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MASS Vill KYRIE Missa de Angelis Cantor then People : a = z : = 9 - Le ee Ky-ti-e e > = Je -i-son. oe Gjicentncas © Ky-ti-e KYRIE Mass x1 Missa Orbis Factor (Sundays) M7 oth oO Cantor then People Chri - ste Cantor 6 > = Kye People KYRIE MASS XVI (weekdays in Ordinary Time) Cantor then People AF Se jor ee le icon Chri- ste ia 2 — SS= | Ky-ri - e€ e-le-i-son, Ky-ri - © e-le = i+ son GLORIA MASS VIII ‘Mass of the Angels Priest People — Glo-ri-a in ex-cel-sis De - 0. in ter-ra pax ho-mi-ni-bus bo-naevo-lun-ta - tis, Lau-da - mus - te, — Be-ne-di-ci-mus te. SS SS jo 0 ee Naor if A-do-ra= mus te. Glo-ri-fi-ca-mus te. Gra-ti-as a-gi-mus ti - bi SS eee am. Do-mi-ne De-us, Rexeae-les. - tis, — Do-mi-ne Fi - li Je - su Chri - ste. a SI} Qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta mun - di, su-sei-pe de-pre-ca-ti-o-nem no - stram, Quise-desad dex-ter-am Pa - tris, epee oe. eo mi-se-re-re no - bis. Quo-ni-amtu so-lusSan - ctus. Tuso-lus_ Do - mi - nus. SSS eo = > Tu so-lus AT - tis - si-mus, Je - su Chri - ste. Cum San-cto = a inglo-ri-aDe-i Pa - tris. A - men. PREFACE DIALOGUE SACRAMENTARY Priest oe — And al - so with you. Lift up your hearts. Priest = Let us give thanksto the Lord our God. to him thanks SANCTUS MASS VILL Missa de Angelis People __ oe ; ae = 1 a — — oem — — = a Sano = = tus, Sane- wi Sano = tus = Do - mi - nus [ear Ple-ni sunt cae - li et ter - ra glo-ri - a eee [LATIN] MEMORIAL, ACCLAMATION SACRAMENTARY ri ver o = oe fe = — S — Mys te ~ ri-wn fi-de-i — Mor-tem tu - am —an-nun-ti - a-mus,Do - mi-ne, vo 0 0 oe toe eo ea > - = et tu = am re-sur-tec-ti- o-nemcon-fi-te - mur, =n DOXOLOGY & aMEN SACRAMENTARY Priest oe ae Ee . << Per ip-sum,et cum ip-so, et in ip ~ so, est ti-bi De-o Pa-tri om-ni-po-ten-ti, eee SSS SS SS in u-ni-ta-te Spi-ri- tus Sane - ti, om-nis ho - nor et glo - ri-a People — ——, per om-ni-a sae-cu-la sae-cu- lo - rum A- men, ENGLISH] Ne ACCLAMATION _ sacramentary p Priest People 5 a 7 7 = S oo os eee Let us pro- claim the mys -te - ry of faith Christ has died, & Cites ee cent Christ will come a pain DOXOLOGY & AME) SACRAMENTARY Priest —== SSS SS 2 = es = Through him, with him, in him, in the u-ni-ty of the Ho - ly Spir - it, all glo - ry and hon - or is yours, — al- might - y Fa ~ ther, People o —* = —— for ev-er and ev ~ er. A- men. A men, A> men, [LATIN] PATER NOSTER SACRAMENTARY rr Pa-ter nos-ter, qui es in cae-lis: sanc-ti- fi-ce- tur no - ment - um; & es ———— = S é ad-ve-ni-at re-gnumtu-um; fiat vo-lun-tas tu- a, sic-ut_ in cae-Io, AS = ——— — 7 = —— —— So oS et im ter - ra, Pa-nemnos-trumco-ti-di-a-num da no-bis ho-di- e; qe SS et di-mit-te no-bis de-bi-ta nos-tra, sie-ut et nos di-mit-ti-mus de-bi-to-ri-bus nos-t = Se ee et ne nos in-du-cas in ten-ta-ti-o - mem; sed li-be-ra nos a ma - lo. Libera nos.. nostri Jesu Christi ————— ] Qui-atu-um est _re-gnum,et po-te - stas, et glo-ri-a_ in sae-cu- la, ENGLISH] LORD'S PRAYER SACRAMENTARY SSS SS é = Our Fa - ther, who art in heavy - en, hal-lowed be Thy name; == F555 és Thy king-dom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heav - en. eS SSS SS G Give us this day our dai-ly bread; and for-give us our tres-pass - es SSS SS SS SS G = we for - give those who tres - pass po and lead us not in- to temp-ta - tion, but de-li-ver us frome - vil Deliver us... Jesus Christ - - - # =o — = ] = = 7 = = = = For the king-dom, the power,and the glo-ry are yours, nowand for ev - er. AGNUS DEI MASS VII Missa de Angelis a Ee Oe oo. A+ gms De - i, quitol - lis pec-ca-ta mun - diz quitol - - di: mi-se - re-re no - bis. SS 5 = = = S| = ae eee A= gms De - i, quitol - lis pee-ca-ta mun - di pa - cem. AGNUS DEI Repo Mass SSS == : = Ag-nus De - i, qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta mun-di:—mi-se-re-re no - bis. er SaaS e = Ag-nus De - i, qui tol-lis pec-ca - ta mun- di mi-se-re-re no - bis. SSS SSS SS | Ag-nus De - i, qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta mun-di: do-na_no-bis pa - cem.

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