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coal om col 90.04 08 12 16.20 24 28 37.96.4944 09-0400040812 00.0408 12 16.20.24 28 22 96 40.44 E Sal aor Goan | ono astro | arm rvvoume | A275 com 021-04 is ae ceonetamenane | 2m 616-047 | rumeneenanmann cymes ni 1H ome tewcponstame | core oae-omn | nmmnn peat enanoes | 570m c1-0m8 tumimanowoe | 070mm 00:0 | Comments: Cuaupetnee | asi aara Ime vounn conor | atm en-04 Date: 19:Jan/2006 Signature: Fig. 2.29 Heidelberg Retinal Tomogragh of a normal eye arbitrary reference plane (which is normally 50m below the plane of the retina), © The graph (centre right) displays the height variation of the retinal surface along the contour line (green), The reference line (red) below this shows the position of the separation surface between the cup and the neuro- retinal rim. This reference plane is parallel to the peri- papillary retinal surface and is located 50}tm below the retinal surface at the contour line and on the peripapillary bundle. It is thus approximately lovated at the lower extent of the NEL. The display of the retinal surface height variation along the contour line begins temporally at O-degrees. The height profile is plotted in a clockwise direction for a right clockwise direction for a left eye. The grapls largely corresponds to the course of the NFL. thickness along the dise margin. ‘© The Moorfields regression analysis is depicted as sever. colour bar graph, one bar for each segment and one global bar (bottom right), Ifthe top of the green bar lies and a counter-

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