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Leap to Your Feet Dance Booster

Meeting Minutes

Date: October 17, 2017

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Danielle Vincent at 6:30 p.m. at Debbis Dance, Etc.
dance studio.
The following members were present: Liz Claridge, Leann Yount, Brandy Brown, Chris Ziesmer, Jackie
Gibbons, Janel Bulley, Danielle Vincent, Kim Weeks, Jared Weeks, Kelli Nye, Kristy Newman, Lisa Spector,
Ashley Prince, Ariya Raincloud, Shelly Stafford, Amy Russell, Kelly Ziesmer.

2. Minutes: Review and approval of September 26, 2017 annual voting

As voted in by board members on September 26, 2017, 2017-2018 Leap to Your Feet Dance Booster
(LTYFDB) board members are as follows: President: Janel Bulley, Vice-President: Danielle Vincent,
Treasurer: Kim Weeks, Secretary: Amy Russell.

Also voted in are two changes to the LTYFDB bylaws as follows:

A two-hour annual service requirement must be met in order to access scholarships and
supports from LTYFDB the next year (this can be met in many ways. Ask a board member if you
have questions or input). This new requirement will not affect your ability to accrue and access
funds in an individual account.
Annual member dues are due September 15 of each year to better align with the start of the
dance year.

3. Fundraising Updates:
a. Poinsettias. Per member approval, poinsettia pricing is set at $15 for each 6 poinsettia,
and $30 for each 8 poinsettia. A sample sales flyer and order form is attached to these
i. Poinsettia orders due Friday, November 17 and delivery is tentatively scheduled
for Friday, December 1.
b. Wreathes/holiday greens. There is an electronic portal, just like last year. Members
must set up the e-account to place all orders. They can also provide this information to
the public as direct order and ship is available. Please refer to the October 16 email
titled 2017 Wreath Sales Info. Prices will vary for all items. A price/profit list is
attached to these minutes.
i. Wreath/holiday greens orders are due November 3 and delivery is tentatively
scheduled for Monday, November 27.
c. New fundraising opportunities. LTYFDB is partnering with PAAW on new fundraising
opportunities as follows:
i. Competition line tee shirts. There will be a variety of styles. The board is
working with a designer and will share these designs with members prior to
selling. Hoping to sell (and receive) these prior to first event.
ii. Dance Acro master class with Julia Brusselback. Julia is the owner of Sonic Elite
Competitive Cheerleading, and a level 10 gymnast who has competed
nationally. She will lead classes at the dance studio for different ages/levels.
Pricing TBD. Hoping to offer these classes over winter break.
iii. Fantastic Friday/Sleepless Saturday overnight party. Looking at offering this in
February. Volunteers will be needed to make this event successful. More details
to come.
iv. Other. LTYFDB relies on a variety of fundraisers throughout the year. If you have
fundraising ideas and would like to volunteer your time and experience, please
contact a board member.
d. Restaurant fundraisers. Starting in January LTYFDB will begin a series of restaurant
fundraisers to support the general fund, just like last year. Would like to have one
restaurant fundraiser per month. Volunteers will be needed to make these successful,
but minimal time/effort is required. More details to come.

4. Booster: There is a new box of forms in the dance studio homework room on the back table. This is
available to all members. The fundraising forms, payment request forms, and an envelope which will be
used to pass receipts to members. All completed payment requests will go into this box which will be
checked regularly by the board. Members should no longer put payment request forms in the pouch.
a. How to submit a payment request
i. Where to find the Leap Pouch. The pouch is behind the counter of the dance
studio, and is now used for payment only. Members should ask the desk staff to
place payments in the pouch from now on.
ii. Payment request deadlines. Kim Weeks passed out an annual calendar detailing
all payment request deadlines for events/orders. Beginning immediately, this is
the timeline that will be followed. This flyer is attached to these meeting
b. General fund vs. member accounts. General fund is used for administrative needs,
licensing fees, supplies and scholarships. A $200 minimum balance is required. Member
accounts are used for anything dance related (i.e. convention and competition fees,
costumes). Individual accounts may not be used to purchase monthly dance tuition.
c. Ways to volunteer. There are many ways to volunteer- volunteer at an event or
fundraising table, spend time putting candy leis together in the spring, make flyers for a
fundraiser. There will be volunteer requests made throughout the year, via LTYFDB
meetings, the LTYFDB bulletin board, on the LTYFDB Facebook page. Questions? Ask a
board member.

A new email address for LTYFDB board members has been created to make it easier to
ask questions:

5. Join Facebook page: Leap to Your Feet Dance Booster. This is a place where members share and
receive valuable information about events, meetings, anything dance or dance competition related.

6. Next Meeting Date: Sunday, November 19 at 2:30 p.m.

7. Adjournment: Danielle Vincent adjourned the meeting at 7:04 p.m.

Signed by:

President Vice President Treasurer Secretary

Janel Bulley Danielle Vincent Kimberly Weeks Amy Russell
Poinsettia fundraiser sample flyer
Poinsettia fundraiser order forms
Wreath price list/profit page
Deadlines for requesting payments

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