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Gatekeeper E-mail/Letter Template


Name of organisation/school/facility/group


My name is XXXXXXXX and Im currently beginning a research project for my (course) at

Coventry University.

Subject to approval by Coventry University Ethics this study will be using a questionnaire to
assess (reason for research study or background).

Im writing to ask your permission to be allowed access to your (mailing list, school, facility
etc) to with a questionnaire to fill out. This should not take a large amount of time and can be
conducted at a convenient time and date to be arranged. All I will need is to arrange a suitable
time with you to come and (provide/give out) the questionnaires to the
(residents/members/pupils etc). I will also be asking team members if they want to take part.

All answers and results from the questionnaires are kept strictly confidential and the results
will be reported in a research paper available to all participants on completion.

If this is possible please could you E-mail me at (email address) to confirm that you are willing
to allow access to the (residents/members/pupils etc) providing they agree to take part?

Yours sincerely


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