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Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

© 2010, LLC
All rights reserved worldwide
None of this document may be used in print without express written permission
from the author. To request permission, please email

Written by Lisa R. Preston

Illustrated by Leah Preston, age 8


Every attempt has been made to verify all the

information in this document. This is not medical
advice and the author of this report is not a doctor,
nurse or other medical professional. This report is for
informational purposes only and should not be
considered to be professional advice.

The author of this report and associates cannot be held

liable for the way that you use this information. Do not
attempt to diagnose or treat suspected conditions
yourself without first consulting your health care

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

You’re about to discover a new scientific breakthrough

that’s shaken up the medical world and researchers alike.
The process has been argued “impossible” for decades by
the greatest scientific minds. And now, it’s real.

For the first time in history, the same molecules that

trigger the immune system to work correctly can be made
stable outside the body and then placed into a drinkable

The results have been extraordinary. Persons who’ve

been ill for years now find their own wonderful bodies
healing and growing stronger. My personal belief is that
some very serious diseases can be completely eradicated
through redox signaling and the continued research in that

Many testify that their bodies are healing for the first
time in years. In fact, testimonials are coming in from folks
stating that they’re recovering from “incurable” conditions.

Indeed, when the body has enough redox

signaling molecules to signal the immune system to attack
the dud cells, then the body can heal itself – just as it was
designed to do!

Discover how your body can heal its own DNA and
return to the healing machine it was designed to be!

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

With all the libraries of knowledge on the human body, we tend

to think we know it all. We’ve dissected pigs in high school and have
identified the major organs. Sure, there are new cures that can be
discovered. But to actually discover something new inside the body?
Nah. We’ve been there. Done that.

Truth is, the human body continues to baffle researchers as

well as reveal hidden secrets. Especially astonishing are the inner
workings of the cells.

Scientists used to think that cells were just little blobs of

protoplasm. Thanks to high-techo microscopes, we can now look
more deeply into the vast world inside one single cell.

Clayton and Jansma, authors of The Source, state that "a

single cell with a nucleus is the microscopic equivalent of an entire
high-tech, industrialized city." They go on to reveal that this miniature
city contains its own security system, a 24/7 factory, and a powerful
communications system that allows each cell to communicate with a
trillion or so other factories.

A cell is definitely not "just a blob".

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

“Hi, I’m a Redox Signaling Molecule, but you can

call me Reed for short.”

Redox Signaling Molecules

Scientists have known about redox signaling molecules for a

long time. But it's only been in the last five years that researchers
discovered what they do and how vital they are for your health.

These powerful little molecules help trigger your immune

system to work and attack the right kind of diseased or invading cells.
They send out the signals for help. Other cells hear the call and
come to boost healthy cells and eliminate the bad ones.

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Imagine for a moment you’re atop the Empire State Building at

night, watching the lights and the bustling metropolis of New York
City. The city appears to go on forever! Could you even begin to
calculate the number of jobs people have to do to keep the city
running? From the garbage pick up to running businesses, from the
transportation system to the communications system… it takes
hundreds of thousands of operators to make the city work.

Now, how efficiently do you think New York City could run if all
communication lines were down? No cell phones, no internet, no
newspapers – nada. Talk about a mess! A breakdown in
communication could result in city-wide disaster.

Well, that’s exactly what happens in many of our bodies. We

have an immune system, ready to rock and roll and demolish
diseased cells. But the communication system (in this case, we’re
talking about “Redox Signaling Molecules”) stops working efficiently.
The fighter cells of the immune system don’t even get the message to
come and help.

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life


You've seen pictures of DNA molecules that resemble little

twisted ladders. A single cell contains about two meters of DNA. If
you stretched out all the DNA strands in your body, they could stretch
to the sun and back nearly fifty times. (Clayton and Jansma, p. 43)

But what exactly is DNA and what does it do?

DNA Jobs

A strand of DNA contains instructions on how to build

everything your cell needs to survive and function.

DNA holds your personal secret code, determining how you

look, your predisposition to disease, your personality - every nuance
about who you are. No one else has your code. Your DNA can even
be musically coded and played on an instrument. So you can say
that you literally are a very special song - a glorious composition!

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Needless to say, DNA's importance cannot be overestimated.

If your code gets messed up, your body is going to know it.

Redox signaling molecules take your “personal code”

instructions to parts of the cells so the thousands of processes for
your health can take place. These signaling molecules let your body
know when to fight a cell, when to heal a cell, when to let a cell
disintegrate. Redox signaling molecules trigger the functioning of the
immune system.

Your cells contain over twenty kinds of “redox signaling

molecules” that help send messages to cell parts. Scientists have
recently discovered how vital these molecules are to effective
functioning of your body’s healing processes.

The Rebuilding Process

Your cells are constantly being damaged and replaced every

minute of every day. Every time you bump into a table, scrape your
arm, go out into the sun, deal with toxins in your environment – even
when you exercise – you’re damaging some cells. (Nope. That’s not
an excuse to quit your exercise program!)

Then there are the unfriendly bacteria and viruses that assault
us from a sneeze or cough. And the list goes on. Thank goodness
our body’s healthy cells divide and recreate the ones that are

Of course, most of us never give the rebuilding process a

second thought. Our awesomely created bodies eliminate dead and
damaged cells and replace them with new ones on automatic pilot.

Imagine, though, the breakdown that could occur should the

DNA become damaged! (Actually, damage does happen every
second of every day. Thankfully, the DNA contains molecules that
function like a repair crew.)
For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Unfortunately, DNA damage isn’t always fixed. These

inefficient , damaged cells start to multiply and replace the old cells.
Now you’re full of cells that contain less efficient DNA.

Bottom line – even your newly created cells may be “less than”

Now, disease starts from damaged cells. The multiplication of

these cells can lead to cancerous growths. Scientists are now
learning more about how to repair the DNA and other damaged cells.
The stars of the show turn out to be none other than our friends, the
Redox Signaling Molecules.

“Thank you. Thank you very much.”

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Zeroing In

Let’s take a closer look inside the cells and see how vital these
tiny molecules are for our well-being.

One of the most powerful parts of our cells is the mitochondria.

Mitochondria create two kinds of signaling molecules. These
molecules literally communicate with your immune system and
activate antioxidants.

These signaling molecules are responsible for making the

executive decision for hundreds of chemical reactions in your cells. If
one cell becomes diseased, the signaling molecules call for the cell
defense team to get on the job.

If the cell is too far gone for repair, signaling molecules make
the decision to destroy that cell and for a healthy cell to replace it.

That’s the wonder of your amazing body! It’s designed to

eliminate dud cells and create new cells. You were designed to live
healthy and strong. Sometimes, though, the process gets screwed
up. Instead of dying and being replaced, weakened cells actually
replicate themselves. Now your body is creating dud cells. This
disease process is due to a malfunction in the signaling molecules.

I hope that gives a little idea of how vitally important these

signaling molecules are. Keep those babies healthy, and you’re
going to stay healthy!

Body Heroes : Antioxidants

Antioxidants have been hailed as the body’s ultimate blessing.

We’ve all read about how important antioxidants are in helping our
bodies stay healthy and our immune system strong. But there’s often
a major piece of the information left out of that message.

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

You can eat raw fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds all day long
and take the most powerful antioxidant supplements on the market -
and still not gain any benefit IF there’s a problem with the signaling
molecules in your cells. If those signalers begin working at full
capacity, then the performance of the anti-oxidants can be increased
up to 500% or more!

Imagine getting 500% more bang for your nutritional buck!

Normal vitamins would become super-charged. Sounds kind of like a
dream, but thanks to a new scientific discovery, it’s actually possible
for the first time in history. More about that wonder later.

What Health Looks Like

Let’s take a look at what’s supposed to happen in an optimally
functioning body.

When a cell is damaged, the chemistry inside it is no longer

balanced. “Balance” is a word we sometimes snub, as if it really
means “totally boring”. However, balance is vital for the body. Your
body goes to great lengths to keep all chemicals in balance.

“Stay balanced, Kids!”

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Just ask someone whose blood sugar gets out of balance how
he feels. Or check in with a lady whose hormones are in a state of
imbalance. The effects can be disastrous.

This lack of balance in the cell creates “oxidative stress”. As

soon as oxidative stress manifests, a red alert sounds. Neighboring
healthy cells hear the clarion call, “There’s trouble in Dodge City. Get
ready to divide and conquer!”

Sounding the Alarm

Oxidative stress also activates the immune system to kill

unhealthy germs. Cells that are damaged beyond repair are nuked
and dissolved by the immune system.

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Once the invaders or damaged cells are eliminated, the red

alert is over. Now there’s balance. (you’re gonna love that term
before it’s over!) Healthy cells divide and fill in the vacated spaces.

Think of the chaos if your cells’ communication system shut

down or was damaged. The red alert wouldn’t sound. The healthy
cells wouldn’t get the message to divide. Living healthy would be

Important Side Note

The body actually needs some oxidants. They create stress

that causes the signaling molecules to send out the alarm. Too
many, though, spoil the broth. The balance is upset. That’s when we
need those anti-oxidants you read about (plus reductants, which
normally don’t get as much press) to unplug the power.

It’s interesting. Your cells produce both oxidants AND

antioxidants (which neutralize the oxidants).

Antioxidants + Reductants = Power House Team

whose job is to protect the cells

If all balanced, life flows along smoothly. But if too much

oxidative stress occurs, your cells become damaged and aged. If
reductants and oxidants aren’t in balance, the immune system can
actually turn against healthy cells and attack them!

Bottom line – some oxidants are good. They sound the red
alert for the immune system to come to the rescue. Too few of them,
and the alert isn’t sounded. Then the damaged cells aren’t
destroyed. These dud cells then divide and multiply, filling you with
millions of dud cells.

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

See how vital this delicate balance is?

These redox signaling molecules shape health at its lowest

common denominator. If you could create a product that helped keep
your molecules in balance, then your body could heal itself.

Talk about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! If all you
did was help the body heal itself… 

Guarding the Treasure

If your supply of signaling molecules dwindles, you’ve got a

mess and a half on your hands.

I’m simplifying this process for the sake of those of us who have
forgotten what we learned in Chemistry 101. But the truth is, these
signaling molecules are in charge of thousands of cell reactions. An
imbalance of these guys can wreak havoc on the body.

Autoimmune Diseases

Our bodies have an immune system, which is a complex

network of special cells and organs that defends the body from germs
and other foreign invaders. At the core of the immune system is the
ability to tell the difference between what’s you and what’s foreign. A
flaw can make the body unable to tell the difference.

When this happens, the body makes auto-antibodies that attack

normal cells by mistake. At the same time special cells called
regulatory T cells fail to do their job of keeping the immune system in
line. The result is a misguided attack on your own body.

This causes the damage we know as autoimmune disease. The

body parts that are affected depend on the type of autoimmune
disease. There are more than 80 known types. (

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

“Hey, don’t attack! We’re on your side!”

Parts of your body that can be affected by autoimmune disease

include glands, muscles, nerves, brain, eyes, mouth, spinal cord,
thyroid, lungs, stomach, joints, pancreas, large and small intestines,
bladder, trachea, blood, heart, skin, esophagus, liver, kidneys, and
reproductive organs.

Some Types of Autoimmune System Disorders

 Alopecia areata  Inflammatory bowel disease

 Celiac disease  Multiple sclerosis

 Diabetes type 1  Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis

 Graves’ disease  Rheumatoid arthritis

 Hashimoto’s disease  Lupus

 Hemolytic anemia  Vitiligo

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Autoimmune disorders result from the immune system attacking

healthy cells. The redox signaling molecules got mixed-up or weren’t
able to activate the immune system.

Can You Change Your DNA?

Redox signaling molecules regulate the healing and can even

help in the repair of DNA. Strengthening the redox signaling
molecules can help the body return to the ability to heal itself.

Moles, age spots, and skin tags all occur when damaged cells
keep dividing. Redox signaling molecules help the body get rid of
these dysfunctional cells.

Most autoimmune diseases have no cure yet. And some of the

drugs used in treating them have extremely dangerous side effects.

One of those rare breakthroughs that rivals the discovery of

DNA itself is totally revolutionizing the way folks think about how the
body heals.

As we said before, it’s not like scientists haven’t known about

redox signaling molecules. Recently they found how important they
are to healing.

If there was only some way to “feed”

someone’s body these signaling molecules,
then the body could activate itself to heal.

Trouble was, the molecules couldn’t stay stable outside the

body. There was no way for a person to supplement his/her body
with these powerful helpers.

Until recently!

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Miracle Breakthrough

The big breakthrough (which has astonished scientists,

because it was literally believed to be impossible) is that it’s been
discovered how to stabilize these molecules outside the body – even
put them into a drink so people can restore their bodies’ abilities to

Now, think about this discovery for a moment. A weakened or

poorly functioning immune system isn’t getting the signals to fight the
invaders. Sometimes, it’s even attacking itself.

Fix the communications system, and you’ve repaired the body’s

ability to heal. Now Redox Signaling Molecules can sound the alarm
and focus the immune system to kill the bad cells. The signals can
go out to repair the DNA!

“Hal-lelujah! Hallelujah!”

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

It’s been called a “scientific miracle”, this amazing process that

stabilizes the redox signaling molecules outside the body.

Through a three-day patented process, salt and water are

transformed into redox signaling molecules. The sodium that’s left is
almost negligible. And the molecules can stay stable outside the
body for up to a year or longer.

For the first time in history, it’s possible to take into the body the
same molecules we may not have enough of (as we age or disease
sets in).

Amazing Testimonies

Quite frankly, the results from the drink have been just short of
miraculous. It works differently for different people, based on what
the body chooses to heal first.

Almost everyone who tries the Redox Signaling Molecule drink

starts feeling better quickly. Sometimes within the first three days!
I’ve heard some testimonials that are so dramatic, they sound like
science-fiction. Even healthy individuals like athletes state that
drinking redox signaling molecules helps them achieve a state of
“peak performance”.

When the body has enough redox signaling molecules to signal

the immune system to attack the dud cells, then the body can heal
itself – just as it was designed to do!

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

Here are just a few testimonials from people who’ve used the
Redox Signaling Molecule cell supplement.

“The first week I noticed that my cravings for

chocolate were gone. Then my twitching legs (which
drove my husband crazy at night) just stopped. My eye
doctor has been amazed that my distance vision is getting
better, and I’m able to wear contacts again.”
-Mary Williamson, RN

“The second day my appetite was cut in half. And I

lost all desire for sweets. The fourth day, the hemorrhoids
which I’d dealt with for years suddenly disappeared.”
-Name Withheld

“I started drinking redox signaling molecules for

psoriasis. I also sprayed it on my skin several times a day.
By day three, the itching was down 50%. By the second
week, new plaques had stopped being created. After the
third week, the itching was around 20%. Gradually, my
skin is looking better and better. Others have even
commented on how much better it looks!”
-Lisa Preston

Other testimonials can be found at

For the first time in history, it’s possible to try cell

supplementation yourself. I’ll share with you how to do that in just a

Please note: Redox signaling molecules don’t taste terrific.

While the only ingredients are salt and water (completely
safe, as that’s what’s in your cells already), the process does
release a bit of natural chlorine (also in your body).
Basically, it tastes like pool water.

However, it does not have an aftertaste, and you only drink 2

ounces twice a day.

And if your body is healing on its own, you won’t care how it

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

If you’d like to see what redox signaling molecules can do for

your body, you can try it out - risk-free - from the only company who
has the patent on the process. (26 patents and counting, actually)

If you don’t notice health benefits in 30 days, you can send

back the empty bottles and receive a refund.

Simply click on the link below to find out how to order the drink
for yourself or loved one.

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.
Change Your DNA, Change Your Life

The Source by John Clayton and Nils Jansma, 2001

The Science of Healing Revealed: New Insights into Redox Signaling

by Dr. Gary L. Samuelson

For the first time in history, the powerful healing molecules
inside your cells can be supplemented by a simple drink.

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