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I read with great interest your ad for a Medical Transcriptionist and am submitting my resume for your review and

consideration. I have experience transcribing dictated reports for doctors in the major hospitals. I believe your
company would benefit from my experience. In my current position, managing a large work load of dictated
documents which I convert into written reports. I use speech recognition technology which requires me to review
and edit medical documents thus created.

It is also part of my job to identify inconsistencies or missing information and to follow up to ensure accuracy. In
my 12 years of experience I have developed expertise in the use of electronic health records systems and am able to
translate medical jargon and abbreviations into the appropriate long form. I understand the importance of patient
confidentiality and HIPPA regulations. As a specialist I would bring additional professionalism to your patient care

I look forward to your call to discuss this mutually beneficial opportunity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Satish Babu Nagisetti

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