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Villalobos 1

Domonique Villalobos

Jennifer Rodrick

Queer Studies 115

November 4,2017

Blog #9

Single Man by Christopher Isherwood is very interesting to read and interpret. I think I

would like to write about the way George views himself and how that makes him become part of

the plot. I would like to analyze certain parts of the novel and connect him to what I believe the

plot is and how it also ties into the theme. With this theme, I can also link another source that

relates with this novel. I also want to involve the other characters as well. I just want to figure

George out and really understand him. Truthfully, he is a very interesting character and at some

instances I get very confused on what I just read. I know this book isnt that hard to follow along,

but theres just a bit of confusion that I usually end up figuring out. I hope to write a good essay

about this novel, I really have an interest for this book.

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