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Sample letter to your neighbor

Dear [insert neighbors name],

Please allow me to introduce myself, Im your neighbor [insert your name] and I
would love to talk with you about good outdoor lighting. I notice that you have Commented [1]: We are talking to you about outdoor
installed outdoor lights on your property, and I applaud your desire to help improve lighting? Maybe light pollution?
our neighborhood. Commented [2]: Lead with a compliment

However, and I certainly realize that you may be unaware of this, your lights are a
bit too bright and are shining in [pick areas as they apply: our bedroom window, the
backyard, into our house etc.] and interfering with our [sleep, hobbies, view of the
sky, etc.]. As I mentioned, Im sure you werent aware of this until now, but I wanted Commented [3]: seems way to specific and limiting
to bring it to your attention as soon as possible so we can discuss possible remedies Commented [4]: I agree with this, but I think the
or solutions. Let me be clear, I am not asking you to remove the lights, but perhaps subject matter itself is limiting... What if someone just
re-direct them onto the ground where they will do the most good. wants to talk to their neighbor about light pollution and
why it's a problem? Then asks about what they can do
to personally help out? (Like redirecting the lights on
In addition, we could also discuss shielding the lights so that they are even more the ground, etc.)
effective. Shielding a lamp usually requires using a lower wattage bulb, which in Commented [5]: knock down protest
and of itself is a big money saver. Shielding also reduces glare that can be Commented [6]: provide a solution
dangerous and unsafe. Glare can be blinding and create harsh shadows where bad
Commented [7]: Not in addition, this is the redirecting
guys can hide. Shielded lighting provides real security, not just the illusion of
security, which I think we both want for our families and friends. Commented [8]: what do they gain
Commented [9]: make it personal
There are several other ways to improve lighting, save money, and still be safe. One Commented [10]: Alternative solutions
is using motion sensors, which alert you if someone is in your yard after dark and
have the added benefit of reducing your electric bills by keeping the lights off when
theyre not needed. Timers are another way to save money because these devices
turn off your lights when theyre not needed, for example, when you retire for the

Thank you so much for your time and understanding. I would love to talk with you Commented [11]: thank them for their time
about how I can help you to improve your lighting and how it can benefit your Commented [12]: offer continued dialogue
safety, budget, and the night sky.
Commented [13]: odd, if the main point is the night
sky, this really shouldn't be mentioned so sparingly and
Sincerely, late into the letter. though ending on it was a good

[insert your name]

Dear [insert neighbors name],

Key Points
1. harmful to health
a. disease Commented [14]: I'm hesitant to bring this one in
b. sleep, circadian rhythm because of the fear tactic and because the articles
were incredilby vague.
2. safty
a. glare Commented [15]: I mean the only disease the fliers
specifically mentioed was canter, and living is literally a
b. cars cause for cancer, so it doesn't mean much?
c. lower visibility Commented [16]: You can say causes insomnia to
3. saves money make it sound more serious.
a. less energy expended Commented [17]: keep health only in senator letter
4. protect nature
a. nature beauty
b. greenhouse gas
c. harms wildlife Commented [18]: not in neighblr letter
5. What can you do
a. light shielding
b. timers
c. motion sensors
d. light color
6. More information
a. dark skies
7. Thanks

Key wrapup: Decreasing light pollution saves money, increases safety, and
decreases damage to the environment.

Notes from the fliers:

Help save our stars

Light pollution hinders astronomy, harms the planet, wastes money, and threatens
the health and safety

Use fully shielded, dark-sky friendly fixtures. That means lights shine down, not up.
Only use lights when needed. Install timers and dimmer switches, and turn off
lights when not in use. Use the right amount of light. Too much light is wasteful
and impairs vision. Use long-wavelength lights with a red or yellow tint to
minimize negative health effects

Keep the blues away - Two to three hours before bed, avoid tablets, smartphones,
computers, televisions, and other electronic screens. They emit blue-rich light,
making it difficult to fall asleep. Keep your bedroom dark - Use blackout curtains
and cover or remove other light sources. If you need a night-light, use one that emits
dim red or amber light.

Get informed. Visit us at to learn more. Join IDA and make a difference.
Spread the word. Talk to friends, neighbors and government officials about light
pollution. Commented [19]: I like this call to action rather than
talking to the neighbor
Harms the wildlife like birds, insects, noctunral animals, and sea turtules. Commented [20]: I always figured that you were
talking to the neighbor to convince them to get involved
lighting the night incorrecly does not prvide safty
temporary blinds motorists

Start with: It has come to my attention that we have a safety risk and environmental
hazard in our neighborhood: light pollution. Commented [21]: I like this idea, since it becomes
Or lead with a questoin: have the neighbors lights kept you up? Have you ever been more of a combined effort from both audience and
writer to make a difference, rather then one person
blinded by streetlights? telling another what to do.

Light pollution wastes energy and money

greenhouse gas emissions

At least 30% of outdoor light is wasted. That adds up to $3.3 billion and the release
of 21 million tons of CO2 per year! To offset all that CO2, wed have to plant 875
million trees annually

maybe include a section on how to act, not what to act. People can say well i want to
but dont know how and wont go out of their way to figure it out

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