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Africas migration shouldnt be motivated by conflict

Africa has a big role to play for its rural residents, if it is to halt migration.
The causes of exodus of people from their homes need a permanent solution

Simon Mone

By Simon J Mone

The migration story continues and people are on the move. All kinds of factors for
mass exodus of needy people are in the spotlight. In Africa, we will probably make
it our pre-occupation for a long time to come.
We know that about every country in sub-Saharan Africa is struggling to cope with
huge numbers of displaced people. One wonders how this can be with all the regional
bodies in Africa, who should be conscious about the welfare of their citizens.
East and west Africa are probably battling the biggest numbers. The north as well,
on top of their own, is struggling to contain Africans on the move from crossing
over to Europe through the famous Mediterranean Sea.
So there is no stopping the rural Africans from their zeal to motion away from
trouble. The dynamics and drivers of migration are dominantly varied.
And with an exploded population of the sub-Sahara, which has increased by 645
million between 1975 and 2015, the type and complexity of conflict has forced
migration to metamorphose in style.
This population is still on the upward trend, expected to be about 1.4 billion
people in 40 years time (by 2055). By this time, sub-Sahara will probably be the
only region in which population will continue to get out of hand.
Africa has a big role to play for its rural residents, if it is to halt migration.
The causes of exodus of people from their homes need a permanent solution. It is no
doubt a constant pain for the world. A lot more people are fleeing from home to try
and find better opportunities; peace, jobs and all.

There will be a lot of pressure put on basic needs; food, shelter, education,
medication and job. Of the people that have been severely affected by the
migration, we see that a majority are young people, falling in the age group of 15
and 34.
Instead of being in school or doing some income activity to support their
livelihoods, they have no chance but to look for these away from home. So this big
population is not for better.
It is true because currently, we are already struggling to stop wars, diseases, bad
governance among all other unnecessary problems. It is a multiple challenge we are
facing. Many people being born in displacement camps will need explanation in order
for them to understand this abnormal.
Otherwise, to somechildren that did not have the chance to be born at home, it
could easily be a normal thing. Sub-Saharan Africa, unlike many parts of the world
has become more urban but with the disadvantage of being less industrialised.
It means that its people face the challenge of an informal urban sector. This is
characterised by persistent poverty and limited formal employment opportunities
which leaves a majority of people redundant. With redundancy, there is potentially
increased crime.
So the complexity of factors driving migration makes it impossible to see where the
migration solutions will come from. Crucial variables such as weather events,
poverty, hunger, job opportunities and quality of governance continue to throw the
spanner in the migration works.
But the starting point in order to manage migration in the future is first and
foremost to concentrate on the trying to eliminate the causes of migration. Look at
developing the small rural habitats.
Ensure that young people are a part of it; make quality services reach the rural
group. The decision of rural Africa to leave their homes should not be motivated by
survival or search for a decent life. It should rather be inspired by the zeal for
exposure to new experiences.
Young people should be encouraged to visit other countries, get some skills and
return home. Stopping migration is not possible at this time without looking at the
causes. So lets encourage safe, orderly and meaningful migration.

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