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MUED 376: Choral Music, Materials & Techniques (M2 & T)

Direct Instruction: Scripting Practice Sheet

Write out your script below. Practice as a group!

SVCC Lesson Plan 9/25/2017

1d. Hello students! Please turn to page 15, measure 79 of Gloria

Students 2. p/v/nv

2nv: Students turn to page 15 measure 79 of Gloria

1a: Id like you to notice the layering of each part at measure 79. Do you notice how
each line is similar in rhythm and in contour but they each start a beat apart from each
other? This is similar to a Bach fugue.

1a: Which era did bach compose in again??

2v: Baroque!

3an: Thats right!

1d: Altos please repeat after me

1p: la ti do do ti la so la la

2p: Students repeat

1p: mi mi mi so fa mi re mi mi

2p: Students repeat

1d: lets put it together!

2p: Students sing whole line

1d: This time, sopranos join us an octave higher!

2p: Altos and Sopranos perform

1d: Notice that Altos and Sopranos sing the same line an octave apart and a measure
apart, so lets perform it as written Altos and Sopranos

2p: Altos and Sopranos perform line

3rn: Wonderful!

1d: Soprano 2s I have not forgotten you! Please repeat after me

1p: mi fa so la la so fa mi mi

2p: Sop 2 repeats

1p: la ti la do do ti la ti ti

2p: Sop 2 repeats

1d: Put it together

2p: Sop 2s sing whole line

1d: Altos and Sop 1s were are going to make a Soprano 2 sandwich! Lets put all lines
together, please sing on text this time.

2p: Tutti choir sings first line.

3sra: Awesome job! I loved how each line flowed into one another

1d: Moving on, Altos please repeat after me

1p: Sing entire next line on text

2p: Altos sing

1d: Soprano 2s please repeat afte rme

1p: Sing entire Sop 2 line on text

2p: Sop 2s sing

1d: Sop 1s please repeat after me

1p: Sing entire Sop1 line on text

2p: Sop 1s sing

1d: Lets build it, starting with the Altos

2p: Altos sing their line

1d: Add sop 2s this time

2p: Altos and Sop 2s sing

1d: Finally, lets add Sop 1s

2p: All parts sing next line.

3rn: Wow, great!
1a: Have we seen the material at 87 before??

2r: Yes!

1d: Please turn back to measure 79 and lets sing through the phrases we learned and try to

2p: Students sing until measure 95.

Clear up any messy spots past measure 91 if any

3sra: Lovely! I loved your energetic singing

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