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The British government has strongly insisted it will not allow a border separating

Northern Ireland from the rest of the United Kingdom.

But Brussels has stressed the North must abide by EU rules post-Brexit if a hard
Border on the island of Ireland is to be avoided on Brexit day, March 29, 2019.
The apparent impasse calls into question whether enough progress can be made on the
issue to ensure the negotiations can continue, as the UK wants to pull out of both
the single market and customs union.

Brexit Secretary David Davis said EU and UK negotiators have had "frank
discussions" on the Border issue. He insisted a conclusion cannot be reached until
talks move on to dealing with the future trading relationship between the UK and
He laid down the gauntlet to the EU yesterday, signalling the UK would not tolerate
any attempt to create "a new border inside our United Kingdom".

"We respect the European Union's desire to protect the legal order of the single
market and the customs union. But that cannot come at the cost of the
constitutional and economic integrity of the United Kingdom," Mr Davis said at the
end of the latest round of Brexit talks in Brussels.
"We recognise the need for specific solutions for the unique circumstances of
Northern Ireland. But let me be clear, this cannot amount to creating a new border
inside our United Kingdom."

Read More: Ex-diplomat says UK can still back out of Brexit

His comments came in the aftermath of a leaked European Commission document which
stated that the only way to avoid a hard Border is for Northern Ireland to abide by
the rules of the single market and customs union.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar echoed this - but added it did not necessarily mean the UK
or Northern Ireland remaining members of either area.
He suggested that a "bespoke" arrangement may be reached as part of the Brexit
negotiations and cited the Isle of Man as an example.
"When it comes to the Border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, what we have all
agreed to is that there shouldn't be a hard Border, there should be no physical
infrastructure along that Border and that there should be no return to the Border
of the past," Mr Varadkar said at the British Irish Council Summit in Jersey.
"It is our view, and has been our view for a very long time, that the only way that
can be achieved is if the United Kingdom as a whole or Northern Ireland continues
to apply the rules of the customs union and the single market.

"That doesn't mean that they have to be members of it, but it would mean continuing
to apply the rules of the single market and the customs union. That's the position
that we hold and the best way to achieve our common objectives."
Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire indicated that the UK government was
ready to be "pragmatic" in seeking a solution to the "unique circumstances" created
in the North.

The Border is one of three issues - along with the exit bill and safeguarding expat
rights - that Brussels wants commitments on and ideas it deems credible before it
decides in December whether to give the green light to move on to talks on future
trade relations.
London has consistently said it wants to avoid the return of a hard Border,
including no return to any physical infrastructure, but also argues the UK will
leave the single market and the customs union. The Government here argues the UK
must remain in a form of customs union with the EU if a hard Border is to be

Meanwhile, the EU has stepped up pressure on Britain to clarify over the next two
weeks what financial obligations to the EU it will honour on leaving the bloc in

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