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There are a lot of mysteries in ones life and the history of humanity and if I was speaking
from a motivational perspective I would say that I have had many motivations in my life
that led to my conducts.
Greed? Certainly.. That is obvious in many of the things I have written about in this
Fear? Well yes.some of the described things were done out of fear, and to state that I
was fearless in my pursuit of this lifestyle and business would be foolish and certainly a
Hunger? Yesmuch of this was done in a vigorous pursuit to make a living and feed
myself and the ones I love..and I was hungry for the TRUTHabout many things
But to truly understand my motives we must go back to the beginning somewhat and
make an analysis of an incident in my life
It was 1978, and the judge in Garfield County Colorado had just given me 30 days to
serve. For what you may ask? I had made the mistake to drive with a snoot full of alcohol
and the sentence was imposed for my plea of guilty in a Driving while Impaired case
(to make matters worsemy attorney Kevin ORiley had showed up to defend me in a
drunken state) little did I know but Kevin had been fired the day before by a BIG
CLIENT..a murder suspect, and had been drowning his sorrows in a bottle all night.
So off to jail I went, not a big thing in the valley where I had gone to High School and in
the upcoming weekend I was in great company! My ex-roommate and about 7 others I
knew were there, also serving for DUI or assault or some other simple charge. You see
they were serving weekend sentences for their stupidity and the fact they were all heavily
employed and working in the Coal Mines, it gave them a position in Court to receive the
weekend jailing.
But the days and nights during the weekI was pretty much alone in the jailbut for a
voice I talked toon the air duct at the top of my cell..
We had talked quite a bitit seems he was being held pending trial for Murder and had
fired his attorney (I didnt know it was MY ATTORNEY until reading a book many
years later) and he laughed.stating they would never convict him as he had actually
killed more than 100 people in his life.and got away with it
I thought this guy was so full of bullshit that I never even asked his name and I made it a
point to ignore him, when he yelled into the duct, and that was that!
Local prisoners were given the option of washing the Police Department patrol cars
which I took advantage of in a heartbeat, it allowed me to get a little fresh air in the
garage area and as I was being led to the garage area we pass the door adjacent to my
cell. There was a sign on the door that read as followsDANGER Ted Bundy.DO
MORE DEPUTIES! He is to be hand AND leg shackled as well!!!
Aha.the guy I had been talking to was Bundy he was being held in our jail after an
escape from Pitkin County Courthouse during his on going trial for murder there, I had
read all this in the local Newspaper, so a name was put to the voice at last..thenit
Apparently Bundy had a date in Court, and as prisoners were led through the garage area
and across to the Courthouse I was held to the side by a Deputy. Bundy looked over at
me and said Hi, I countered a response Hello and our eyes met for a moment, I
cringed, and he tilted his head in question.WE KNEW EACH OTHER!
I turned to the deputy and said get me the fuck outta here!, when he asked what was
wrong, I told himI knew that guy and I told him the story.
It had been a late night working and it was either snowing or raining.i cant remember
which. I was freezing my ass off waiting at the Hitchhike pullover spot on Highway 82
just leaving Glenwood City limits, it was a common spot for hitchhikers, hippies and
locals to mooch a ride heading towards Carbondale, El Jebel or AspenI hadnt seen a
car for hours and when one pulled out of the 66 gas station and into the area in front of
me I was joyous, I climbed in..
The first thing that struck me was the smell.there was an odor in that car that was
indescribable (I now recognize it after visiting many crime scenes as the odor of a dead
human) and the driver had the tall gaunt look of a farmer to me and was dressed in
coveralls. Hello the man said how far are you going?
Not too far, couple of miles I said in reply and closed the door..So we drove towards
Then without warning the stranger took his right hand off the shift knob and placed it
firmly on my left knee! I was MORTIFIED, and then the stranger asked Are you
interested in men..SEXUALLY? NO, I stated firmly and started looking for a place
to bail out, I stated But this is where I need to go right here! The appearance of a
Restaurant (The Buffalo Valley) had given me my way out of the car, and as he slowed to
a stop there, I opened the door and hit the ground at a fast pace to distance myself from
this weirdo.. I entered the trailer park next to the Inn and went to the trailer of my 1st
Cousin and his wife and spent several hours there, before I made the long 3 mile hike in
the bad weather to my trailer that I shared with an old school buddy at the Colorado
Mountain College Turnoff.
Over the next several months.I simply forgot the incident, dismissed it as just a weirdo
on the prowl for a gay sex partner. As anybody who hitchhiked will tell you it
happensBut, as I stood face to face with the man again.and realized who he was, a
tragic thought hit me.and NOit was not the thought that perhaps I had escaped
being a victim of one of histories most evil villains and a Serial Killer who was known to
victimize women, but what if actually I was a trigger and was a cause for him getting
angry at a rejected advance, thus leading to him taking his frustrations out on that girl in
Aspen.Raping her..killing her.cutting her body into pieceswewill never
KNOW.AND throughout my lifetimeI am haunted by this question..
And as history would tell you..several days later Ted Bundy escaped the Garfield
County Jail, later showing up in a killing spree in Florida.which leads me to a second
question as bad as the firstdid he ditch out of there realizing that I had talked to
authorities about him? And knowing that his cat was out of the bag did he go into this
final killing spree mad at me? And could it be possible that I have had to live my life
knowing that perhaps I am actually one of the reasons Bundy killed?
Wellin closing.I must state for the record.the answer to these questions is YES!
Ted Bundy was GAY.OR at least BISEXUAL.and I truly believe that he killed
when he was rejected from fulfilling himself sexually in gay relationships, one of which
he tried to initiate with me.
All I have written here is the truest I can possibly recall I SWEAR IT! So after the
proper verifications are made I might be possibly hated by many families of themI apologize, for it never really clicked with me the meaning of this
incident in my life until years later, when I was involved in helping people in the
Detective business.but it was a way of kinda evening the score for the Bundy thing.
But.even as he is now dead from execution in Florida, the realization that people like
him walk beside us.. Many undetected while doing the same things he did!
Me, I spent a lifetime making sure that I was at least a couple of steps AHEAD of guys
like him, because the realization that he actually had me in his grasp was too terrifying
for me to live with any other drove me so solidly that I made a business
out of finding what secrets people kept hiddenFOR MONEY. And in factI continued
to do solong after I asked to get paid, but heyif you are gonna live a life in
PARANOIA..You might as well GET PAID FOR IT!
(NOTE) I did not start out planning to write a book like this in the beginning and I would
not recommend doing anything like this with the rest of your life! It could prove to be
foolish and VERY UNHEALTHY. I knew all during my lifetime that I would never cure
Cancer, but I did manage to find a way to stop from worrying that things like THAT
could kill me...just what the hell was I thinking?


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