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\ es 6 . US ve sf Ae. aU EES Ne system earn BAR oa seer Pane aa : bs 7, Seciet Clege of Tectomancy Ad 20° Suptom Sautcebeot Design: David “Zeb” Cook & Wolfgang Baur Development, Additional Design, Editing: John D. Ratelif? ‘Adaltonal Development: Chris Pramas Proofreading: Chris Pramas and Evan Sass Additional Design: Bill ‘Urklore” Schwartz Mlustration: Anthony Waters, Mike Vilar, Andrew Baker & Mike May Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Cartography: Rob Lee Product Management: Wolfgang Baur Green Renin Staff: Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, and Evan Sass Playtesters: James “SPARKY” Sparling, Shannon “Cheesy Cow” ‘Sparing Jimi Braun, Michelle Braun, Jason Thorton, Bill ‘Urklore’ Schwartz, Willm Adley, William Buckley, Tim Elkins, Ken Mills, Allan Seyberth, Evan Prieskop, Andrew Romine, Bob Wilson, Morgan Davey, Ted Helmers, Tom, Helmer, esse James Dean, Aaron Sands, Peul Boudreaux, Mary Nool Cccarone, Ben Van Ata, (One ereature and two feats inthis volume were previously pub- lished in “Black Riders and Bone Horses” by Wolfgang Baur in DRAGON Magazine Annual #6 (420 Spe- cial), They are reproduced here with the permission of the author. Secret College of Neeromaney is ©2001 by Green Ronin Publishing. Art is ©2001 by the respective ast, Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the (Coast are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with permission, ‘Secret College of Necromaney references spells fiom Tome and Blood and Oriental Adventures, published by Wizards of the Coast This matriat is referenced with the permission of Wizards of the Coast and is NOT Open Gaming Content. All other text {in tis product is designated as Open Gaming Content Printed in the USA. Green Ronin Publishing PO, Box 1723 Renton, WA 98087-1723 tp Cable of Contents Introduction. Chapter One: The Paths of Death... ‘The Necromancer 3 ‘The Death Knight i [New Feats and Skills 4 Chapter Two: Spells and Dark Magic... Necromancer Spells is Death Knight Spells 19 New Neeromaney Spell. 20 Spell Descriptions 21 Infamous BOOKS enon 88 Neoromantie Items “3 Chapter Three: Graverobbi Practical Graverobbing a8 (Creating the Undead ce Chapter Four: C Chapter Five: A History of the Secret College. Why the Necromancer? eas Some Background onthe College Chapter Si The Secret College at Work. Rumor and Trt enn Membership Facilites and Locations scape Routes and Safe Harbors Profitering From The Dead Plots and Plans ofthe Secret College Chapter Seven: Personalities of the Secret College.. Appendix... Reference Tables. Index. (OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0 Te following text i the property of Wizard ofthe Coast, Ine. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards ofthe Coast, Inc (*Wizarde"). All Rights Reserved. |. 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You may use any authorized version of his Liense to copy, modiy ‘and distribute any Open Game Content originally istbued under any version ofthis License, 0 Copy ofthis License: You MUST include 8 ‘copy of his License with every eopy ofthe ‘Open Game Content You Distribute 1, Use of Contibutor Credits You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You hhave written permission from the Contributor to do so 12 Inability to Comply: itis Jmposile fr You o comply with ny ofthe tems ofthis License with respoctto some oral ofthe Open Game CConzent det tant, judicial order, governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material soatfected 13 Termination This License wil terminate uoraticaly Yo fi to comply wih ales herein an fil to care sch beach within 30 days of becoming aire of the beac, Al sublicenss sal save the temninaton of his License 14 Reformation: If any provision ofthis License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only o the extent necessary to make it enforceable 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE (Open Game License v 0, Copyright 2000, Wizards ofthe Coast, Ine. ‘System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizatds of the Coast, inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Ameson Secret College of Necromancy, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors David “Zeb” Cook and Wolfgang Baur. “420 System’ and the 420 System logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards ofthe Coast and are used according to the terms af the 20 System License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at swohwevizards com ~2- Totroduction Necromancer. What is it about this word, above so many others, that the merest whisper, a voice on the wind, can so completely inspire terror and revulsion in even the strongest of men? Given the hatred it inspires, what sort of person chooses this dark path? Who among us chooses to be an outcast, « pariah, even a target of the Inquisition’? With its dabblings in blood and corrupted flesh, graveyards and abattoirs, unclean spirits and immoral scoundrels, what is the appeal of this dark art? In short, what makes someone choose necromancy, drives her to master its sinister secrets, and sustains her on her secret path? Deeper still, how do these secretive spelicasters recognize their fellows, gain fame amongst themselves, and spread their dark knowledge? For make no mistake—necromancers are more than just solitary madmen or pliant servants of some evil lord. They have orders and chapters that meet in secrecy in cities great and small. Among their hidden guilds, necromancers share spells, conduct experiments, show off their creations, create magical items, and even maintain whole scriptoriums devoted to copying and disseminating training manuals and books of dark lore. Who are they? What are their motives? Where are they found? How are they organized? These and other questions will be asked, and answered, within these very pages. Che Hisror Wrthin Secret College of Necromancy is divided into owo sections. The first five chapters are largely given over to nules for the 20 System, Here you will find new classes, spells, feats, ereatures, equipment, magic items, and more. This material is primarily intended for the Game Master, though players may enjoy the new spells in particular. The two new classes presented, the necromancer and the death knight, are both quite potent and so are best suited for villains under the Game Master's control, ts natural enough for some players to want to use these classes as well. Game Masters should censure, however, that player character necromancers and death knights pay the price for treading such forbidden paths. They are unlikely to know much peace, and it is recommended that they receive regular visits fom righteous paladins, vengeful inquisitors, and crusading clerics. ‘The second part of the book presents the Secret College itself. This is an entire necromantic organization that can be used in any campaign. It is centered in a nameless city, which can be identified with any appropriate city in your favored campaign setting. A history of the Secret College is presented, along with current members, goals, and details. Waleome te Attcana Secret College of Necromaney is the second in Green Ronin’s Arcana series (the first was Arcana: Societies of Magic). Future installments will explore other aspects of magical lore. But first, the secrets of life and death await Malone Se eee et ere er) Fee rea earner ee ener nt Se ce coe ee eens en) ee een ea Jay. You'll also find such addendums in our Ma cee When thow art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do afer the abominations of thase nations Thore shall not be found emong you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth