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Pre-Service Teacher: _Amy Wright-Mead__ Grade: __7___School: Taos Academy Date: ______ Lesson Topic: _Research__________
Teacher Qualities: 3 = Exceeds Expectations 2 = Meets Expectations 1 = Needs Improvement no=Not Observed
A. Voice/Tone: 3 2 1 B. Speech ( language modeling): 3 2 1 C. Energy & Vitality: 3 2 1 D. Eye Contact with students: 3 2 1 no
no no no 2: This was an area I felt
2, There were times I could have 3 3: I was very enthusiastic about this lesson
spoken louder to grasp everyone's because I was excited about it.
confident about although there
attention but, overall, the level of my were clearly times I could have
voice was good! made more direct eye contact
with certain students.

E. Use of teaching aids 3 2 1 no F. Ability to hold interest of class: 3 2 1 no G. Amount of teacher talk: 3 2 1 no H. Use of praise/encouragement:3 2 1 no
(maps, boards, etc.: 2: There were definitely times that I could have 3: No complaints there on my end or my 2: There are times that I could
3: I used the whiteboard, the internet, assured that all students were paying attention. CT's
The lesson was great, but there were a few
have shown more attention to the
Prezi, and videos. students that seem to struggle a
bit more in the class.

I. Use of student ideas and feedback: J. Variety of questions asked: 3 2 1 K. Efforts to make lesson interactive:3 2 1 no L. Use of directions: 3 2 1 no
3 2 1 no no 3: We spent the first half of the class listening 2: I had thought that my directions were
3: We have several class discussions to 3: I excelled in making sure the students to me explain things, with a discussion here or clear but, after watching the video, there
make sure everyone was on the same there, then the rest of the class was them
had a variety of questions and made sure were some students that seemed a little
page, as well as their thoughts and ideas exploring online tools and forms of support for
throughout the entire lesson. they had an understanding by asking what their individualized questions. confused.
specific terms meant to them as well as
sharing any thoughts they have.

M. Questioning used to obtain N. Classroom management: 3 2 1 no O. Clear objective of lesson: 3 2 1 P. Use of appropriate assessment: 3 2 1 no
student feedback: 3 2 1 2: I though the lesson had been fluid but, no 3: I was able to see that they understood the
no after viewing the video, I observed a few 2: I had written them on the board and entirety of what STEM was, how to research,
and their learning all through the second
3: I provided a rubric for feedback as students being distractions and not reviewed them, but at some point the
hanf of the lesson.
well as continually asked the maintaining interest. students were lost with the expectations
students for their thoughts on due to me not making sure that everyone
anything. was engaged during the instructions.
Q. Coherence of Lesson: 3 2 1 no R. Content Knowledge: 3 2 1 S. Cultural Responsiveness: 3 2 1 T. Other Comments on Lesson:
2: There were a few students unsure, no no
but just a couple. 3: They all went into the lesson not needing 2: There was not much outside culture
to know much except how to navigate on brought into the classroom other than what
the internet (which they all did). By the end they found during their research.
of the class they knew quite a bit more,

Student Behaviors:
Class participation and engagement: 3 2 1 no Amount of pupil response to teacher questions: 3 2 1 no
3: Most of the time the students all raised their hands when asked a question.
2: For the most part most students were engaged and enthusiastic.

Amount of pupil initiated talk: 3 2 1 no Other comments on Student Behaviors:

2: There were two opportunities (about %50 of class time) dedicated to student
initiated talk.
Total Points __54__/66 Student Name: ___Amy Wright-Mead____ Semester/Year___Fall/2017_______

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