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AP LIT & COMP Winters Bone Symposium and Response Guide 1.27.


The title of a novel, poem, or play often provides guidance for the reader of the work through
foreshadowing, thematic suggestion, atmospherics, or mood. In the case of Winters Bone, all of
these aspects are awakened by the title. Discuss the several significant meanings of the novels

Discuss Rees various relationships in the novel, including with her brothers, her mother, her
father, Gail, and Teardrop. In what ways do these relationships allow (or force) Ree to cross the
boundaries of stereotypical gender expectations, experience her sexuality, and come of age as a
self-aware person.

Discuss the specific ways that Winters Bone uses the natural environment more than a backdrop
to a mystery story. In what specific ways does the novel suggest an ecological perspective linked
to its specific natural landscape, season and climate, and economic positions of its inhabitants.

Discuss the various social classes of the inhabitants of the novels setting. In what ways is mobility
between social classes possible and impossible? What factors dictate an individuals class and
economic situation?

Discuss the various forces (RSAs and ISAs) that form Rees unique ideology. Be sure to consider
both the square law forces and the family forces that act on her thinking.

Discuss Rees options at the end of the novel. What will see decide to do and why?

Write your own discussion question.

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