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Jackson College Department of Nursing Nursing 101 Fundamentals of Nursing Client Comprehensive Data Base and Plan of Care Client #1 Final Cony stupentame: Andren) Schul ce pate; March al 2016 ones Acturky Intolerance rit imbatence behoeer oxyyer teply anf denen auch erertinel dyspnen((leve! Th) cheered changes i HR at RR wh active, gud slartress of breathy after trellns shat distances, * Excess Fld Volume 0/# conproniaed regeleteny nechenion a0, bleed w x presen changes, Changs in respireting pcttern, dyspnea, periph) edema. Decrersed Cinder Cutpot elt altered prelerd ad altered ofteleed ab decreesed venss return, pedal edema, increrel vasceler resistence, dyspren, fH gve InnePFecbve periprarol tissue perfusion eft Venous Stasis acd, pedel deme, Varicose Veins in bileterct louse extrent fies Feige ole decreased metabolic energy production ack, decreused peclmence, Cepete an orerhelning (ack oF tery, PEO physical condition Impaired Peysrel Mobily Cle seid st: flemess aed, Pain, Celectance te incbyacde Movemet, and decreased range fmehin. Note: All observations that indicate a deviation from normal in any area need a thorough assessment. Code status/Advanced Directive:_ DUR Client date of birt 1 Gender Place of birth: _= ___. Race or ethnic background: Primary and secondary languages (spoken and read):_Ena!.s bx Cultural preferences (r/t care, diet, etc.):_generat diet, no spemot needs Spiritual assessment / religious preference & practices (r/t care, diet, etc.): + — Le Educational level: | Occupati Type of insurance: MCR Marital status: A/ichu spose dudet lens ae VITAL SIGNS PAIN ASSESSMENT [coups] Temperature A ‘Character F : 98.8 Nee W ania iccomterta Pulse ‘Onset mmr | 86 Respirations Tevation “ae hth, 1g 7 = Blood WE Duration Presure arm, position) 85 Severity Pattern Associated Factors Admitting dlagnoses:_ COPD wdh acute racerbed io NIDDIM F Complications, CHF Secondary diagnoses: a, Veross Ned aphard fcheonse Major Depoessve Dsaegar folyorteoartleths, Varin a end D afin Client’s understanding of admission/need for healthcare: Client uderstends thet he~ COPD 4 CALE linit her hilt te core Le- hecsel lt hove fnd_copuires Stiles help, Feelings/fears/concerns Aas heatth status: Clieut is fvetreted ant disoppsi deh thet she savst lwo inthis Réilify, She goes misses her own hemeand is lonely. Cheowise Kid nen Diseese Past medical history - physical, emotional, mental (date in parenthesis) Medical History — Diagnosis © (age diagnosed - year) ‘Surgical History — Type *" (age- year) Copp+chF 9005 Gali blader *Appendre Out = 19805 Hapecttayrnid (now hago) ~\993 R.TKR 19905 Tons Wectemg 1953 Retiiodine-hypertaycrid ~1879 Accidents/Inj Allergies: NKA / If YES, describe type and reaction: —resulting disabilities: _none. NkA Immunizations Status TYPE Check if current - (date received) _| If not current — describe follow-up protocol Childhood Tetanus Influenza Marlee Poel iy Pneumonia 7 Mand ile r (RT (UTR ith eRelay ‘Mother Father Siblings Living (age) _ = owy chu!d Deceased (age/year) = Aye 81 Ag 83 Presence of any heredity Beesst Cance— MI {Conse of death) _ diseases: (Diabetes, HTN, HTN Heart disease, Cancer/type) _|CVA¥3, (lane of Dents.) Skin, Hair, Nails Minimum History Components ‘Ask questions regarding: A in pigmentation / moles *Hx of pruritus, rash, lesions, easy bruising *Hair loss * A. in nail color or condition ‘Minimum Physical Assessment Components ‘Skin: *Color & pigmentation pattern *Bruising *Lesions ‘Temperature *Moisture *Turgor *Wound/Ulcer (speci location) *Color, distribution, lesions, infestations ‘Condition of nails ‘SUBJECTIVE: OBJECTIVE: No grab was repscte), Denies a a bwes, Skin Pik acm dey, Otesions exbrvsins Cashes ox itching, No changes to Wal-hule) searen RLO Som appendectomy, kin poudition , Aere om nails. ROS. ~No hx of head wjuries, accidents, AALTIA, 0 abcragh skin condi iow Hoic* eveuty distributed, broanfa cay, Nail led atthe gail beds gin b P5moeth reed", gt 18 clean end uel! genorned, Cyllll cee hilt) Head and Neck "Minimum History Components Ask questions regarding: “Headache *Pain or Stiffness (cotnspa) *Recent history of head injury/concussion *Dizziness or fainting *Enlarged lymph nodes SUBJECTIVE: Desses eng Gurr decent, but did have he of migcoines, mu resolved. Denies omy lu al syncope ox CVA/TIA Denies ye of damiess Jverhge, oan ‘Minimum Physical Assessment Components Head: *Symmetry *Facial symmetry (cw vi) ‘Neck: * Symmetry *ROM (cnx) *Trachea ‘*Lymphadenopathy OBJECTIVE: Head is halic, no nodules, selling 6 AB vices. Fain) muscles itect au) symmerced Gorm wwteat) Neck syrmdr' ey traces idling, No IND (@ 7) Stencedonatla), Skcaneor fel unl fread mfg ac Concussion. No Lyngh problems aad solwectes lymphnodes ‘nou benders no Susling Penge af alias Fangs ado ae RN) Eyes Minimum History Com ‘Ask questions regarding: “Hix of glaucoma or cataracts *Use of corrective lens &/or contacts * Date/year of last eye exam *Eye pain (COLDSPA) “Infections *Impaired vision/visual disturbances-(double Vision, blurring, light sensitivity, halos, blind spots) jUBJECTIVE: Pesach fe we gee lar caret Surgares Vision bes improved, Only oses cxading wglesses Lr Gne prt, Lasttys erond Dec, 205, Denies ong disconituch, impaired vision oo Visual Aihucbances,arbetions Tiss” hs St Cony exes” ‘Minimum Physical Assessment Components ‘Visual acuity (cw )~ (near & far vision) *EOMSs (CNV, 0) *Ptosis *Redness *Discharge “Symmetry *Conjunctiva *Sclera *PERRLA (Cu, i) OBJECTIVE: Vee] ccwity-(CN tac’), Diggnoslie positious/ Komen ULL We iteci) Optosis, Sere uibute Iris broan,Coujunde=prnk mits Mb) amend oP Ahrinngp Far locrinal Jet Reps Yowe bil, rood, readwed lybt ecconededing re * nsensvel PERMA Ears Minimum History Component juestions regardi ain (COLDsPA) *Ringing *Dralnage *Difficulty hearing ‘Date/year of last ear exam *Exposure to loud noises “Vertigo SUBJECTIVE: Stedes Weecrng is pecbect, Denies ome tismih's, Pain oc by of infectious No vertigg a belance problems currently. Repacts tlych she oben bas a lot of eso build pin ® ger canes, but none preset, List exam unl. Minimum Physical Assessment Components ‘Symmetry *Discharge *Lesions *Hearing *Use of hearing alds (cw van OBJECTIVE: Heccing is chet py vlispertest Me aids necded COTM inabect, Earg ore symsclricel agra) arbt. aster fouthos of-egt, Pome: Pak Meera and dey. Badnce # 4 parting on batlebes. Ma lesiows aa visible rerwmren Nose and Sinuses, Mouth, Throat im History Com ‘Ask questions regarding: 3: * Nasal obstruction *Sneezing *Coughing "Snoring *Eplstaxls *Sense of smell *Nasal or sinus pain (cousea) Mouth / Throat: *Pain (cowsea) *Sore throat *Hoarseness “Difficulty chewing or swallowing *Halitosis *Lesions Chewing tobacco *Date/year of last dental/oral exam ents SUBJECTIVE: Denies ony corre meses problems, Stoke he of occesumea) Sites Retest ond Muro scesnaa) allergies (gules). Denies any prablens chasing, or ssellewrings. Minimum Physical Assessment Components ‘Nose & Sinuses: "Symmetry *Nares *Septum *Lesions "Sinus discomfort *Abilty to smell (cw ) Mouth: ips- Color, moisture, lesions *Buccal mucosa- Color, Lesions ‘Gums Color, Molsture, Lesions *Teeth/dentures ability to ‘chew food (en v) *Tongue- Location, Lesions. *Uwula-Position (CNX) Swallowing (24) OBJECTIVE: Mse:Synmercol, todviation. Seghonn widlrL Mares equal Site,no redness ar oodete, Mucasec pink ead ptcist Retains oom teeth, Math spmachriah pickwa tdebine OOM Ula cee G.I AR laters lesions Respiratory System - Thorax and Lungs Minimum History Components Ask questions regarding: "Chest pain with breathing (counsea) *Cough “Sputum “Dyspnea *Hemoptysis *Orthopnea *SO8 with activity {type & amt) “Exposures *Tobacco use /Smoking ipac-years) ‘SUBJECTIVE: snes anes cucret CP or SOB, but stobes“"/ ott wisded'after aes beiel exccbion, Neo erte| pace Slecpstht npine &aubles tise), Now prbvetve wcough" for yeas Na buon exposores fo TBerachame pein Mar Srabe bt lise) th «fooler dhe sttobel in thee ome, Minimum Physical Assessment Components "*Respirations: *Rate/Rhythm/Quality *Use of accessory muscles *Oxygen saturation % *Chest shape & symmetry *Breath Sounds *Description of Cough / Sputum if present “Use of Respiratory Aids Bap IE mclabend narod dept rhagtam, no coe ot $96 on (rome: hac a Sill gamut of Hick, ubde seerdivus, Ling sponds are goed Ltd: heres) ing lnserlobes, No erases, vhaszes, Coles oc hones Chest ull worament ooeh ~ Syamdic, to pra ip baling lands: APtmatte ander B9- Breast and Regional Lymphatics Minimum History Components ‘Ask questions regarding: *Pain (cousea) *Lumps *Discharge from nipples ‘Dimpling or changes in breast size *Swollen and tender lymph nodes in the axilla *SBE / Mammogram (0ate/indings) ‘SUBJECTIVE: No problems Ceparted Bieccts are notsucllen er tender, Odischerge nowdender lymph nodes. Ne dumpling orelunget in Site. Unk last Menmngrers. ical Assessment Cor ‘Breast symmetry *Lesions "Tenderness OBJECTIVE: Large pucdulaos breasts. Equel dimensions bilebaly No lesions tfed, Skin: Pruk, reer, ginccel, bat bebe both brat ‘Shin ig eddene) on) pict, but intact. Cardiovascular - Heart and Neck Vessels "Minimum History Components Ask questions regarding: ‘HTN *Dyslipidemia *Chest pain assessment (coLnsPa) ‘Palpitations *Fatigue “Edema ‘Cardiac diagnostics (Le., ECG, Cath) SUBJECTIVE: of WIN a sans Sates she “ey Heed, Fra eee xy hy of condice pallens, chev: ynderstanh her dx CHE, Debora jn blat bert calves Atnaspittrha| a Minimum Physical Assessment Components *B/P; measurement, position, arm “Apical pulse: rate, rhythm 5 Murmurs *Carotidpules: strength and equality “IV OBJECTIVE: ih HO -reydarrabet esther, closely Corresponds to beta carck bs Brg robe “thy edi ple decyl PeQoon stig. 250 (cb Wopats) No hears oc lfts, Haack sous: fdi*Rlaang aS, EBs! S282 Tei corp ad Mbrb'S>S2- Ne glleg a Sy, No pormses,Nh Geckd bes'ty. Peripheral Vascular ‘Minimum History Components ‘Ask questions regarding: “Extremity coldness, numbness, tingling, &/or swelling, ‘Discoloration of hands or feet *Cramping/intermittent claudication *Hx of blood clots SUBJECTIVE: , Stedes bx of veryseclen caluer and varicase veing) Uy dears TED hese eile etn ust wrorea gt shobes tla bath colves become Very sade on) pain Fleadn, feo! | Aight helps. Qeronging® aVeest of chang i Seusetion, Devries any hy of DVT on PE, ‘Minimum Physical Assessment Components ‘Upper & Lower Extremities: *Size and symmetry *Color “Temperature *Edema “Lesions *Peripheral pulses: list all pulses assessed (quay & ‘equalty) *Varicase veins *Capillary refill OBJECTIVE: Upper ext: cqubsrne syrencicel Jelena, Skim. tad, 0 Asis had Bul ps aged ala) uld Lenser tot otee) PT 2) DP pulses (reg robe tes) bu lect Cbs sadhonee dng bled. 94 edna bd ces et Gastrointestinal - Abdomen Shortenpel Retell coder Leg veasths bet ed. Minimum History Components ‘Ask questions regarding: *Indigestion/heartburn *Nausea & vomiting (hematemesis) “Appetite *Abdominal pain (co.sPa) Bowel: *Usual bowel pattern * in bowel pattern *Use of aids (laxatives, etc.) *Incontinence *Hemorrhoids, *Sigmoidoscopy &/or Colonoscopy (Date & findings) ‘SUBJECTIVE: (Shebes Hac ele“ hes laa basl el is Loach. aneble te Make tt tote cestroam inne, Deuies any GE pn Ho hema, ets Ach gg Ue Jalen lh ly ‘Minimum Physical Assessment Compons “abdominal contour, symmetry *Lesions "Bowel sounds ‘*Palpation- tenderness, masses *Percussion OBJECTIVE: bith pt Spine, MU cidtine ec less, Wel hued gern, Pfam) edible in all Yond, Mo placing mocter chatter fA Necheder; Orebook lecerress orobd, Ns ceewh clans in pecbhern Doesnt cec! a es. geacdlicguete) hawnia Meme Yoackedd all eobleh, Genitourinary Minimum History Components ‘Ask questions regarding: Usual pattern "in urinary frequency/emount ‘incontinence *Hx of UTI *Unusual discharge *Perineal rashes *Lesions Female: Menstrual regularity, LMP &/or Menopause/age of onset *Date of last Pap & results *Protection &/or Risk for STIs *Contraception Male: *Self testicular exam *Prostate exam *Protection &/or Risk for STIs. SUBJECTIVE: Ph cepacts that she-has full corto! over her bledder bt later edicts Hud she occosfrially Mg acsiall lok, Ph takes nulphe dirctics Be CHE, so'gdt tage ole He Swoltple UTIs bd ova in. Yhe previous sera yors.N decharge, Not sewaly octve, pit menopse aroul fap Smear fast gear, ‘Minimum Physical Assessment Components Urinary: Urine color, odor, contro! Genitalia: *Perineal rashes, iritations, lesions *Discharge (amount, color, consistency) OBJECTIVE: Urine 15 6 dilhed, cles amber color: Ne dom deteched. Ne henadirse wale). PE vaids exiheot. any diicoutab. No cashes lsiins aficrtetunto petined region, No vskle dicherge nate forhec| lgeattourears Crem defered jum Histor ymponents ical ymponents Ask questions regarding Thaold: "Presence of gtr, exophthalml,tachyarla or “Told wouble! "Hea & cold intoleronces “Excessive bradyeard sweating Diabetes: *Blood glucose piabatar *tcesve tet orhunger *Pohua SUBJECTIVE: . OBJECTIVE: Stokes We of bypectlayediin, take in TY at] Baader, Qereptbelnn, HR is ONL, w tadoioling nor bos isos States Sth’) be} [53 or sulin # Huyreid glands wake, NM Let contlle) Dees padi | Cejllng Wood glvesse delere). ec polyele, Hematologic Minimum History Components ‘Ask questions regarding: ‘Hx of thrombocytopenia “Anemia *Easy bruising SUBJECTIVE: . Buies bx of Hrombocytopenia, Anemia ouby dora precpanin, Devies @59 beising | Devies bef DYT, pulmonar, embolisiry, of clottny dsardec ‘Minimum Physical Assessment Components "Generalized color of skin and mucous membranes. *Ecchymosis *Purpura *Petechiae OBJECTIVE: Shiba Bok bane Drye Ml areas ment rorss ace “pastead pinky No ble excl mos's porpure of pichines Musculoskeletal ' Minimum History Components ‘sk questions regarding: “Joint: deformity, pain (Counsea), swelling, stiffness ‘Muscle: pain (cOtoseA) or weakness ‘Hix of bone trauma or deformity *Musculoskeletal- related interference/imitation with ADIs SUBJECTIVE: . Sees Haat she buss lot of pan in her right Kener Yp RETKR & 1900." Needs to have Lt ket adecessid aud bilaherad hip coplaceraeel, bt ished oF potential eGlowas of Surgersand tenperay bss am bula ting, Deis bof treme, Dents weabnats. Lot Rom Limited, canndt bend edber knee pat 45°, oF mobili, No pein comme, bot beames paubelafter| inimut Joints: *Symmetry "Swelling "ROM Masses *Deformity Muscles: *symmetry *Swelling “Strength (upper &lower extremities) "Masses *Deformity OBJECTIVE: Bilet Dent are Symnachic Qsrucling or atesses, Qehemihy to theme, ROMA ted & homed, muscle strength sperapcicde, Me crepites in bitet chalieg elbow orerit: Hil ling aed redne rete v% boat ena ond Bhi Lod, Rot dates Sheagh peaptche, ph [Heine ebesterias vlat pallens, Homers iis. tegcive, 2 eerain lat calves oe abl on pny Neurological Minimum History Components ‘Ask questions regarding: ‘A inLOC *Attitude *Mood *Cognitive disturbances- (a in ability to understand, communicate, remember, make decisions) *Seizures *Tremors *TIA *CVA *Dizziness “Numbness *4. in sensory abilities — vision/eyesight, auditory, olfactory, gustatory SUBJECTIVE: Davies any changes to od or quecell adtctude, Denes ang cognitive changes Once For vil) snemara bss, Denes aunhy of Se, tremors, dediness oC Aombress Ne anges in stesory ptrception (icon smell deck hearma) Pt tates tact she ig "Gnceened abost pbitot TVA bed 3 ay cause her, a b Minimum Physical Assessment Components (MENTAL STATUS: (Cognition: *LOC~ (oriented to person place, time & events) "Memory ~ (short & longterm) “Thought processes ~(Foows through wth tran of thought) Behavior/Affect: “Mood *Cooperativeness ‘Facial expression *Appropriateness Language: *Speech *Word choices / vocabulary (CRANIAL NERVES: (Assessed throughout physical exam) MOTOR AND CEREBELLAR FUNCTION: *Muscle size, tone “Tremors *Weakness *Gait *Posture *Balance & coordination ‘SENSATION: *Light, sharp, & dull sensations (entity how sessed and location) OBJECTIVE: p Loc- CAO#3, belusiue's appropricte aguibion is indach Short temmmenars epproprote thavgld proces lee Mid ond ep, Moods generally upbect very cocgtcahs ve Speeds a art celation is ppraprete, All ceovin neevs (CVT RD) are ita. No loss ef balance coodinedion noted. Geitan) posture are Modified 2 use Lralber Sronbbation, Np doug n sensedion.| emi: 34,2 Height: *) weight: 199 If weight gain/loss © indicate time frame and whether intentional or unintentiona Mo cece? clewges ion wadight viet pe:_Genares tevtoce, Normal Nutrtinnel Dict Use of vitamins / minerals /supplements/ herbs: Zeceves Hae Vitawin > supptemet duly, No_otte? Supplemets, miatrals om herbs, Food allergies /intolerances:_Nowe nated, popetite: Healthy “Chet states appehte I “fa mucl but i's eppryrnte For ph, ‘Typical % of food eaten: Generally ects BO- los of mels ria ty ntate ypes® amine: Ne £1vid cestrichws, Ay pically Jemks aren) @ Wes ante dag Medication - Substance Use [Refer to medication list] Problems / concerns regarding medications &/or schedules: NOME Use of over the counter medications and other substances (herbal / home remedies, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, recreational drug: Nene token Ifyes to above, describe dally intake: NIA SEA Description of atypical day (AM to pm: wake, do Auta , Fos break Fost alow. ji. Wee roo. Ste often ef eipFbs in social gamit? or eves Late hn alone in room. Afternoon pohed naps ual gopeem ‘Activities ona typical day: Partrep At in card, beer) gents and simuler event verse habits and pattems: Very SOB wit Erector , oly exereses wth PT pred Sleep - Rest Assessment Sleep and rest habits and paters -(Usal pattern of sleep hours pernghs): SI&GPS Well, Leys ame wot hrecls elected, Tg prally sleeps 6-8 boo pee wight, Aids (pharmacological &/or nonphamacological:_Nohe. tr p aytimenaps:_! 7 Ax be Hr ablecnooun, sufficient enereytocaryout Adis: Mes Seffcveatentgss, bot Ins. frecact sabi, preven liek From comploing, MOY) ADL's Self-concept - Self Care Responsibilities - Safety, Client's description of talents special abltes: _Seule limuted mall oreas Body Image -(Percelves body / self as acceptable, accepts physical limitations / maximizes physical potential): Sky unlerstauds her deccessed abilities, Activites to keep sl sate heathy, or prevent disease: Use voller aad or shabP assist cohen ambunting, Teies fy shuy cohve in social eves ad orth challenging meted gomes. 5 Utilzation of heath resources ~(Le, regular dental, medica, vision exams): Provided by, Cecihhy sePrevweet f- pehit needs. Personal safety ~ (seatbelts, sexual practices, throw rugs ratings): Uses welker and po-slip Footwear. Do you feel safe in your living environment? ((ESY NO] fro, describe: ‘eS. ‘Are you in a relationship in which you have been physically hurt by another? [VES /4@D) If yes, describe:_ w/o. Social Activities nol \ c Social / leisure activities fr fun and relaxation: Hates bingo. Pactierpotes in gover achudies esp. MUSIC Social activities contributing to society - (clubs, organizations etc.):_00& Relationships . Relationships with fay / significant other, and pets:_Y hughes, Hany grand and eta) clldren Waren. and visit on hohdays *bictdaus. Family/sigitean other vst and show support {T¢8. Usuelliy 2-Sy/iieek, bot not as muck at befre, How is your family coping with your current health status? Nat coelt ‘Stress Level / Coping Styles Family/significant others or support persons (availability), TOs‘ 4 WhoIs the main financial supporter of your famiy A Financlal concern r/t healthcare & treatment (.e,, adequate insurance coverat What ges you strength and hope? faite 16 Go Significant stressors in the last 12 months (adie reer? omysiear_ decreased tolerance te acturty/ambolaton Peychologiat feels Whe @ prise ton conkined, mists Familiy? being ovt side, Desebe personal tess management, Spends a lot of soldary time thinking and praying. Giant's oveal rating of healt: Poor 1 2 GXDS 6 7 8 9 10 Brant ‘Assessment of Erikson’s Psychosocial Development: iam PMENTAL / HEALTH DI SSRN ‘Accept self-physically, cognitively, and emotionally ‘Adjust to death of relatives, spouse and friends ‘Maintain maximum level of physical functioning through diet, exercise and personal care Find meaning in past life and face inevitable mortality of self and significant others Integrate philosophical or religious values into self-understanding to promote comfort YOUNG ADULT ‘© Independence from parenteral home ‘© Express love responsibly, emotionally, and sexually Intimacy ‘© Close or intimate relationship with partner vs ‘© Social group of friends Isolation © Physiology of living and life ‘© Profession or a life's work that provides a means of contribution + _ Problem solves ~ independence from the parental home ‘© Healthful life patterns (MIDDLE ADULT ‘© Derives satisfaction from contributing to growth and development of others ‘* Has abiding and intimate and long-term relationship with a partner Generativity ‘* Maintains a stable home vs ‘* Finds pleasure in established work or profession ‘Stagnation ‘© Takes pride in self and family accomplishments and contributions ‘+ Contributes to community to support its growth and development ‘© Adjusts to changing physical self ‘OLDER ADULT * Recognize changes present as a result of aging, in relationships, and activities ‘* Maintains relationship with children, grandchildren, and other relatives. Ego integrity * Continues interests outside of self and home. “ * Completes transition from retirement from work to satisfying alternative activities Despalr ‘© Establish relationships with others who are his or her own age Review accomplishments and recognize meaningful contributions he or she has made to community and relatives (Weber , Kelly, 2014) Based on Erikson’s developmental level: 1 Identify the cen’ age appropriate developmental stage: Vee Adult ~ lutegerhy vs Desa 2. Discuss the effects of illness on the client's ability to attain/maintain a positive achievement of specific factors to developmental stage and any health deficits regarding psychological (modified self-image), physical, financial, and discharge planning needs-education, and caregiver. Che ured te be vere outgoing, participating in a lt of Socel eets and outreach activities wait hes church. Maw, duet her he & onalle te pertrerpate in omy of these activities. Her shortress of beecth and difficlly fr Walking mates it feo berd to travel outside of He Gecility Cheat Gels as if she hes been Ggatter dy heer Fost aud ber church. These losses play a meje role ts [EME pera nee eae seperate 15" PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Describe the disease process, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, possible complications and treatment. Remember to reference source. COPD @ Mcure Exacea@@aTion Disease Process * COPD & cheachenaed by ax Hloes Honitebion 4Ld 15 nef ceveccble Ar ood exaceebobion is chemebeined by ervteng el He pobieabe Cespionterey Symptoms, beens “vernal beg herday PEACE, every B change te mediechers or disecde man agemek, Cord Is come by cemage evrwmys MALL Inge, Casting fle te mgr, mekicg terhletien sere def wt TH coe be caused » cepeed : J . exposures 4 fi pachides denim Commonly cased by sock, but aun a eo 0 be che te chranie expasure te coal dust, sas dust, asbeshs, om cap othe cepected enposuceste o PSpicche . teritet Gyre icin sabes rd ba eh 1 ber ronda loa Suges /Sopaptoms » Objective? Charice cdugh ick spun, Seetional inteleranrte Fraqued branchites Sos [Seles Ss aber cee ese tir alcalion of marwek beech Radin, conbeckureth, Nosy breathing, pSstle rebracbrens/ arcaseny musde use, cyonesss (bay = ee petplel ad central), Low peripheral onygun schatin (Sp6o) o> he ity blbonsor Vous Oa (ators Uod gurl, oteeers (opin ra hype sccccbion phon) Spang Baas) LFV COced expirchryrlomcie gue Second), Topless) re Leger eclange. techjpninltradypaea fechgee dian Seyponiedvive Dayuahsc Tels # Leng Sods, cSptadlly opratens when 'nlpe long fides PT Releneny Raccbionn Hat prancing), con olsearer day dese, che tel heme Oneak Yormny 16 shew grapluterns om other causes (Con Mle lung lenhnc prohlews) CT Scans Enplyrema= euily detection, whe mag Find bons comcers/ myta backers fase ABC Adal Bib Georg‘ Shows Teg levels VO levels ~ Trees? Bhnnte cepa te ert -Gtep snaking) Re Baatadiletor “atest aching Jcrcut ‘Tohalens Albsere) Kapaa, VishhtF = bong aches /rtambonan ce trhaler = Siireye,, Seeeved, formah ral, Be Tatuted Steraies “Ghats ~ Foye d(Bubcsen)y PebceH{ba deren ) essey Leen medion & Gophaa*Sterude= barsiBy, beecterats ered ingechinn Conbmadnn labuless: Bancludilahes # whales clereids Grad Stenia ~ Prednisane Posed =f mbar ekcretes areaty WAammchrenyednet dass Theaplatins = paver breading grmveds Cecicedione Achbabes = treat resp. thi ant Heat tony oggewete COPD ny Megha Todor Theres Opt Canker Petal eurher, Crercise, avin and Coiling Cre Sheen. busprhlincd ins * User th Saye nie nb “hica del hg hc hn a, é 4 en lng hansplant lst resect Spree Rho th egaend itching Paabice Necping 2S 101-26, nal, “CRD Pagsiabegy rt Upon CINAHL Mo och as Ba Sen. te nme Hang Cie org-cabribe COPD, Pec tneliicere itenahicr- bl acessed FISH 2"? PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Describe the disease process, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, possible complications and treatment. . Remember to reference source. Cheonte Bide Deere L Garis Penal Fasire) eerste abilidy of He krdreys “Flter and resent, vlaste Gone bleed and excerte as'eriine . Key organ pleas = beg le vn eebnininy Hide Dota Severdy is measered ait « Slee st ASF Hat choos reat Be See Cone. wth Peg a st 1 Kiet, Demenge, Normal om hecrces BAO mon 73 a etree ares Se By ederabe-redchioey BEE 30-897 ‘Srey - Seec mn CE el Sp- kadmny Patlure, GFR“ es Signs + Snptems ~ Oter asyrphertic be cacy Stages, aymphons appear typreally ~ St We: = GF ces eee w Lake dips = Ry ina, hometode, demar fled rehesion den ce oye eee pea sehonted BP, pebe/snere/ edema, telmwnnss & A eee Pi OE Fans ak have baa excreted fe Cinch ecibesie | PAu Ttemnelenee cayeeios FA, Caceplelepethey Penpharel tung, tess by tnt ce Pe ie MD on Pec one . —Padore be Herve ~ poklehsiskvdkiindeadgaay Uleed Disqroshe Tests? Basie metabeltc panel ~ test melodes GFR gonl Cradinmc huel” cae L Usimeedysis tong . Serger Albania levels —ey have ype bonintesia. "A pain Yat ar alain pd pole hglerrist of cardiovesculer disease. etna t Resse ony! dekyng o— hala he prajnecion af CKD Figpasing <9 Arecstng He patito men Mstetions 26 CD F binaly plennte Re long tee renck repkeenmt flee plen longs Ferme rea sate, Gastaggle hens Zedknet , trol Hhatot, lead rofey E ' Dung drt BP egyresswveli break buyperhipidemratte real cumeck guidelines tegets = Shick glycemic conbol avoid nephotours, Nhe M cotrast, SAIS = aonbuslycosdes = Use retin angebense system (RAS) blockers and ACE Inkbiers or ARBS'~ poteds 2 Treat pleles deol mamfostetions of CKD, ie Anaena, hyper phespheheuira, bypocsleenive ype paretayiond | lime overtoed (lene Sordics), mehbolic acdesis, uremia cardverscculer cong cebions oy eine Kadeay DIEPE Blnteal Presecb ahd Cte tAk tee 2 pasts in develops = planed, prache apprancl LM, "Formas F< genie CMA TO SE of come Eitan arene, DEFINITONS OF OTHER DIAGNOSES Remember to reference source. Diabetes Mellitus, Type LL, without complications — Palure of the panwcees to produce sufPeient levels oP inselin, causing increcsed level of glucose iw the bload, cauing damage to bady cells, Heart Faulure.— Deceeesed efficiency of the heart aosde (pomp Pealurs) Hyperlpidemia~ Elevoted level of lipids wn tre blood (Mehekstenl> Venous Insufbieiencyy heonic, perphtral) = Galore of He veins to adequately circulate the blood, Specibrcalty From the lower extremities, Hupothyroidism=underactive thyrsid gland -Faiis to produce enough hormenes,( 75H) MojorDapressive Ditoclee = pecustect Senge of sadness/ loss of jckrest Polyostes arthritis ~ wmereesed letel of woke ia cartillage, Causing crease weer tear Viton Bea DeFerenen, — tos levels Rin, mag cause Anemia on nemons Sy stench Vitam D Deficiency low levels of Dy cen cavbribute te decoersed bane, denschy Sovcce* DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: Hydroxy Date of Normal] Initial | Identify: Why itis ordered for the dient Tet | Test Value | Value Possible Cause of Abnormal Results High-Low _|_Mighor Low [Nursing Interventions Related to Abnormal Results, F A ( Toh? 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