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1. You are absolutely and undeniably unique.

You are one of a kind, and there is no one

like you in the world. BE YOURSELF. It will draw people to you for the rest of your life.

2. Life is not a race. Never compare yourself to where the people around you are. Your
plan is different than anyone elses plan. Remember that.

3. Always set goals. Even small ones. We are creatures of progression. Post your goals
where you can see them and always picture yourself accomplishing them.

4. Lists are your friend. Make them, and enjoy the glorious feeling of crossing off an item.
5. Step outside your comfort zone. Youll be surprised.

6. Youre never too old for Harry Potter.

7. Everything is always okay in the end. If its not okay, then its not the end.

8. Nothing you do can make me stop loving you.

9. Pay attention to the way Grandpa Brad treats Grandma Trudy.

10. Beauty truly comes from the inside. Believe that. The media lies. Dont compare
yourself or your looks. Comparison is the thief of joy. You were made in Gods image. He
doesnt make mistakes. You ARE beautiful.

11. Read your scriptures. It has the answers to all the problems youll face. And if you
dont think so, read harder.

12. We dont stop playing when we get old. We get old because we stop playing.

13. Friends will make or break you. Seek out good friends. Be the kind of friend you wish
you had.

14. Dont be a people-pleaser. Just be honest and do whats right, even if its not popular.

15. Live alone at least once in your life. You will learn more about yourself in that time
than you ever can imagine.

16. When you start feeling sorry for yourself, find someone to serve. Do something nice
for someone. Making cookies is a good start.

17. Chronic complaining is unattractive. Develop your problem solving skills. If you arent
willing to make the proper change, you arent allowed to whine
about the problem.

18. There are things dogs understand, that people dont. Cuddle one of the puppies when
youre having a sad day.

19. Never deny an adventure.

20. Dont lose the Eternal Perspective. As long as you can remember that Heavenly Father
knows what he is doing, small trials become trivial. He sees more than we do, and its all
for something.

21. NOTHING in the world is more important than the temple. Always keep getting to the
temple your goal, and stay worthy of it once youre there. No activity, drink, behavior, or
lifestyle is better than the blessings the temple holds. I promise that. Get there. Stay

22. Keep a journal. Write your story. Its therapy.

23. Your daddy works so hard to support our family. He loves me and you so much. He
makes time to laugh and have fun with us every single day. He is happy and patient. I
dont know how he does it, but make sure you find someone like him to marry.

24. Dont be afraid to do things yourself.

25. Part of doing things yourself is making mistakes. Mistakes can always be fixed.

26. You never know who is watching and looking up to you. Never forget that you are
always an example to someone.
27. Be kind to everyone. Even strangers. You dont know what they are going through.
Treat everyone you meet like its their birthday.

28. Hard work will get you further than anything in life.

29. Learn to see the beauty in the world. Its all around. You just have to open your eyes.

30. Take road trips often.

31. There is more to life than money. Money can never make you happy. Debt will rot
your soul. Avoid unnecessary debt.

32. Music is a language best understood by the heart.

33. Dont believe anyone who says U2 is lame.

34. Laugh every single day. A sense of humor is worth gold.

35. Happiness is a journey. Its a mood. It is NOT a destination. You can be happy amidst

36. Always eat breakfast.

37. A bowl of popcorn and Singing In the Rain will mend a heart. Gene Kelly and his tap-
dancing feet will take your problems away for 1.5 hours.

38. Camping is one of lifes greatest pleasures. Do it at least once a year.

39. True love is doing the dishes together and inside jokes over silly things.

40. Youre never too busy for a long bubble bath.

41. Celebrate your heritage. Its good to be Greek. Grandpa Pulos is one of the most
amazing men whos lived. Learn about him. Follow his example.
42. I will never get mad at you for staying up too late reading a good book.

43. Be detail oriented.

44. Original NES nintendo will never go out of style.

45. No excuses. Just woman-up and get things done!

46. A good pair of running shoes is an investment.

47. Trust takes a long time to earn, be so careful to not break that with your friends and

48. Make friends with your cousins. Those relationships get even better with age.

49. Treat yourself to a cold Dr. Pepper

50. Theres no such thing as too many pillows.

51. Your name holds special meaning to us.

52. A strong man isnt threatened by a strong woman.

53. Womanhood is a gift.

54. The painful truth is always better than a messy lie.

55. Good communication is a skill that should always be worked on.

56. When it rains, pause to go jump in a puddle. Dance, while youre at it.

57. Never go a month without a kitchen sink. Save your sanity. Learn from your silly
58. Understand your worth. If someone isnt willing to treat you like a daughter of God,
they arent worth your time. Dont ever ever settle just to save yourself from being alone.

59. Girls can like Star Wars too.

60. Never play the victim. If bad things happen, its for a reason. We rise from the ashes.
We dont feel sorry for ourselves.

61. Wickedness can NEVER be happiness.

62. Faith has a short shelf life. Never assume youre safe from falling. I made that
mistake, and it was hard to fix. But always remember, it CAN be fixed. It is just really
really hard.

63. The Atonement is for more than just sins. It is for broken hearts, sadness, depression,
struggles, and anything you need strength for. It is always available for use. Dont ignore

64. Its not your place to judge. Ever.

65. Forgive. Even when they never say sorry.

66. Dont ever count on somebody else to make you happy.

67. Theres no shame in having milk and Oreos for breakfast.

68. Be brave enough to try new foods at least once.

69. Fresh peaches on vanilla ice cream is the best thing you will eat all summer long.

70. Be the first to volunteer when someone needs help.

71. Go to the mountains often, even if only on a drive.

72. Get a library card.

73. Fight for what matters.

74. Learn something from everyone.

75. Nobody likes a know-it-all.

76. Mean everything you say. Keep your word. Dont trifle words.

77. Dont live in the past. You cant drive forward if youre stuck looking in a rear view
mirror. You will keep crashing. Look FORWARD, and occasionally glance back to keep
things in check.

78. Dont wait for things to happen. Make them happen.

79. Drink lots of water.

80. Most of the things you worry about never happen.

81. I will always want to hear from you.

82. Being passive aggressive is immature. When you have a problem with something or
someone, do the right thing and talk to them about it. Its hard. But its better.

83. Never attack the person. Attack the problem.

84. It never hurts to ask.

85. You cant change what people think about you. Be your best self, and that is enough.

86. Cardigan weather is the best weather.

87. If youre bored, organize your closet.

88. Go thrift shopping often. The DI is our best friend!

89. Girls can use power tools too.

90. Get to know yourself. And LOVE yourself. But remember, its not always about YOU.
Think of others, and be there to lift them up.

91. Your life has a reason, and you have a great work to do. Look for opportunities around
you to make a difference.

92. Being consistent is the best way to not have drama.

93. Pay your bills on time.

94. People watching is never a waste of time.

95. If someone tells you getting your pilots license is impossible, they are wrong.

96. You are a creation of two peoples eternal love. No one has loved anyone more than I
love your dad.

97. Marry someone who is fun to be around and makes you laugh. If you cant laugh
together when you accidentally put a third cup of Siracha into your meal, youre going to
have a hard time.

98. Climb trees.

99. Take LOTS of pictures.

100. You are the master of your fate. You are the captain of your soul.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

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