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You are looking at 1-9 of 9 items for: adverse events MED00430

Jonathan P. Wyatt, Tim Squires, Guy Norfolk, and Jason Payne-James
Print Publication Year: 2011 Published Online: Sep 2011 Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199229949 eISBN: 9780191729812 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199229949.003.0004
Item type: chapter

Definitions and historical perspective - Clinical features of asphyxia - Strangulation -

Hanging - Compression asphyxia - Smothering - Choking - Autoerotic asphyxia - Drowning

Forensic autopsy
Jonathan P. Wyatt, Tim Squires, Guy Norfolk, and Jason Payne-James
Print Publication Year: 2011 Published Online: Sep 2011 Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199229949 eISBN: 9780191729812 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199229949.003.0003
Item type: chapter

The autopsy: terminology and definitions - Historical perspective - Forensic or clinical

autopsy - Forensic autopsy procedure: summary - The autopsy report - External examination
- Forensic autopsy: evisceration - Dissection: cardiovascular system - Dissection:
respiratory system - Dissection: endocrine system - Dissection: digestive system -
Dissection: lymphatic system - Dissection: musculoskeletal system - Dissection: cranium
and nervous system - Dissection: genitourinary system - Autopsy samples: legal aspects -
Autopsy samples: histology and toxicology - The paediatric forensic autopsy - Exhumation
- Mass graves and war crimes - Health and safety issues - High-risk autopsy - Infection risks
of autopsy - Death certification

Forensic science
Jonathan P. Wyatt, Tim Squires, Guy Norfolk, and Jason Payne-James
Print Publication Year: 2011 Published Online: Sep 2011 Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199229949 eISBN: 9780191729812 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199229949.003.0015
Item type: chapter

Introduction to forensic science - Crime scene management - Crime scene investigation -

Locards principle - Identification: matching and uniqueness - Daubert - Trace evidence:
background - Trace evidence: glass - Trace evidence: paint - Trace evidence: hairs and
fibres - Fingerprints - Forensic analysis of DNA - Interpretation of DNA analysis - National
DNA database - Exonerating the innocent - Forensic biology - Source of blood - Blood
pattern analysis - Forensic identification of semen - Forensic identification of other fluids

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date: 08 October 2017
- Forensic anthropology - Forensic archaeology - Forensic entomology - Environmental
forensics - Document analysis - Forensic miscellany - Fire: background - Fire prevention
and safety - Behaviour of fire indoors - Behaviour of fire outdoors - Fire: investigation
- Explosions and explosives - Explosion investigation - The context effect and scientific
evidence - Forensic statistics - The prosecutors fallacy

Forensic medicine and the practising doctor

Anthony Busuttil
Print Publication Year: 2010 Published Online: May 2010 Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199204854 eISBN: 9780199570973 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199204854.003.2701
Item type: chapter

Doctors have to keep in mind their legal responsibilities and duties from the very first day
of their practice. The services of a medical practitioner are often called upon when injuries
and other forms of abuse have taken place, and also when death has occurred, particularly
if death was sudden and unexpected. As a direct consequence, the doctor may acquire
information that suggests a suspicious and potentially criminal event. In such instances, the
doctors duty of care and bond of confidentiality to the patient must be carefully balanced
against their duties as a citizen of a country in which homicide cannot go undetected and
crime cannot be condoned....

Child abuse and neglect

Jonathan P. Wyatt, Tim Squires, Guy Norfolk, and Jason Payne-James
Print Publication Year: 2011 Published Online: Sep 2011 Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199229949 eISBN: 9780191729812 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199229949.003.0012
Item type: chapter

Background and historical perspective - Types of child abuse - Medical approach to child
abuse - Children Act 1989 and 2004 (England and Wales) - Physical abuse: medical
perspective - Presentation of physical abuse - Physical abuse: examination - Physical abuse:
interpreting findings - Development of sexual characteristics - Sexual abuse: presentation
- Sexual abuse: approach to examination - Sexual abuse: examination procedure - Sexual
abuse: interpreting findings - Recommended terminology - Female child genital findings
- Anal findings in suspected child abuse - Sexual abuse and infections - Neglect and
emotional abuse - Fictitious illness by proxy - Management of child abuse

Traffic law and medicine

Jonathan P. Wyatt, Tim Squires, Guy Norfolk, and Jason Payne-James
Print Publication Year: 2011 Published Online: Sep 2011 Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199229949 eISBN: 9780191729812 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199229949.003.0010
Item type: chapter

Road traffic accidents in perspective - Road traffic safety - Investigating road traffic
collisions - Patterns of injury in fatal road trauma - Patterns of fatal pedestrian injury -

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date: 08 October 2017
Patterns of injury in fatal collisions: vehicle occupants - Fatal injury patterns: motorcyclists
and cyclists - Medical conditions and fitness to drive - Alcohol and driving performance -
Drink-driving legislation - Provision of specimens for analysis - Taking blood samples in
a police station - Hospital procedures - Failure to provide samples under the Road Traffic
Act - Failure to provide blood and/or urine - Failure to provide a breath sample - Field
impairment testing by police - Medical examination of drug-impaired drivers - Drugs and
driving performance - Drugs and driving: cannabis - Drugs and driving: opioids - Drugs and
driving: benzodiazepines - Drugs and driving: stimulants

Forensic toxicology
Jonathan P. Wyatt, Tim Squires, Guy Norfolk, and Jason Payne-James
Print Publication Year: 2011 Published Online: Sep 2011 Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199229949 eISBN: 9780191729812 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199229949.003.0014
Item type: chapter

Introduction to forensic toxicology - Arsenic poisoning - Common drugs and poisons

- Toxicology and sudden death - Signs of poisoning at autopsy - Postmortem sample
collection - Interpretation of post mortem toxicology - Controlled drugs legislation -
Alcohol overview - Alcohol and sudden death - Toxicological kinetics - Diamorphine
(heroin) and morphine - Methadone (physeptone) - Other opioid substitutes - Stimulants:
amphetamines and ecstasy - Cocaine - Hallucinogens and related substances -
Benzodiazepines - Phenothiazines - Date rape drugs - Poisonous gases - Volatile substances
- Antidepressants - Paracetamol poisoning - Aspirin and non-steroidal poisoning - Harold
Shipman - Public health - Drugs in sport - Drugs and substance dependence - Glossary of
drug terminology - Antidepressant drugs - Analgesic drugs

Psychiatric aspects
Jonathan P. Wyatt, Tim Squires, Guy Norfolk, and Jason Payne-James
Print Publication Year: 2011 Published Online: Sep 2011 Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199229949 eISBN: 9780191729812 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199229949.003.0013
Item type: chapter

Introduction - Definitions of some common terms - Anxiety disorders - Mood disorders -

Psychotic illness - Learning disability - Psychiatric illness, alcohol, and drugs - Violent/
disturbed behaviour - Assessment of the mental state - Assessment of suicide risk - Fitness
for interview - Fitness to be charged/plead - Mental capacity and the 2005 Act - Mental
health legislation - Compulsory hospitalization - Sections 136 and 135 (Mental Health
Act 1983) - Diversion from the criminal justice system - Forensic psychiatry - Forensic

Forensic pathology of physical injury

Jonathan P. Wyatt, Tim Squires, Guy Norfolk, and Jason Payne-James
Print Publication Year: 2011 Published Online: Sep 2011 Publisher: Oxford University Press

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for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy).
date: 08 October 2017
ISBN: 9780199229949 eISBN: 9780191729812 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199229949.003.0005
Item type: chapter

Injury classification - Terms used to describe injuries - Describing injuries - Body diagrams
- Bruising - Progression of bruising with time - Lacerations, abrasions, and scratches -
Incised wounds - Stab wounds - Slash wounds - Skin wound healing - Defence injuries
- Intimate partner violence and abuse - Elder abuse and neglect - Torture - Scalp injury
and skull fracture - Primary brain injury - Traumatic intracranial haemorrhage - Further
complications of brain injury - Facial injuries - Spinal injury - Chest injury - Abdominal
injury - Fractures of the pelvis and extremities - Burns - Explosive injuries - Investigations
after an explosion - Firearms - Rifled gunshot injuries - Shotgun injuries

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date: 08 October 2017

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