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Lab #9 Angular Momentum

Oscar Acevedo
Mr. Pappas
E3 Civic High

In this lab, we learn about momentum and what it is. We found that momentum is mass times
velocity (P = MV). For this lab, we learn more about Angular momentum (L = I*W). From our
testing, we found that when mass is spread out, we move more slowly, but when the mass is
more centered, we start to move faster when going at the same velocity.

The theory of the experiment is that spreading mass over a larger distance, we would start to
slow down and vice versa. In order to test this, we have to conduct two different test and
compare them, we will then compare the test to equations and try to work it out logically without
plugging in numbers. Both tests involve one team member holding 2 calculus books and
spinning on a chair at a constant velocity. For each different test, we would have them hold the
books out and the other the books in.
- L= Angular Momentum
- I = moment of inertia
- W = angular Velocity
- V= Velocity
- R = Radius
- M = Mass
- L= IW
- W= V/R
- I = MR^2
Data and Observations

Jackson seems to be traveling a bit faster after the books are pulled in.

Analysis and Results

When we compare 2 equations, it would look like this:
(Note test 1 is books in, Test 2 is books held out)

The first line sets up that the angular momentum is the same. The second line has the equation to
the first line. The third line sets that the angular momentum is the same, the forth then giving the
equation to that.Since the only thing that changes is the radius, the velocity should change with it
in order for it match up. We also find that the inertia for the second test is greater. With lower
inertia, the less resistance it has to rotation for the first test, which would explain the higher
What we could do is calculate all the values such as calculate time, velocity, speed and more.
Something we cant do is get someone who goes at a constant velocity, there will always be
human error. This lab helped to explain why objects will more spread mass travel slower. This
happened as a result of the inertia. Something I can relate this to is skydiving, as people spread to
slow their fall, even if it doesn't relate to this lab.

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