Documento Sobre Random SCRBD Philosophy

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Documento para subir

El fundamento principal de este documento es simplemente subir algo a Scribd para que me deje
descargar un archivo.. las prximas paginas estarn llenas de porciones de diferentes
fuentes/libros y publicaciones sin ninguna coherencia entre s.

Prximamente dahngeek estar realizando un software que cree un documento similar

aleatoriamente, puedes contactarlo en twitter @dahngeek o en github con el mismo usuario. Si te
interesa y no encuentras ese software.. escrbele. Puede que se le haya olvidado.

Por qu estoy hablando en tercera persona? Ni Idea.

Ahora, vamos a lo importante.

The first title
Before you meet with a prospective employer face to face, your first introduction to them is
through your resume. A well-constructed resume can get you the interview; a poorly-
constructed one will get your resume tossed in the recycle bin. So how do you craft a resume
that is both eye-catching and impressive? Here are some tips:
Although you want your resume to stand out, avoid embellishments such as different color
paper or large artistic images. They will only distract from the substance of your experience.

Use action verbs in your bulleted items discussing your previous jobs. Dont simply list
responsible for this, responsible for that. Instead, grab the attention of the reader by using
phrases such as: accounted for, discussed, delivered, etc. Also try to avoid pronouns such
as I or me.

Piala, Inc., a marketing firm based in Tokyo, began offering the benefit in September and
employees have been quick to take advantage. The company offers an extra six paid
holidays to non-smokers.

Sometime last year, office-wide resentment began as those who wanted a smoke break had
to travel to the 15th floor from the 29th floor. Non-smokers began to notice how much time their
colleagues spent away from their desks. Each smoke break lasted at least 15 minutes.
The 2017-2018 job market will be a competitive one according to Michigan State Universitys
Recruiting Trends, an annual survey of some of the nations employers.

"I'm stilled wowed at how strong this market is," said Phil Gardner, survey author and director
of MSU's Collegiate Employment Research Institute. "There should be no complaints
anywhere about jobs. So if students aren't ready, they're going to get passed over."

Other survey findings include:

The retail industry expects to hire in larger numbers this year.

The construction industry continues to grow.

Despite the promising college labor market numbers, only 39 percent of employers
expect to increase salaries this year while 61 percent reported that employee salaries
would stay the same.

The number of employers offering sign-on bonuses almost doubled from previous
When your test database is filled with realistic looking data, you'll be more
engaged as a tester. When you demonstrate new features to others, they'll
understand them faster. Real data is varied and will contain characters that may
not play nice with your code, such as apostrophes, or unicode characters from
other languages. Testing with realistic data will make your app more robust
because you'll catch errors that are likely to occur in production before release

If you sign in using your Google account, you can download random data
programmatically by saving your schemas and using curl to download data in a shell script
via a RESTful url.

What's new?
Added character and digit sequence types
You can control the output format when generating phone numbers
Added /api/types.json method to list all available types and corresponding parameters
Switched to easier to read font in page headers
Added Animal, Plant, and Movie data types
Added Firebase output format
SSNs are now guaranteed to be valid
You can now restrict locations by state.
Data is now displayed in a table when previewing CSV, tab-delimited, excel, and SQL
Add Stock Industry, Market, Name, Symbol, Sector for all NYSE and NASDAQ stocks.
Added Car Make, Model, and Year types.
Added Product (Grocery) type.
Improved name generator now

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