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Lesson Plan

Grade: 7th Timing: 90 minutes

Unit: I The Classroom

Section: A B

Date: 20/02/2017

Topic: Classroom Objects.

Achievement indicator: The student identifies classroom objects.

Transversal Axis: Demuestra habilidad para establecer y mantener relaciones interpersonales, significativas y
respetosas en su entorno.

Initial Activities: * Brainstorming classroom objects.

* (To show the flash cards actvate prior knowledge/ present Realia/ introduce
vocabulary listing)

Development Activities: *Practice pronunciation and meaning

Practice the pattern Whats this? /Whats that?

Complete the blanks with A or an correctly.
Practice plurals.
Identify objects in the classroom in oral and written exercises.

Final Activities: * write down the names of 5 classroom objects.

*Draw the pictures of next vocabulary

Pencil, eraser, backpack, whiteboard, student desk, marker.

Assessment activities (Evaluation): identfify the classroom objects with the unscramble words (10pts 2

Npe = m e a r k r=
Re e ar s = b ca k c ka p= N ooobk t e =

Homework / assignment: master the vocabulary at home related to classroom objects

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