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Yifeng Chen

Eller College Admission Committee

McClelland Hall 204
1130 E. Helen St.
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0108

Dear Eller College Admission Committee:

I am interested in Business Management and I would like to inquire this major at the
Eller College of Management. My interest in business management developed through
observing the operation my father`s business, and my long-term goal is to embrace the
social media`s booming of China and my own view to expand my father`s business, bring
the business to a new level which can take a bigger market share in China.

My previous experiences of China Contract Bridge Association manager and operational

work experiences have given me ample opportunities to develop soft skills as well as
learn basic business knowledge. I joined the China Contract Bridge Association for five
years, and I was pointed as the manager of the city of Taicang. As a manager and
experienced bridge contestant, I set up the team contest onboarding and trained the team
to win 2 state-level championships. My obligation is not limit to set up and implement the
training strategies for the whole team, but also manage all aspects of bridge contest,
including contest enrollment, catering and hotel. I also interned as an operation manager
assistant at Suzhou Ansheng Non-Woven Fabric Co., I learned the importance of
operation department that oversees the whole company`s strategy planning and
implementing. The meetings with international top automobiles companies taught me
how to negotiate the contracts and initiate the partnerships. Both experiences at bridge
association and operational internship cultivated my leadership and problem-solving
skills, and the experiences helped me to distinguish among other applicants.

As an international student, I will bring in a global mindset and a multi-cultural

environment to Eller community. Eller is owned by the world. I plan to give back to Eller
community by becoming the world ambassador of Eller so that Eller College will be able
to attract more talents from all over the world and known by the world. I am a person
who accomplishes thing with passion and desire for achievements. I hope to bring this
positive attitude to the program and together with professors and students, create a better
environment for an intense but meaningful Business Management study. Thank you for
your time and consideration.


Yifeng Chen

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