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E@U® — ON VAN MIEU — MENU RESTAURANT CATERING COOKING CLASS BAKERY 'A:59Van Micu, Dong Da Dist, HanclP:(0#) 3747 0337. E:customerserviceakotocomau Providing hope to Vietnam's street and disadvantaged youth Mang én niém hy vong cho tré em cé hoan canh khé khan 6 Viét Nam KOTO stands for"know One, Teach One"- learning should be passed on, knowledge is there to be shared, Ths is the essential idea of KOTO's Founder, Jimmy Pham, a Vietnamese-Australian who more than 10 yyeats ago opened a training centre in hospitality in Hanci, giving disad- vvantaged youth the possibilty to learn, strive and succeed in ther lives {As a unique not for profit social enterprise, KOTO has trained, as of 2013, over 600 students, with an additional 100 students each year. In ‘addition to its Foundation arm that focuses on ralsing funds to support its cause through charitable activities and initiatives, KOTO also opet- ates an Enterprise arm that serves asa platform for real life hospitality training as well asa source of income to support the welfare and train ing. KOTO Ia ti vidt tt cla thanh ngit"Know One, Teach One’, duge dich sang ting viet la “Biét Mot, Day Mét"- Vic hoc phai dugc truyén dat, kin thuc phal duoc chia sé. Bay chinh la ¥ twang cét yéu cia Nguéi sing lap, Anh Jimmy Phar, Viet kiéu Uc, cach dy hon 10 nam da pra Trung tim dio tao vé nganh nh hang khich san & Ha Néi, vai mong muén dem lai cho nhung thank thiéu nin c6 hoan cénh khé khan co hi dé hoc tap, phan du va thanh cng trong cudc s6ng, La mot Doanh nghiép x8 hdi phi li hun, KOTO 8 do tao hon 600 hc vign theo théng ké cla nam 2013, va mi ném lac thém 100 em

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