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On December 8 of 1892, Fr.

Pastells send a letter to Rizal mentioning that they have different

perspectives in religion. Pastel wants to know what Rizals point of view in religion. Pastells
asked Rizal please indicate to me in the most concrete way and as fully as possible your manner
of thinking concerning religious matters. Pastel tried to emphasize to Rizal that; high respect,
goodness and solidarity can be obtained by obeying good things without questioning and
applying good deeds in your life; oppose and being against false and wrong ideas; sympathize to
those who live in wrong doctrines and do favorable, or inappropriate aid that is effective in order
to help banish their wrongdoings; and oppress against any wrong ideas that are practiced
especially if it is harmful to the society.

Then Rizal asked in the letter but who with justifiable reason can call himself on this our planet the
reflector of the Light? Who?. Father Pastell answered Jesus Christ, God, and true man. By virtue of his
human nature, He is legitimate Reflector and by virtue of His nature and divine personality, the same
Light and splendor of His Eternal Father and talked about Jesus Christ.

At the end of the letter, Pastells said to Rizal on his new place near the plantation I pity those people
for their wretched condition in their muddy places during the planting season. Please see how all this
could be avoided.

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