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Villalobos 1

Domonique Villalobos

Jennifer Rodrick

Queer Studies 115

November 11,2017


When reading A Single Man, I really didnt know how the turn of events would occur. I

thought that there would be other scenarios or occurrences. I thought that Georges life was just

mediocre and not so interesting. I read how he perceives life and it got quite progressive. I think

the most surprising part of this novel was how Jim died. It occurred to me that his death was like

karma. Jim cheated on George and it was only right that he had to repay in some way, which was

death. I dont think Jim deserved to die, but what he did to George wasnt right. He cheated on

George with a woman in Mexico. She survived the car accident that her and Jim were in. Jims

affair created the impression that he wasnt fully gay or really loved George. Its not fair to

George, he loved Jim so much. In his situation, its hard to express love and hate towards

someone who passed away like that. All in all, I feel bad for George, I never thought I would


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