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1. One of our activities (anonymous box) was made for the victims who seek help.

However, victims are prone to shyness and therefore afraid to participate in this
activity. In the victims point of view, they are scared of being judged by others. That
said, the anonymous has its flaws as well: victims still have to write its content in the
presence of others before submitting. It is best that a web hyperlink is given so that
victims can fill up the information anonymously in the web.
2. We also should educate participants why to report cases of cyberbullying and why it
is pertinent to do so this is to make participant resilient of bystanders apathy, or
bystander effect when they witness a cyberbullying going on. In the activity, we did
address participants of bystander apathy but we did not educate them on how to be
resilient of it.
3. Teach the victims what to do upon getting cyberbullied. A lot of times, victims may
not be able to get a hold of trusted friends or parents. Worse still, some victims may
not even want to disclose they were bullied to their close ones. That is why we should
show them how to stand up for themselves.

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