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Yet, providing tuition subsidy for everyone enrolled in SUCs has to be studied carefully.

Because the
subsidy will be paid for by general taxes, all taxpayerswhether or not they have family members who
avail of tertiary education or plan to do sowill be obliged to pay for those who enroll in SUCs.

Based on the line above, I think that the aim of this article is to promote awareness among the
people on how the government spends the money of the people. People should learn how to think
critically and judge the actions done by the government; they should make a conscious effort in finding
out how they spend the taxes. As mentioned, everyone will be contributing to the free tuition in SUCs
since the government gets the money from the people in the form of taxes. As citizens of this country,
we have the right to oversee if the government is spending our money wisely.

I agree with the statement above that it will be the people who would be absorbing the fund
needed for the taxes. As I mentioned earlier, the government will be getting the money from taxes.
However, this is not the only project which the government has. As an effect, they would need to
increase income collected so that there would be no loss. Because of the projected loss, it would be
inevitable for the government to increase taxes collected from the people. Thus, it would be very
important to asess if this is worth the peoples money.

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