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After Forever will it burn storytellers walk down the steps in

time to the music and the man walked soloists in The
Wasteland place the tree on the floor on its side. Other
storytellers remove all decoration of flowers and colourful items.
Owen, Nick, Morgan and Andrew push steps downstage and turn
inwards changing it from the grassy hill and replacing it with the
dusty, rocky side. Soloists in Wasteland stand on steps SR and all
other storytellers on the steps SL. After Lost in the Widerness
line, Katie and Heidi take the babies from Adam and Eve and
throw them offstage. Then bring on table and 4 stools with the
help of Owen and Andrew placing CS ready for the next scene. All
storytellers exit after You werent made to live in the
Wasteland. whichever side of the stage you are on.


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