Tkam Essay

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Julian Guzman

Period 7

Atticus the ethical man

In To Kill A Mocking Bird, Atticus is described as an ethical man and great father by
Harper Lee. Atticus teaches his children to make good sacrifices, even when the odds
are against them, because he wants them to be just like him when they grow up. When
someone is described as an ethical person they follow rules, get out of their way to help
others, and are very nice people. Everyone in Maycomb knows and respects Atticus for
the way he is. Atticus being an ethical person is important to the story because if he
wasnt he wouldnt take the case for Tom Robinson. He takes the case knowing that he
would lose but, Atticus took it because he knew it was the right thing to do. Atticus has
all the types of different good personality traits many people would like to have.

Atticus is always teaching his children, Scout and Jem, to always do the right things.
Through out the whole book theres nothing but lessons that Atticus teaches them.
Theyre certainly entitled to think that, and theyre entitled to full respect to their own
opinions, said Atticus, but before I can live with other folks Ive got to live with myself.
The one thing that doesnt abide by majority rule is a persons conscience. (Lee, ch.
11, p.) Right before Atticus says this to Scout, Jem had just gotten mad about Atticus
getting him in trouble for what he did at Mrs. Duboses. Atticus was explaining to Scout
that shell need to keep her cool during summer because theres going to be a lot of
people saying bad things about him. Atticus needs her to understand that no atter what,
taking the case was the right thing to do. I think that the amount of respect that he
gives to other people gives him the ethical personality. Not alll people like him but he
still thinks that everyone is entitled to full respect to their own opinions even though
some of these opinions might be bad. When Atticus says that The one thing that
doesnt abide by majority rule is a persons conscience. he means that no matter what
other people want him to think or be like he isnt going to change just becuase most
people want him to. He knew that if he didnt try and defend Tom Robinson he wouldnt
be able to live with other people or himself because he said but before I can live with
other folks Ive got to live with myself. Scout thinks that all the people saying that what
Atticus is doing for Tom is wrong but he replied, Theyre certainly entitled to think that,
This shows that Atticus doesnt care about what people say about him and he wont
cause a problem for what they do say.
Atticus is an ethical man because hes respected by almost evryone in Maycomb, hes
always making sure that his children do the right thing, hes always following the rules,
and he always wants to help anyone he can. Even though Atticus lost the trial he was
able to change the opinion of one man, Walter Cunningham. Atticus also knew he was
going to lose the trial and get a lot of hate from a lot of people from Maycomb. This is
why i think that Atticus is an ethical person.

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