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I gave the gril the key

a) I gave her it b) I gave to she c) She gave it to me d) I gave it to her

2. .. umbrella is this?. Its mine.

a) whom b) which c) whose d) what

3. With did you go to the party? I went with Michael

a) Whom b) Who c) Which d) What

4. Patty lent her car to ugly. She lent ..

a) him it b) lt to he c) It to his d) lt to him

5. What time is it?

a) I have five oclock b) I have five c) Its five oclock d) It has five oclock

6. He thinks they will come, but I dont think

a) it b) like he c) so d) That

7. They work very hard. They should he proud of ..

a) theirselves b) themselfes c) themselves d) theirselves

8. When he was a child he always said he would . a doctor.

a) yet b) overcome c) become d) reach

Examen Ingls Ingreso Academias Militares

INSTRUCCIONES: Esta parte del examen (fragmento de muestra) consta de una serie
de preguntas que incluyen frases incompletas. Deber elegir cualquiera de las cuatro
opciones A), B), C), o D), de manera que se complete la frase de la forma ms correcta.

1. You should know that everyone in this office busily planning the dance for
a week.

A) is B) has been C) have been D) are

2. I cant find my wallet. it at home.

A) I must leave B) Might I have left C) Maybe I leave D) I might have


3. We were angry about the stuaton and insisted by the president.

A) to see B) on being seen C) on seeing D) to be seen

4. Im always willing to help you. Just tell me what . me to do.

A) want B) you do want C) do you want D) you want

5. It is strange that for the past few days we havent heard . news about that

A) many B) a lot C) much D) much of

6. A basket of apples, oranges, and bananas.. sent to my husband by his

grandparents last Christmas.

A) has been B) have been C) was D) were

7. Mary and Tom lived in San Francisco, but they . to Detroit.

A) will just move B) are just moved C) have just moved D) had just

8. This soup is very hot, but I always think the better

A) hotter the B) hottest C) hotter D) hot the

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