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My name is Trenee Barr.

I am full time student here at SUNY Plattsburgh I am in the BMST

Education Program with a concentration in English for high school students. I plan to graduate
December 2018. I am invested in expanding my knowledge and experience within the Education
field. A little background about my experiences and what molded me to become an English
teacher. English is my favorite subject of all time; I love reading and learning new things about
the English curriculum. Recently, I worked with the SUNY Plattsburgh Host Program, Cardinal
Points Newspaper, The Fresh Air Fund, Beyond Readiness Tutoring Program, and Harlem
Children Zone. Throughout my internships and work experiences I have gained experience
educating young adults, creating and teaching lesson plans. Also, I had the opportunity to take
courses on educational studies and methods. I acquired advanced knowledge in Education
learning professionalism in a professional development course. I also had to opportunity to
encourage, support, and teach young adults life skills. I did this by creating and facilitating
activities including, but not limited to, swimming, sports, hiking, arts and crafts, cooking, and the
ropes course. By the end of the summer, I was able to watch young adults develop into confident,
responsible, and independent students. Observing adolescents developed encouraged me to
continue my journey educating young adults.

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