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1Whereas, In October 1767, after crossing a war path at Dunkard Creek, the chiefs

declared they would not proceed one step further west, Mason and Dixon established a
final marker on a high ridge that now belongs to the citizens of Greene and Monongalia
counties; and

Whereas, This stopping point was 21 miles, 769.1 feet short of the point the Crown had
commissioned and it would take 17 and additional years for others to complete the
survey job of what is now the border between West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio; and
Whereas, In the 1970s a park of nearly 400 acres of wilderness straddling the border of
West Virginia and Pennsylvania was established to commemorate the stopping point of
the survey; and

Whereas, This 250th celebration of the Mason & Dixon survey is intended to be a
reminder of that historic journey as well as an inspiration to children and young-at-heart
adults who love history, math and science and the great outdoors; therefore

On the Fifteenth day of October, Two Thousand Seventeen, we do hereby celebrate the
achievements of the Mason-Dixon team and aspire to achieve a renewal of the spirit of
learning, exploration and discovery they demonstrated.

This citation was presented by:

Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer

Delegate Dave Pethtel Delegate Joe Statler
Delegate John Williams Delegate Cindy Frich
Delegate Rodney Pyles Delegate Terri Sypolt
Senator Bob Beach Senator Dave Sypolt

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