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Westminster Choir College of Rider University

Can intelligence be increased?

Alexander Garcia

PSY 100-01

Dr. Rice

25 March 2017
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Society is constantly evolving as technological advances continue to transform at a rapid

pace. With the many advances brought forth with each generation, the humans must have some

sort of means to gather new bits of information. Everyone studies or trains for something each

and every day. Whether its for a sports, math studies, or vocal performances, anything can be

improved with adequate training. Therefore, this brings introduces the idea that intelligence, or

general-knowledge, should also be able to be increased over time.

In 2012, a study conducted in China by Jianghong Liu and Richard Lynn determined

whether or not intelligence has increased throughout certain generations. The study was based

off of childrens scores ranging around 12 years of age in 1985-1986 and 2011-2012 (Liu and

Lynn). In order to replicate the atmosphere of the test in 1985, the researchers made sure that the

age group, length of the test, and the actual test stayed the same. The only aspect of the test that

was different was the year in which it took place. The results showed a secular increase of

intelligence consisting of increases over the years 19862012 of 6.19 IQ points in the Full Scale

WISC-R IQ, 1.91 IQ points in the Verbal IQ, and 6.55 IQ points in the Performance IQ (Liu

and Lynn). The results of the tests are remarkable considering how significant the test results

improved with an entirely different generation. Liu and Lynn also stated that the studies in the

United States and South Africa have reported similar results around the same time frame.

China's increase in IQ occurred concurrently with improvements in early childhood education

and national education level, including declining illiteracy rates and increasing preschool

education rates (Liu and Lynn). The technology and educational standards in 1986 are nowhere

comparable to the year 2012. Not only in China, but everyone globally had already moved

towards more accessible education, use of other technology, and improvements in teaching
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methods by 2012. The same morals for education may have remained constant but the many

approaches towards teaching has changed significantly. Teachers since then have been able to

use resources online, communicate with fellow educators, and share lesson plans in a matter of a

second which establishes a greater depth towards educational standards. The natural adjustments

and advancements in education throughout the years has proven that intelligence can increase

with each generation. (Liu and Lynn). Although the study was based off of two separate

generations, the idea that intelligence can be increased within the same timeframe is still feasible.

A student, or adult, with the proper skills and training, is still able to increase their

intelligence in a matter of time. One of the most recent studies on this concept by Sarah Cassidy

et al. actually established the ability to increase IQ scores after having students participate in a

training session for a month. The researchers had chosen 11 to 12-year-olds from a primary

school in Ireland to conduct the first experiment which ultimately verified whether or not the

accusation was plausible. The students IQ scores were measured and in a month before the next

test was administered the students took a training course to improve their final score (Cassidy et

al.). The training was provided through an online website that was easily accessible and familiar

to the students. Once the students completed training they were able to retake the IQ test which

ultimately resulted in improved scores as stated below. ...the average full scale IQ at baseline

was in the average range at 97 (SD = 10.21). At post-intervention full scale IQ was in the

superior range at 120 (SD = 9.97). This increase in full scale IQ from pre to post-intervention

was significant (Cassidy et al.). The IQ score of the students jumped a total of 23 points after

just a month of training which is incredibly remarkable. The results from the first experiment

reveal that it is possible to increase ones intelligence for a test in a short period of time.
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However, this only accounts for students who were willing to complete the test and go through

the training procedure. The second experiment took place in a secondary school with around 50

students but soon dwindled down to about 30, ranging from 15 to 17 years old, due to many not

completing the required baseline before the actual training could commence (Cassidy et al.). The

overall procedure was similar to the first but in the end took into account the students

educational aptitude as oppose to their overall IQ. The results of the second experiment stated,

58.9 (SD = 20.9) to 68.5 (SD = 18.0) from baseline to post- intervention. This means an

increase of 17.1 points (SD = 17.0), which is an acceptable increase since the test was on a

much larger scale with multiple factors (Cassidy et al.). There were a few students, however, that

experienced a decline in their score due to the fact that they exhibited poor school attendance and

were unable to complete specific assessments. This reveals that everyone may have the

opportunity to increase their knowledge/educational aptitude only if they are able to put forth the

effort. Overall, the students that actively participated in the training from both experiments

generally showed tremendous improvement.

The concept that intelligence can be increased is definitely attainable by anyone with the

appropriate amount of time and dedication. Further training could have revealed an improvement

in overall intelligence even though the studies mainly focused on a single score. The students in

the Liu and Lynn study were able to drastically increase their IQ score in just a couple of months

while students in the Cassidy et al. study were able to increase their overall educational aptitude.

Having the appropriate attitude and proper training will definitely help increase more than just a

single score. There are many resources online that are accessible to both teachers and students

that are interested in locating teaching resources or improving their IQ score, such as,
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encourage the student to maintain performance standards and even go beyond the average level

of intelligence.
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Works Cited:

Cassidy, Sarah, Dylan Colbert, Ian M. Grey, Ian Stewart, and Bryan Roche. "A

Relational Frame Skills Training Intervention to Increase General Intelligence and

Scholastic Aptitude." Learning and Individual Differences 47 (2016): 222-35. Web. 25

Mar. 2017. <>.

Liu, Jianghong, and Richard Lynn. "An Increase of Intelligence in China 1986-2012."

Intelligence 41.5 (2013): 479-81. Web. 25 Mar. 2017.


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