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Alex Gallardo

Mr. Atienza

AVID-Period 6

13 November 2017

ISSN Reflection

The purpose of this worksheet is to write down your POC (point of confusion),

define some vocabulary that is used, and write what you already know about your POC.

Whenever I get the worksheet, I always find it hard to find a problem to do the TRF on

and write a good POC. I also thought that as soon as I found my point of confusion, that

it will be easy to write the steps and show the work. One of my goals before I begun was

to get better scores than I did in 9th grade.. My other goal was to be able to ask questions

to lead the presenter to solving their POC, which is hard because I am very shy.

One decision I took was to do my TRFs the day before they were do because I

always have trouble finding a POC to complete my TRF. Another decision I took was

looking at how others organized the info and how they showed work/write steps so that I

would know how to do it. A third decision that I took was taking breaks in between the

sections so that I would not get tired quickly and so that I could restore my energy by

eating. I also decided to use my other TRFs so that I would know what changes I could

make in order to get a better score. A last decision I took was trying to answer all of the

questions so that I could get closer to solving my problem and wrote down the steps to

clarify anything for the group and I.

What I learned about completing the TRFs was that, it is hard for me to find real

POCs because I either know how to do problems, or I do not know how I can write it on a

TRF. I excelled on getting passing grades for my TRFs like a score of 55+. I need to
improve on asking questions during tutorials and my Show Work/Steps section. Next

time I am going to take my time completing the TRFs and try my best to ask questions.

Something that made me proud of myself was being able to get a passing score, since I

usually get bad scores.

I communicated ideas by sharing to my group members, what I need help on and

what I already know how to do. I also communicated ideas because I shared my

knowledge with others, which allowed me to help even the group members who did not

present. I recognized and weighed perspectives by seeing how others TRFs, are different

or similar to mine. I was also able to recognize and weigh perspectives by seeing how

others are able to help the group members and how they help the presenter.

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