intraorgenie ond extraorgente. “Intraorganic aduptation ie responsible for the constancy of the organic media and of the reletions of tissues and bmors. It brings about the automatic repeir of tissues ani the cure of dissece,” Secrets of the bedy There ve have it, direct from ona of the greatest modical dectors of modern tines, THE Li OF CURE, loaving no plaes for the doctor, bis treatment and remedies. He continued : "Extreorganic edeptation adjusts the individual to the physical, psychological, end cconomic world. Tt enables him to survive in spite of the unfavorable condstions of his enviroment (and bis evil hebits, end the poisonous renedies of medical art). "Upon these tio aspects (Aieregarded by medical ert), the edeptive functions ere at work during exch instant of our uhole Life, They are the indispensable basis of our duration" (p.192). iow we can begin to see why this groat sciontists was "kicked out" of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research very soon efter the publication of his book, in which he bluntly anid: "The more eminent the (medical) specielist, the more dangerous he is. Ne@icine bas been peralyzed by the narrowness of ite doctrines" (pp.46,283)- Evil enviroment und evil habits have caused man's body to suffer eres and serious adjustnent, in eréer to survive, from its primel perfection, causing a loss of many of its higher powers, which fed2 out first. ‘Treces and marks of the changes that bevo occurred in the body's structures end functions, due to such edjustnent, appeer to a blini science in the form of nore then a bunired orgons oni glenda, now doment or eemidommant, which were originally functions] and useful, but now practicelly useless end functionless, which moans a Joss of physiological activities eni psychics] povers thet has reduced men to a very low level of Consciousness. And a stupid selence regards these dormant organs and vestigial glands as sims which indicate man's ascension from the ape stage. Contemplate if you can the destiny of him who is led by that kind of seience. Or by @ religious systen which decleres that God so loved the world, just a tiny speck in space, that he gave bis only begotten Son, just another bunan being, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, tut have everlasting life (Jobn’3:16). To law involved; Life 4s ruled by What e man Delieves, We pick up a publication end in it seo an advertisonont, with pictures ef great nen of past ages, who were noted for their ronarkable ability, and with thie question: "Whet Secret Power did they possess These men rose above the multituie because of the possession and the good use of those qualitics which most individuals heve lost ee a result of physical and zontal degonerstion, end a systen of medicel troatmont for illness vbich bas been conlomned as dangerous by tho best doetors of the land, Gonseiousnesa We are bat our Consciousness is, and Prof. Hotena, in his work titled Men's Higher Consciousness, givos the reader sn inkling of whet Man was competent to do ages before the state of Vital Adjustment, modo nocossary by his evil habits end the = Seerots of the body ertifielal, destructive coniition cal}ed "civilization," reduced hin to the lovly level of Consciousness which now goncrally prevails. Manta state of Consciousness ean be no better than the state of bis body. Monts body, serving ac radio end television on the physical plane, is composed of trillions of eolls, each coll being composed of millions of atoms, and each atom a ministuro solar oysten, wits "plencts? in the fom of olectrons ani protons, re- volving at tremendous speed roumi e common centr of attraction, the mucleus. Each atom and each cell in the body is Intelligized by Comic Consciousness and Vitalized by Cosmic Fores, Thru the Infinite Atom man's Consciousness comes @irectly fron the Cosmic Source, and ie Limited by his limited capacity to receive ani express it, This is tke Secret Power, alnost unknown, vaich rulos men and erranges them in many classes, from the bighest to the lovest. ‘Tose of each class manifest a state of Intelligence according to the condition of their body, the redio. ‘The better the body's condition, the greater the Intelligence it will manifest. There is no known way to put much Intelligence imto the degenerate brein of a dunce. Thore in a mitsbell is the secret why certain men possess greater powers of Consciousness than others do. It is not a question of attuning ourselves to the “\iedom of the Ages,” ea stated by the adverticonents in tho magazines, but of im proving the state of the body, the instrument of reception and manifestation. We should be wise and treat our body as ue do our radio ani television set when they fail to funetion, We heve them repaired by a competent mechanic who knows his business, But where would ve find a doctor who is competent te repsir a body ubich ho knows so little thet he cannot make even one drop of blood, nor explain how the body makes it. Every doctor who trents the sick chould te a Crestionist, a Naturist, an Astrologist, an Anthropologist, @ Biologist, a Psychologist, and a Physiologist. Then he would know whet be is doing in treating the sick and why he is doing it, For he would then know that illness is not 2 foe to be combatted, but « friend to be carefully aided. It would appear # Little short of lu@icruousness to suggest to the braimashed,, nind-conditioned asses thet biris ani tensta possess a higher degree of Conscious ness then docs modorn ran; but such are tho faniings of unprejuiiced experte in the field of psycho-bio-physiology. Sone facts on these things, discovered and recorded by unbiased researchers, are presented by Prof. Hotema in his work titled Man's Higher Consciousness, in ubich he describes » high degree of Consciousness in the lover animals that js ine explicable and onignaticsl to physical selenca. Thess experts have attempted to analyze the peculiar Consciousness of migratory fowls that fly great distances in the fal], sometimes non-stop, over hundreds of uiles of open ocean, returning in the spring by entirely different routes to the very spots fron which they doparted months hefore. Deslandres said that the homing-sense of birds aprears to be the quality of an u- Secrets of the body electric perception, Nothing strange about that, for all perception ty living organime is olectrical, as wo shell show in Chapter 8, This ie what Devlendres saidt *Birds can hone over territory that offers no visible landmerks. I've seen a pigeon released from a baloon 5000 fect high. The bird was carried in a closed box. 4s goon ep released, it rapidly described two circles sround the beloon and then, without desitation, darted off in the direction of its dove-cot, 250 miles away. Me. A, Ws Neal, his wife and three children, Lived in Ovensboro, fy. Thoy hed 2 dog, Called Lassie, end hed ovned hin since he was a rvp. In September, 1959, the fanily removed 10 Los Angoles, leaving Lassie with Mr. Neal's brother, in Owensboro, to be shipped to thes jeter when they vere settled. Tho ebildron eriod whon Lassio was left behind, ani Lassie ves sad too. ‘the fenily bed been gone from Owensboro about a onth whon the dog disappoared. He was also going to los Angeles. As Mr. Neal wes in down-tovn Ios Angeles in March, 1960, he chanced to seo a brown dog running toverd bin. It ves Lassie. He called the dog, and it ran up ant jumped at him, Neal wes sstounded. He said, "I couldn't believe it.” Leseie bed foumi his friends 2000 miles away, in a place where he had never Yeon before. He hed travelled for weeks over mountains and desert, across rivers and thru cities, in the winter tines Thet event to us, with our limited, five-sense-powers, seems like @ miracle. it is comon to binds ond beasts with their seven-sense-povers. In Chapter € vo shall show that tho seionce of psycho-bio~rbystology reste on the evidence of the sstral realm, the world invisible to us on tho limited five- sonse-plano. In the caso of Living cfoatures with the cixth ani seventh sense pow- ere in action, the elenont called distance (spaco) obstructs nothing. ‘They cen detect vibratory waves unknown on the five-sense-plane. ‘Tho Bible mentions the Seven Powers in allegorical terms. It refers to « Lenb with Seven Horns eni Seven Eyes, which are the Sevon Spirits sent forth into all the world (Rev.5:6), but only Five of them appear in action in most nen, The horns and the oyes represent the Seven Astral Powers of Action end the Seven Astral Powers of Perception, says Prof. Hotema in Son OF Perfection. Our conscious knowledge results from electrical waves of vibration, The vole scbene of materialism, whether animals or rocks, suns or planets, is reducible in the ultimate to one single oxistence wavos of Astral Light or Cosmic Electricity. What we think we hear, seo, fool, sell, teste, exists only as vibratory waves, as we shall sbow in Chapter 8. ‘The body is our tomb ani our eyes are the windows of our tomb, Our cars are the vedio of our tomb; our function of feeling brings exotions to our tonb; and odors end flavors enter our tonb over our nerves oni the effect is registered in the brain. And our physical apparatuses deceive us by making things appear the opposite of what they really ure, This accounts for most of the errors that create the con fusion in which phyeiesl seientists live smi later, traveling in a eirale but never getting any nearer to the conter, and calling that “progress.” -15- Secrets of the body We regard the visible vorld es being external to us. But all we know of thet world is registered within us, within our brain, within the Kinglon (Luke 17:21). Damage the brain and we may still live, but veld heve mo conscious Imowledgs of anything but our own existence, aml may be mot thet much, Damage the brain Joss, and our conscious knowledge expands sccordingly. And give us the untaneged brain of the bird, ani our conscious knovledga of the world would be the equal of thet of the bird's. And thus we observe thet we do not rise in Consciousness by attuning ourselves to the Wisdom of the Ages, but by the improvenent of the Tomb in which we, the God of the earth, dwell upon the oarth plano. Yos, tho God of the vhole ourth, with dominion over every living thing, and with e dégenorste brein thet reduces him to the lovest levol of Consciousness of all the animals upon the certh. Mon ie conscientized uy vibratory impressions, received as Astral Light or Comnie Electricity, direct fron the Universe] Source, and this nekes modern man, in bis present degenerate state, very low in the’ scale of Consciousness. Listen egein to ubet the grest Carrol gaid: "Our civilization, 1ike those, preceding it, hae crested cortein conditions of existence vhich .., rondor Life itself inpossible ... Since the natural conditiona of existencs have been destroyed by modern civilization, the science of man has be~ come the most necessary of alll aciences. "Before beginning this work (took), the author reslized its difficulty, its alnost impossibility, He undertook it merely because somebody hed to. For men can— not (continue te) follow modern civilization along its present course, es they are (constantly) degenerating. They have been fascinsted by the revelations of the seiences of inert matter. They have not understood thet their body and conscious- ness are subjected to naturel levs, more obscure than, but es inexorable es, the Jaus of the sidereal world. "ig oro boginning to realize the wesknsss of our oiviliaction. Many want to shske off the dogus imsosed upon them by modern cociety. Thie took has been written for then, ani also for those who are old enough to understend the necessity rot only of mental, political, (religious), end social changes, but of the overthrow of industriel (end religious) civilization ani of the advont of another conception of humen progross™ (Proface, pp.

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