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Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to present the great potential that aa has in the
Australian territory, we use the world's largest aa producer Aa Amazonas,
for a case study. Will be show our targets market, media vehicles, positioning,
strategies, cultural aspects and implementation. Australia is a country with a
developed economy, an increasingly conscious population with their health and
well-being, where sports and physical activities are usually part of their routines.
Our main goal is to introduce how aa can be inserted into the Australian daily-
basis diet.

1. Provide a rationale for marketing product or service internationally

With an increasingly health-conscious society, the market for healthy,

nutritious food that can improve our well-being has grown significantly in the
past several years. With each newly discovered food comes promises of its
ability to prevent sickness, increase your energy levels and help you lose
weight. These superfoods have become one of the largest global food trends
of the 21st century. One of the most successful and widely consumed examples
of the trend, is the aa berry.
Australia has a great market potential for the aa, our proposal is to align
the marketing of this product with the Australian way of life,
promoting health, well being, encouraging physical activities, contact and
preservation of nature. Our main goal is for these people include aai in their
daily diet, consuming before or after training, activities or even as a healthy
eating alternative.

2. Media Mapping

Medium Audience Placement- Message Appeals

Social Media Women 18-35 Website and Fitness and
Digital wellbeing
Social Media Men 18-35 Partnership Fitness and
with gyms at energy
Presence in Women-Men Print media in Anti-Aging
events 35-50 beaches, Effects,
Outdoor gyms and increased
presence in metabolism,
events about Weight Loss

3. Media and media vehicles.

Our target market is health conscious people who are aged between 18 and
50 with an active and energetic social life, involved in sports, physical and
outdoors activities.
Actually there is an emerging culture surrounding Aa consumption where
media savvy millennials upload photos of their Acai bowls in order to "keep up"
with the consumer trend, to convey the message of "health and well-being" in
their social media. Our main media approach of Aa Amazonas it will be the
social and digital media like blogs, websites, instagram and facebook, the digital
influencers are fundamental in this step, our strategy is to send the product to
the influencers, people with many followers and who preaches in their social
profile a healthy lifestyle, so the influencers will post on their social media
opinions about the product, brand, benefits of acai berry, recipes and tips for

inserting aai in daily diet.
Our second and third target markets which is men between 18-35 years and
men and women between 35-50 years. For this target market, we going to use
the outdoor advertising in places as beaches, parks and sport events for brand
awareness. With this target market family and friends opinion are extremely
important, so we want to become a brand known for quality and reliability.

4. Targeting and positioning strategies accounting for cultural differences

For centuries, aa berries were recognised and consumed exclusively in the

rainforests of South America, where they constitute an essential nutrient in the
indigenous diet of the Amazon. In the northern part of the country the aai is
essential in the local cuisine, being part of typical dishes like the fish and in
salads sauces.
In 2000, the acai began to become popular between goers of academies and
athletes due to the high content of vitamins and energy. The consumption of
aai expanded very fast, becoming known by the whole country, being present
in the menus of restaurants, bars, markets and on the streets as a different
dessert alternative, thereby began to attract an audience that did not care about
nutritional values, but about appearance and taste. With this new trend, new
targeting strategies were launched, where it conveys the message of the aai
as a refreshing dessert and tasty drink.
According to Heart Foundation Australia, in 2014/15, almost half (49.8%) or
8.8 million Australians aged 18 years and over reported that they consumed two
or more serves of fruit per day (the recommended daily intake), while 7.0% or
1.2 million met the guideline for daily vegetable intake. In contrast to this, a
study done by Journal of Human Growth and Development shows that only
12,5% of Brazilians aged 18 and over consume only one serving of fruit per
In summary, for Australia our appeal is focused on fitness and healthy,
since Australians are more aware about their diet and more likely to invest in
quality and healthy food than Brazilians, moreover, it is a market where organic
fruits are well accepted and nutritional values taken into account.

5. Cultural appropriateness of chosen targeting strategy.

Australia is an island of 7,692,024 square kilometers, being the sixth largest

country in the world in territory, just behind Brazil. With one of the highest rates
of human development and a growing economy, is a potential market for aai
not only for economical aspects, but cultural as well.
Most of Australians has active and energetic social life, involved in outdoors
and physical activities, in their favourite hobbies include: go to beach, parks, eat
outdoors, sports and aerobic activities. Sports are a huge part of the culture in
Australia, we want our brand linked to the sport universe, since aa is a perfect
food to give satiation and energy to a hectic routine or exercise.
Australia is a thriving country with culturally rich cities and amazing natural
wonders, so people have a proximity to nature. Part of the identity of the brand
"Aai Amazonas" is to be eco-friendly,it has several sustainable projects, some
of them: reforestation and use of recyclable packaging. It is the most modern
and sustainable producer of aa, combine innovations and investments in order
to preserve the Amazon rainforest and provide a quality product. It also has
social projects where they constantly invest in the welfare of local communities
in the state of Par in Brazil.
Another important aspect is that Australians are very concious about what
they are consuming, nowadays they seek to know more about the origin of the
food, nutritional value, health benefits and the organic fruits are increasingly
being part of the Australian diet, the aai comes as a new option of organic fruit
and it helps to maintain a good health and longevity..

6. Type of appeal

In Australia, most people who consume acai have sought the product
because of its health benefits, our appeal is to show acai as an ally to a healthy
and fitness life, for our target market above 35 years the appeal is focused
about acai being an essential food for a healthy aging with anti-Aging Effects,
increased metabolism and weight loss.
Many identified acai bowls as a perfect alternative to a sweet such as ice
cream or frozen yogurt with the added nutritional advantage. Nevertheless, the

social media platforms such as Instagram have created a culture of commodity
fetishism associated with eating them, people want to have food as acai berry
present in their instagram feed.
We can consider that presentation is an important aspect when judging the
quality of an acai bowl, as the taste, ingredients and price. This can be
attributed to the emerging trend of documenting attractive foods on social media
platforms such as Instagram. For exemple, hashtags
as #smoothiebowl and #acai have attracted up to 600 000 posts on Instagram.
These posts are often associated with the fitness and healthy eating way
of living that have been popular on social media in recent year. The importance
of external appearance made users seek to post images which they seems fit
and healthy. (Stamp,2016). With this, we can conclude that the social media is
the key to the acai berry advertisement.

7. Implementation plan.

First of all, we aim to provide product variety in order to maximise sales for
target market, for example, offering smoothie and different fruits as banana
and strawberry with the acai, with this we can ensure that the target audience
who may not enjoy the flavour of pure acai can still buy a acai bowl that
provides equivalent health benefits as well as visual/aesthetic appeal.
In Australian media aa was released as a super food, this is a clear
advantage over normal fruits, regardless of their nutritional value. We will have
partnership with gyms, professional athletes and sporting events in order to
have the image of the brand sustained to a healthy lifestyle.
A survey conducted by the Australia Bureau of Statistics in 2012 showed
that approximately 2.5 million Australians 15 years and over are wanting to lose
weight (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2014). This bring a opportunity to
expand our market share in Australia due acai is allied to the process of healthy
weight loss.
On the whole, the social media and website is our main tool, the distribution
will be first in Sydney, and after Gold coast, Melbourne and Brisbane, through
the acceptance of our product we intend to expand even more. Our advertising

will be stronger in the summer, we will be present at fairs, workshops, events
and festivals related to sports and healthy.

8. Australian and international laws and codes of behaviour that may

apply to marketing and state how you have complied with these.

For our product we do not have any specific Australian and international
laws and codes of behaviour. For export fruits, the Australias Export Control
Act 1982 defines require inspection and certification by Authorised Officers, in
addiction, its necessary to check with National Plant Protection Organisation if
the commodity is permitted and whether any special conditions must be met.


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