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I belive war exist of opposing religin, beliefs, and ways of life. I also believe
that war is a part of humanity, because it is just a really violent way for countries
to express their feelings against other countries. Obviously the world is not
perfect, so there is not any way under the sun that we will all get overo ut
differences and just become friens.
Now a days, there is 2 main causes of war, in my opinin: religin and civil-
right. Back as early as a few centuries, ago, another cause was culture, also
there are some religions that do believe war is what their god wants, and then
there are the ones that think war is vil.
If yoy are one of the ones who think war is really that evil, then answer this: If
war is so evil, them why is your god allowing it?
Now war is something that affects everyone in both good and bad ways, it
affects soldiers and their familys lives, especially if the soldier died in Batlle, It
affects leaders because they know that they have military resources at the
ready. If there is a civil war, it affects the citizens life, win or lose, live or die

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