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I Act 1

A. scene 1
Some servingmen from the Capulet family meet servingmen from the Montagu
e family. Insults start flying and a fight erupts.
Benvolio, Montague's nephew, and Tybalt, Capulet's nephe
w enter from different directions. They become involved in the fight.
Romeo appears and confesses to Benvolio his love for an
aloof and indifferent young woman.
B. Scene 2
Paris asks Capulet for permission to marry his daughter. Capulet agrees
but only if Juliet will agree as well.
That night Capulet is planning to give a party so Paris
could meet Juliet. He calls a servant to deliver the invitations.
Now the servant could not read, so he walked along he as
ked Romeo and Benvolio to read the guest list to him.He told Romeo, To come if h
e was not a montegue. Since Romeo's unreceptive Rosaline was named among the gue
sts, Benvolio urges Romeo to go and find out for himself that Rosaline was a "cr
C. Act One, Scene Three
Lady Capulet speaks with Juliet and informs her that Par
is is interested in her and would like to marry her. She tells her that she will
be able to meet him at the festival that night. Juliet agrees to be open minded
about her parents' choice for her.
D. Act One, Scene Four
Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio are on their way to the ma
sked ball. Mercutio tries to cheer up Romeo with an imaginary story about Queen
Mab, who brings strange dreams to people.

E. Act One, Scene Five

As Romeo and his friend Mercutio, both wearing masks, se
arched for Rosaline among the gathering, Romeo's eyes fell upon Juliet - and Rom
eo remembered Rosaline no more. Tybalt, Capulet's nephew, overheard Romeo pourin
g out his heart and reported to his uncle that a Montague had invaded their fest
ivity. But Capulet was not alarmed and would have no bloodshed, besides Romeo se
emed to be a virtuous youth.
Romeo approached Juliet offering a kiss, to which Juliet
replied, but you must use those lips to pray but Romeo at last convinced her to
kiss him - just before Juliet's Nurse called her away.
Romeo was stunned to find out that the girl was the daug
hter of his father's enemy. Juliet, likewise, is surprised when she learns from
the Nurse the identity of Romeo.

II. Act Two

A. Scene 1
The party ended, leaving Romeo outside the Capulet house
, gazing at Juliet's window. He does not answer when Benvolio calls to him.
B. Act Two, Scene Two
Juliet leaned from her balcony. Romeo whispered: "But so
ft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the s
As he debates within himself whether to speak to her, sh
e, thinking herself alone, begins to pour out her heart: "O Romeo, Romeo! wheref
ore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, b
e but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet."
Unable to contain himself, Romeo stepped out of the shad
ows. Though ashamed at her overheard declaration, Juliet reconfirmed her passion
, but warned him that if her family discovered him there, he would be killed. Ro
meo was not alarmed, "For stony limits cannot hold love out." As he swore of his
love by the moon, and by his heart, Juliet begged him not to swear at all. Thin
gs were happening too fast; the world seemed suddenly brilliant and fragile "lik
e the lightening which cloth cease to be." So, the fragile lovers exchange vows
and agree to meet the next morning.

c. Act Two, Scene Three

On his way home, Romeo stops by the monastery to visit F
riar Lawrence. He is already up and outside gathering herbs.
When the Friar sees Romeo, he is surprised to see him so
early in the morning and greets him, Romeo replies, "I have been feasting with
mine enemy."
He continues, I love juliet
The Friar teases Romeo for his fickle nature, but agrees
to perform the marriage, in the hope that it will bring peace between the house
D. Act Two, Scene Four
The following morning, Mercutio and Benvolio are searchi
ng for Romeo; Tybalt had sent out a challenge for him to fight. But when the pai
r finally meet up with their enamored young kinsman, he is in no mood for fighti
At this point Juliet's nurse comes on the scene and take
s Romeo aside to demand his intentions. Romeo assures her that his love is true
and bids her to bring Juliet to the Friar's cell, where they would be married th
at afternoon.
E. Act Two, Scene Five
Juliet is waiting in the garden to hear what the Nurse h
as to say about Romeo. She finally arrives and tells Juliet that Romeo has arran
ged with Friar Lawrence to perform the marriage.
F. Act Two, Scene Six
While Romeo awaits Juliet's arrival, the Friar tells Rom
eo not to act too hasitly. Romeo is too happy to take any heed of the warning an
d the Friar performs the marriage ceremony.

III. Act Three, Scene One

That afternoon Benvolio and Mercutio run into Tybalt and some of
his men. Though Benvolio, remembering the Prince's edict, declines to duel, Mer
cutio and Tybalt begin a spur of insults, with Mercutio's wit outdoing the other
's words. Just then, the newly-married Romeo appears, and Tybalt demands that th
e "villain" fight. Romeo says he thinks of typlt as a brother and wishes no harm
. Tybalt and mercutio fight, mercutio dies.
The Prince and a group of citizens come upon the bloody scene an
d call for an explanation from Benvolio. Silencing arguments as to where the bla
me should fall, the Prince declares, I dont care what happened romeo will get th
e deth sentence.

B. Act Three, Scene Two

Juliet impatiently awaits the arrival of her husband, wh

en her nurse comes with the news: "Tybalt is gone, and ... Romeo that killed him
, he is banished." Distraught, Juliet sends the nurse off once again to give rom
eo a ring.

C. Act Three, Scene Three

Romeo, hidden in the Friar's cell, has just been informe
d of a change of heart by the Prince - rather than death, Romeo should only be e
xiled from Verona. Then the nurse comes with news from Juliet: "She weeps and we
eps." The Friar advises Romeo to wait until nightfall and then go to his true lo
ve. He also tells him to go to Mantua and stay there until it is safe to return
to Verona. Romeo agrees.
D. Act Three, Scene Four
Capulet is discussing with Paris Tybalt's death and expl
aining to him that the news has shocked the whole house and that no one has thou
ght of anything else.
Just as Paris is about to leave, Capulet suddenly announ
ces that he has decided not to wait for Juliet to make up her mind about Paris.
He sets the date for the forthcoming marriage and says that Juliet will follow h
is wishes.

E. Act Three, Scene Five

Shortly after Romeo leaves, Lady Capulet enters Juliet's
chamber, believing the girl had stayed secreted in mourning for Tybalt. She spe
aks of the murder and the vengeance it demands. "But now," and she apprises her
daughter that she would soon be married to Paris. When Juliet balks at any such
wedding, her father gets angry.

IV.Act Four
A. Scene 1
Juliet now hurries to the Friar's cell, both to confess her fili
al disobedience and to see Romeo. There she meets Paris, who was arranging for t
heir forthcoming marriage. Though Juliet openly confesses to loving another, Par
is mistakes her words as a declaration towards him and promises that they would
be married in bliss.
After he leaves, Juliet turns to Friar Lawrence for help. The Fr
iar has a plan: He gives her a vial with a potion inside that will make her appe
ar to be dead, but in reality would only bring on a long sleep. When her family
discovers her "lifeless" body, they would place it in the Capulets' tomb, and th
e Friar would then send for Romeo to rescue her and take her away from Verona.
B.Act Four, Scene Two
The Capulets rejoice when Juliet returns home and tells her fami
ly that she will consent to marry Paris.
C.Act Four, Scene Three
On the evening before the wedding, when Juliet is all alone, she
partakes of the potion

D. Act Four, Scene Four

There is a hustle and bustle in the Capulet household and everyo
ne is preparing for the wedding. Suddenly Capulet hears music in the distance an
d he knows that Paris is approaching. He tells the Nurse to, "waken Juliet [and]
trim her up."
E. Act Four, Scene Five
The Nurse does what she is told but when she reaches Juliet's ro
om and is unable to arouse her, she surmises that Juliet is dead and calls for h
When the Friar and Paris arrive to seek the bride, they find the
parents filled with grief. They take Juliet's limp body, according to the Friar
's prediction, to the family tomb.

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